Project 'openappstack/openappstack' was moved to 'stackspin/stackspin'. Please update any links and bookmarks that may still have the old path.
"Error: unsupported format" with Helm 2.15.0 and 2.15.1
For some reason the CI pipeline doesn't work anymore for installing applications.
helmfile apply
fails where it runs helm upgrade --install
. For example, see:
I also ran this with --log-level debug
to get some more info (I wished...)
TASK [apps : Apply cert-manager helmfile] *********************************************************************************************************************************************
Monday 21 October 2019 11:44:30 +0000 (0:00:00.299) 0:08:52.249 ********
fatal: []: FAILED! => changed=true
cmd: |-
set -e -x -o pipefail
/usr/local/bin/helmfile -b /snap/bin/helm -e oas -f /var/lib/OpenAppStack/source/helmfiles/helmfile.d/05-cert-manager.yaml apply --suppress-secrets | sed 's/\x1B\[[0-9;]*[JKmsu]//g' >> /var/log/OpenAppStack/helmfile.log
delta: '0:00:06.706631'
end: '2019-10-21 11:44:37.049311'
msg: non-zero return code
rc: 1
start: '2019-10-21 11:44:30.342680'
stderr: |-
+ /usr/local/bin/helmfile -b /snap/bin/helm -e oas -f /var/lib/OpenAppStack/source/helmfiles/helmfile.d/05-cert-manager.yaml apply --suppress-secrets
+ sed 's/\x1B\[[0-9;]*[JKmsu]//g'
Adding repo jetstack
"jetstack" has been added to your repositories
Updating repo
Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
...Skip local chart repository
...Successfully got an update from the "jetstack" chart repository
...Successfully got an update from the "stable" chart repository
Update Complete.
Comparing oas-test-cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager
Upgrading jetstack/cert-manager
in /var/lib/OpenAppStack/source/helmfiles/helmfile.d/05-cert-manager.yaml: failed processing release oas-test-cert-manager: helm exited with status 1:
Error: unsupported format
stderr_lines: <omitted>
stdout: ''
stdout_lines: <omitted>
So I ran helm upgrade --install
with the --debug
flag, to get some more info:
:~/.helm# /snap/bin/helm --debug upgrade --install --reset-values oas-test-cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --version 0.9.1 --namespace cert-manager --values /tmp/values300582802
[debug] Created tunnel using local port: '39435'
[debug] SERVER: ""
[debug] Fetched jetstack/cert-manager to /root/.helm/cache/archive/cert-manager-v0.9.1.tgz
Release "oas-test-cert-manager" does not exist. Installing it now.
[debug] CHART PATH: /root/.helm/cache/archive/cert-manager-v0.9.1.tgz
Error: unsupported format
Fuck you, helm.
This is where the error originates in the helm repo:
func write(out io.Writer, ow outputWriter, format outputFormat) error {
switch format {
case outputTable:
return ow.WriteTable(out)
case outputJSON:
return ow.WriteJSON(out)
case outputYAML:
return ow.WriteYAML(out)
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported format %s", format)
Seems like a helm
bug, maybe? But that's pretty weird, because I'm not sure when we last updated...