diff --git a/src/api/encryption_get.c b/src/api/encryption_get.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cc64e6c214514d323a2befa0d0ac33e37da1ee42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/encryption_get.c
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ * Callback function that shows the current encryption status (encrypted or
+ * unencrypted).
+ *
+ * Example output:
+ * {"encryption-status":"encrypted"}
+ *
+ * @param[in]   request   incoming HTTP request
+ * @param[out]  response  HTTP response to the request
+ * @param[in]   user_data extra data to pass between main thread and callbacks
+ * @return                internal status code
+ */
+int callback_encryption_get(const struct _u_request * request,
+    struct _u_response * response, void * user_data)
+    bool encrypted;
+    bool * can_encrypt_nullable = NULL;
+    bool can_encrypt = true;
+    json_t * messages = json_array();
+    if (path_exists(DATA_PARTITION_DEVICE) &&
+        is_encrypted_device(DATA_PARTITION_DEVICE))
+    {
+        encrypted = true;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        encrypted = false;
+        can_encrypt_nullable = &can_encrypt;
+        // Mount the filesystem on the unencrypted device.
+        int r = temporary_mount(ROOT_DEVICE, UNENCRYPTED_MOUNTPOINT,
+            FILESYSTEM_TYPE);
+        if (r != 0)
+        {
+            printf("mounting root device failed: return code %d\n", r);
+            return send_simple_response(response, 500, "error",
+               "mounting root device failed");
+        }
+        bool fits = filesystem_fits_in_memory(UNENCRYPTED_MOUNTPOINT,
+            MEMORY_USAGE);
+        if (! fits)
+        {
+            can_encrypt = false;
+            json_array_append_new(messages, json_string(
+                "existing files do not fit in memory"));
+        }
+    }
+    json_t * json_body = NULL;
+    json_body = json_object();
+    json_object_set_new(json_body, "encrypted",
+        encrypted ? json_true() : json_false());
+    json_object_set_new(json_body, "can-encrypt",
+        can_encrypt_nullable == NULL ? json_null() :
+            (can_encrypt ? json_true() : json_false()));
+    json_object_set_new(json_body, "messages", messages);
+    ulfius_set_json_body_response(response, 200, json_body);
+    json_decref(json_body);
diff --git a/src/api/encryption_init.c b/src/api/encryption_init_post.c
similarity index 93%
rename from src/api/encryption_init.c
rename to src/api/encryption_init_post.c
index 17b1a0b4211f831c0d9351ba3ac63cd4a2c83d28..c68e10fb4086cba48247410de5dab651e1a1ef79 100644
--- a/src/api/encryption_init.c
+++ b/src/api/encryption_init_post.c
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
  * @param[in]   user_data extra data to pass between handler and main thread
  * @return                internal status code
-int callback_encryption_init(const struct _u_request * request,
+int callback_encryption_init_post(const struct _u_request * request,
     struct _u_response * response, void * user_data)
     bool * reboot = (bool *)user_data;
@@ -43,7 +43,9 @@ int callback_encryption_init(const struct _u_request * request,
     // Check if the device isn't already encrypted.
-    if (is_encrypted_device(ROOT_DEVICE))
+    // Actually we check if the device has any partitions; if so, we're not in
+    // the expected situation of an unpartitioned unencrypted root device.
+    if (path_exists(INFO_PARTITION_DEVICE))
         // The device is already encrypted; we don't want to encrypt it again.
         return send_simple_response(response, 500, "error",
@@ -61,22 +63,9 @@ int callback_encryption_init(const struct _u_request * request,
     // Determine the filesystem usage of the device to be encrypted.
-    unsigned long size = filesystem_usage(UNENCRYPTED_MOUNTPOINT);
-    if (size < 0)
-    {
-        // Something went wrong in determining the filesystem usage.
-        printf("determining filesystem usage failed: return code %lu\n", size);
-        return send_simple_response(response, 500, "error",
-           "determining filesystem usage failed");
-    }
-    printf("root device usage: %lu bytes\n", size);
-    // Determine the available memory.
-    unsigned long memory = available_memory();
-    double projected_usage = (double)size / (double)memory;
-    printf("projected memory usage: %.3f\n", projected_usage);
-    if (projected_usage > MEMORY_USAGE)
+    bool fits = filesystem_fits_in_memory(UNENCRYPTED_MOUNTPOINT,
+        MEMORY_USAGE);
+    if (! fits)
         // Projected memory usage is really high, so abort.
         return send_simple_response(response, 500, "error",
@@ -88,7 +77,7 @@ int callback_encryption_init(const struct _u_request * request,
     char * command = NULL;
     asprintf(&command, "rsync -a %s/ %s", UNENCRYPTED_MOUNTPOINT, TMP_LOCATION);
     r = system(command);
-    if(r != 0)
+    if (r != 0)
         printf("copying root device contents into memory failed"
             ": return code %d\n", r);
diff --git a/src/api/encryption_unlock.c b/src/api/encryption_unlock_post.c
similarity index 95%
rename from src/api/encryption_unlock.c
rename to src/api/encryption_unlock_post.c
index fd20287806e66b2579528fae256760feaf02681d..83340837691ef09686d9929c74e996571247b5b9 100644
--- a/src/api/encryption_unlock.c
+++ b/src/api/encryption_unlock_post.c
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
  * @param[in]   user_data extra data to pass between main thread and callbacks
  * @return                internal status code
-int callback_encryption_unlock(const struct _u_request * request,
+int callback_encryption_unlock_post(const struct _u_request * request,
     struct _u_response * response, void * user_data)
     json_t * json_input = ulfius_get_json_body_request(request, NULL);
diff --git a/src/auxiliary.c b/src/auxiliary.c
index 18b5e0f96b0f9a88dce220065863af83b4c9c77d..90ab5ab253028c37bb66b2d4ca18a17594cda284 100644
--- a/src/auxiliary.c
+++ b/src/auxiliary.c
@@ -131,6 +131,34 @@ unsigned long filesystem_usage(const char * path)
     return (s.f_blocks - s.f_bfree) * s.f_bsize;
+ * Check if the files on the given filesystem would fit into memory.
+ * @param  path          Path of the mounted filesystem.
+ * @param  safety_margin Fraction (between zero and one) of free memory to
+                         deem available for containing the files.
+ * @return               Whether the filesystem seems to fit into memory.
+ */
+bool filesystem_fits_in_memory(const char * path, double safety_margin)
+    // Determine the filesystem usage of the device to be encrypted.
+    unsigned long size = filesystem_usage(path);
+    if (size < 0)
+    {
+        // Something went wrong in determining the filesystem usage.
+        // Return false as a precaution.
+        printf("Determining file system usage failed (size: %lu)\n", size);
+        return false;
+    }
+    printf("file system usage: %lu bytes\n", size);
+    // Determine the available memory.
+    unsigned long memory = available_memory();
+    double projected_usage = (double)size / (double)memory;
+    printf("projected memory usage: %.3f\n", projected_usage);
+    return (projected_usage <= safety_margin);
  * Mount a filesystem; create the mount target if it doesn't exist.
  * @param  device_path Path to the device to mount.
@@ -283,13 +311,25 @@ int replace_ssh_key(int id, const char * ssh_key)
  * Add the SSH_COMMAND string in front of ssh_key unless it's already there
  * because people have seen it being used in ssh_keys_list.
- * @param[in]   ssh_key a valid ssh key string
+ * @param[out]  ssh_key_with_command    the ssh_key with the command prepended
+ *                                      if needed
+ * @param[in]   ssh_key                 a valid ssh key string
 int add_ssh_command(char ** ssh_key_with_command, const char * ssh_key)
-    if(strncmp(SSH_COMMAND, ssh_key, strlen(SSH_COMMAND)) != 0)
-        asprintf(ssh_key_with_command, "%s %s", SSH_COMMAND, ssh_key);
+    if (strncmp(SSH_COMMAND, ssh_key, strlen(SSH_COMMAND)) != 0)
+        return asprintf(ssh_key_with_command, "%s %s", SSH_COMMAND, ssh_key);
-        asprintf(ssh_key_with_command, "%s", ssh_key);
-    return 0;
+        return asprintf(ssh_key_with_command, "%s", ssh_key);
+ * Check if the given path already exists (as a (special) file or directory).
+ * @param  path  Path to test.
+ * @return       `true` if path exists, `false` otherwise.
+ */
+bool path_exists(const char * path)
+    struct stat st = {0};
+    return (stat(path, &st) == 0);
diff --git a/src/cryptops-api.c b/src/cryptops-api.c
index de28f6c4c48129e98d58bc8cadd8c99fe331c038..14a8a5348e7e9bd3f2fc599bf1fedbfef44076a6 100644
--- a/src/cryptops-api.c
+++ b/src/cryptops-api.c
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
 #include <auxiliary.c>
 #include <encryption_functions.c>
 #include <api/default.c>
-#include <api/encryption_init.c>
-#include <api/encryption_unlock.c>
+#include <api/encryption_get.c>
+#include <api/encryption_init_post.c>
+#include <api/encryption_unlock_post.c>
 #include <api/encryption_keys_put.c>
 #include <api/ssh_keys_get.c>
 #include <api/ssh_keys_put.c>
@@ -40,12 +41,15 @@ int main(int argc, char ** argv)
     // Add api endpoints.
     bool reboot = false;
+    ulfius_add_endpoint_by_val(&instance, "GET" , PREFIX,
+        "/encryption",
+        0, &callback_encryption_get, NULL);
     ulfius_add_endpoint_by_val(&instance, "POST", PREFIX,
-        0, &callback_encryption_init, &reboot);
+        0, &callback_encryption_init_post, &reboot);
     ulfius_add_endpoint_by_val(&instance, "POST", PREFIX,
-        0, &callback_encryption_unlock, NULL);
+        0, &callback_encryption_unlock_post, NULL);
     ulfius_add_endpoint_by_val(&instance, "PUT" , PREFIX,
         0, &callback_encryption_keys_put, NULL);
diff --git a/src/encryption_functions.c b/src/encryption_functions.c
index 1bc128a48732056facee36e187adabbf7ba156cb..9bbceecd4fa95ce917855f20a35eecadf50ed392 100644
--- a/src/encryption_functions.c
+++ b/src/encryption_functions.c
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ static int container_initialise(struct crypt_device ** cd, const char * path,
     const bool debug)
     // Check if the device exists.
-    struct stat st = {0};
-    if (stat(path, &st) == -1)
+    if (! path_exists(path))
         printf("device does not exist: %s.\n", path);
         return 1;