import * as React from 'react'; import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import UrgentRequest, { UrgentRequestProps, } from './UrgentRequest'; import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event'; const mockSetUrgent = jest.fn((urgen: boolean) => { }); describe('<UrgentRequest>', () => { it('renders the option to make a contact request urgent', () => { const { getByText, findAllByText } = render( <UrgentRequest urgent={urgent} setUrgent={ mockSetUrgent } /> ); // Folded urgent box has invisible content const urgentIntro = getByText(/CAUTION:/i); const urgentInput = screen.getByRole('input'); const urgentSubmit = screen.getByRole('button'); const urgentFold = getByText(/Urgent request\?/i); const noUrgentConfirmation = findAllByText(/Your request was marked urgent/i); expect(urgentIntro).not.toBeVisible(); // Unfolfing the urgency form; expect(urgentIntro).toBeVisible(); // Not urgent initially expect(noUrgentConfirmation).toBe([]); // See expected elements expect(document.body.contains(urgentIntro)); expect(urgentIntro).toHaveTextContent(/"URGENT"/) // Expected default values expect(urgentInput).toHaveValue(""); expect(urgentSubmit).toBeDisabled(); // Try typing something that doesn't change the urgent status userEvent.type(urgentInput, "NOT URGENT"); expect(urgentInput).toHaveValue("NOT URGENT"); expect(urgentSubmit).toBeDisabled(); // Clear the input userEvent.clear(urgentInput); // Fill in URGENT to change the urgent status userEvent.type(urgentInput, "URGENT"); // Can click submit now.. expect(urgentSubmit).not.toBeDisabled(); // Clicking it..; // Triggers a message sent up the hierarchy.. expect(mockSetUrgent).toBeCalledWith(true); // Which changes the `urgent` prop passed down to it which changes the // status to urgent. const urgentConfirmation = getByText(/Your request was marked urgent/i); expect(document.body.contains(urgentConfirmation)); // The urgent form is gone expect(urgentSubmit).not.toBeVisible(); expect(urgentInput).not.toBeVisible(); // A new button apppears that allows the status to be not urgent again. const notUrgentSubmit = screen.getByRole('button'); // Clicking it reverts everthing back to the original state.; expect(document.body.contains(urgentConfirmation)).not.toBeTruthy(); expect(urgentInput).toBeVisible(); expect(urgentInput).toHaveValue(""); expect(urgentSubmit).toBeVisible(); expect(notUrgentSubmit).not.toBeVisible(); }); });