diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..701ed90f67f4a5b07ec00ca57d3a6d7cbbc0e8b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+  - remote: https://open.greenhost.net/stackspin/stackspin/-/raw/main/.gitlab/ci_templates/helm_package.yml
+  - template: 'Workflows/MergeRequest-Pipelines.gitlab-ci.yml'
+  - lint-helm-chart
+  - package-helm-chart
+  - release-helm-chart
+  CHART_NAME: nextcloud-onlyoffice
diff --git a/.gitlab/merge_request_templates/DEFAULT.md b/.gitlab/merge_request_templates/DEFAULT.md
index 598e6cb7921492f3f8075b4cd9e6e473c7c01ba1..317b21313fe651a0e7a40cc30fc800f55be64748 100644
--- a/.gitlab/merge_request_templates/DEFAULT.md
+++ b/.gitlab/merge_request_templates/DEFAULT.md
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ Thank you for making a Merge Request. Before you merge this, please make sure
 that you:
 - [ ] Updated chart version number
-- [ ] Manually tested chart changes with the openappstack bootstrap script
-- [ ] Created an MR in openappstack/openappstack that applies the changes from this MR
-- [ ] Tests in that MR in openappstack/openappstack succeed
+- [ ] Manually tested chart changes with the stackspin bootstrap script
+- [ ] Created an MR in stackspin/stackspin that applies the changes from this MR
+- [ ] Tests in that MR in stackspin/stackspin succeed
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 86126abee3020346ac986d1dc497a3a930e5de32..ac9adb60bdb858d9dd6fd4e15af074bc69408394 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,39 @@
-## Unreleased
+## [0.5.3] - 2021-12-01
+* Chart is now available on via helm repository:
+  https://open.greenhost.net/api/v4/projects/1/packages/helm/stable
+## [0.5.2] - 2021-11-03
+* Allow setting custom Kubernetes labels and annotations on onlyoffice deployment
+  and pod.
+## [0.5.1] - 2021-11-03
+* Fix mistakes in sociallogin config
+## [0.5.0] - 2021-11-02
+* Change the sociallogin settings structure so it can be automatically converted
+  to JSON
+  If you use sociallogin, you need to change the settings to conform the
+  structure currently under `sociallogin.custom_oidc` in `values.yaml`.
+  Example:
+  ```yaml
+  sociallogin:
+    custom_oidc:
+      authorizeUrl: "sso.${domain}/oauth2/auth"
+      tokenUrl: "sso.${domain}/oauth2/token"
+      userInfoUrl: "sso.${domain}/userinfo"
+      clientSecret: "${nextcloud_oauth_client_secret}"
+  ```
+## [0.4.0] - 2021-11-02
+* Replace pod probes by exec ones to actually check healthcheck status
 * Update NC chart to 2.9.0
   - This in turn updates the mariadb dependency chart from 7.10 to 9.6, which
     brings along some changes to helm value names: see [their upgrade
diff --git a/Chart.lock b/Chart.lock
index cc8f4e50709474189e4ebfbf61fa99c524cf408b..e428e1215412ce2d0c87de6f324ee5d3dcff7143 100644
--- a/Chart.lock
+++ b/Chart.lock
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 - name: nextcloud
   repository: https://nextcloud.github.io/helm
-  version: 2.9.0
+  version: 2.11.3
 - name: rabbitmq
   repository: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
-  version: 8.24.1
+  version: 8.26.1
 - name: redis
   repository: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
-  version: 10.5.7
+  version: 15.7.4
 - name: postgresql
   repository: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
-  version: 10.12.8
-digest: sha256:1891233216ad1a2b5da2cba77196d22ca51d60c962bdc26612110c7e7cfea2eb
-generated: "2021-10-27T04:08:09.977844271Z"
+  version: 10.13.15
+digest: sha256:028d5e43dcc7f93134b201f30272fcb05ddb4dd58b21d99a07ae73bd0eb98de8
+generated: "2022-01-13T10:36:22.85758837Z"
diff --git a/Chart.yaml b/Chart.yaml
index 7fe97dcd89d9387d0ce82505efc651e4a49ca62b..c16581541b1c4a3ecf6108c248d203e075fd7a7b 100644
--- a/Chart.yaml
+++ b/Chart.yaml
@@ -3,22 +3,23 @@ apiVersion: v2
 description: |
   A helm chart for installing NextCloud and setting up ONLYOFFICE integration
 name: nextcloud-onlyoffice
-version: 0.3.3
+version: 0.5.4
 appVersion: NC-20.0.11-OO-
+icon: https://cdn.rawgit.com/docker-library/docs/defa5ffc7123177acd60ddef6e16bddf694cc35f/nextcloud/logo.svg
   # https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/nextcloud/nextcloud
   - name: nextcloud
-    version: 2.9.0
+    version: 2.11.3
     repository: "https://nextcloud.github.io/helm"
   # https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/bitnami/rabbitmq
   - name: rabbitmq
-    version: 8.24.1
+    version: 8.26.1
     repository: "https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami"
   # https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/bitnami/redis
   - name: redis
-    version: 10.5.7
+    version: 15.7.4
     repository: "https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami"
   # https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/bitnami/postgresql
   - name: postgresql
-    version: 10.12.8
+    version: 10.13.15
     repository: "https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami"
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
index 4c0d78ee5cfce996936bbb6addc20a806dd18065..7737487d85060d04a3c966b1e2644e03814ec21d 100644
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
       same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
       identification within third-party archives.
-   Copyright 2019 OpenAppStack
+   Copyright 2019 Stackspin
    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1aff09061fd1e88777dcb7d1b6ed1bf562b57a6e..6509c9a5172ad933e274967b48a2b274e20923e8 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -9,23 +9,6 @@ documentation.
 Parts of this chart are based on a copy of the [COLLABORA code helm
-## Apps
-The Nextcloud app store allows admin users to install applications, many of
-which have not undergone security testing. For that reason we disabled
-downloading new apps via the app store. As the person installing Nextcloud it is
-possible to specify which applications from the app store are available for
-installation. It is also possible to enable them by default. Apps that are not
-enabled by default can be enabled through the Apps screen in Nextcloud.
-To install apps, edit the values.yaml file:
-  - name: sociallogin  # Installs sociallogin app
-    enabled: false     # Disables sociallogin by default
 ## Installation
@@ -45,21 +28,45 @@ secrets variables manually when you run helm install:
 - `postgresql.postgresqlPassword`
 - `rabbitmq.rabbitmq.password`
-Install with:
+Add our helm repository[^1]:
-helm install . --wait -f values-local.yaml
+helm repo add nextcloud-onlyoffice https://open.greenhost.net/api/v4/projects/1/packages/helm/stable
+Then install the chart:
+helm install --wait -f values-local.yaml my-nextcloud nextcloud-onlyoffice/nextcloud-onlyoffice
 **The `--wait` is important!** We need that because of how [helm chart
-hooks](https://helm.sh/docs/charts_hooks/#hooks-and-the-release-lifecycle) work:
+hooks](https://helm.sh/docs/topics/charts_hooks/) work:
-> Note that if the --wait flag is set, Tiller will wait until all resources are
-> in a ready state and will not run the post-install hook until they are ready.
+> Note that if the --wait flag is set, the library will wait until all resources
+> are in a ready state and will not run the post-install hook until they are
+> ready.
 The job in this chart needs the Nextcloud pod to be in a ready state before
 being executed.
+## Apps
+The Nextcloud app store allows admin users to install applications, many of
+which have not undergone security testing. For that reason we disabled
+downloading new apps via the app store. As the person installing Nextcloud it is
+possible to specify which applications from the app store are available for
+installation. It is also possible to enable them by default. Apps that are not
+enabled by default can be enabled through the Apps screen in Nextcloud.
+To install apps, edit the values.yaml file:
+  - name: sociallogin  # Installs sociallogin app
+    enabled: false     # Disables sociallogin by default
 ## Values
 The included `values.yaml` file configures Nextcloud to use a Mariadb database,
@@ -101,3 +108,5 @@ persistent disk (default: 2 GB) if you need more.
 | `onlyoffice.nodeSelector`                                    | Node labels for pod assignment                                                          | `{}`                                     |
 | `onlyoffice.affinity`                                        | Affinity settings                                                                       | `{}`                                     |
 | `onlyoffice.tolerations`                                     | List of node taints to tolerate                                                         | `[]`                                     |
+[^1]: If you want to test a version that is not on the `main` branch yet, use `https://open.greenhost.net/api/v4/projects/1/packages/helm/unstable`
diff --git a/templates/nextcloud-config.yaml b/templates/nextcloud-config.yaml
index c2054c57ebf4451f256bf1667e5b8c6471170274..ce4cc124f4e0866d48385eb65c604adcbecedb78 100644
--- a/templates/nextcloud-config.yaml
+++ b/templates/nextcloud-config.yaml
@@ -26,25 +26,14 @@ data:
-  social-login-config.json: |
-    {
-      "apps": {
-        "sociallogin": {
-          "auto_create_groups": "1",
-          "custom_providers": "{\"custom_oidc\": [{\"name\":\"oas\",\"title\":\"OpenAppStack\",\"authorizeUrl\":\"https:\\\/\\\/{{ .Values.sociallogin.server_name }}\\\/{{ .Values.sociallogin.oauth }}\\\/{{ .Values.sociallogin.auth_endpoint }}\",\"tokenUrl\":\"https:\\\/\\\/{{ .Values.sociallogin.server_name}}\\\/{{ .Values.sociallogin.oauth }}\\\/{{ .Values.sociallogin.token_endpoint }}\",\"userInfoUrl\":\"https:\\\/\\\/{{ .Values.sociallogin.server_name }}\\\/{{ .Values.sociallogin.oauth }}\\\/{{ .Values.sociallogin.userinfo_endpoint }}\",\"logoutUrl\":\"\",\"clientId\":\"{{ .Values.sociallogin.client_id }}\",\"clientSecret\":\"{{ .Values.sociallogin.client_secret | default "" }}\",\"scope\":\"{{ .Values.sociallogin.scope }}\",\"groupsClaim\":\"{{ .Values.sociallogin.groups_claim }}\",\"style\":\"\",\"defaultGroup\":\"\",\"groupMapping\":{\"admin\":\"admin\"}}]}",
-          "update_profile_on_login": "1"
-        }
-      }
-    }
   setup-apps.sh: |
     set -ev
     # Debug: place the json file in a persistent location for reuse
     cp /var/local/onlyoffice-config.json /var/www/html/
-    cp /var/local/social-login-config.json /var/www/html/
     # Enable app store so we can run `install` and `enable` commands
-    php occ config:system:set appstoreenabled --type boolean --value true
+    php $occ config:system:set appstoreenabled --type boolean --value true
     {{- range .Values.apps }}
     # -- Begin {{ .name }}
     # Only install {{ .name }} if it's not installed already
@@ -59,9 +48,11 @@ data:
     # Config settings from the configmap above
     php $occ config:import /var/local/onlyoffice-config.json
-    php $occ config:import /var/local/social-login-config.json
+    php $occ config:app:set sociallogin custom_providers --value='{"custom_oidc": [{{ .Values.sociallogin.custom_oidc | toJson }}]}'
+    php $occ config:app:set sociallogin auto_create_groups --value='{{ .Values.sociallogin.auto_create_groups }}'
+    php $occ config:app:set sociallogin update_profile_on_login --value='{{ .Values.sociallogin.update_profile_on_login }}'
     # Disable app store again
-    php occ config:system:set appstoreenabled --type boolean --value false
+    php $occ config:system:set appstoreenabled --type boolean --value false
   # All values in config.json are applied by the nextcloud occ command
   #   config:import.
diff --git a/templates/onlyoffice-deployment.yaml b/templates/onlyoffice-deployment.yaml
index 812028d1acfa2c66e79e812514662f5701dfd248..e0470a6c6721c7b20c209e9b0e733b395fe59bc7 100644
--- a/templates/onlyoffice-deployment.yaml
+++ b/templates/onlyoffice-deployment.yaml
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ metadata:
     helm.sh/chart: {{ include "onlyoffice-documentserver.chart" . }}
     app.kubernetes.io/instance: {{ .Release.Name }}
     app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: {{ .Release.Service }}
+    {{- if .Values.onlyoffice.deploymentLabels }}
+    {{- toYaml .Values.onlyoffice.deploymentLabels | nindent 4 }}
+    {{- end }}
   replicas: {{ .Values.onlyoffice.replicaCount }}
@@ -20,6 +23,10 @@ spec:
         app.kubernetes.io/name: {{ include "onlyoffice-documentserver.name" . }}
         app.kubernetes.io/instance: {{ .Release.Name }}
+        {{- if .Values.onlyoffice.podLabels }}
+        {{- toYaml .Values.onlyoffice.podLabels | nindent 8 }}
+        {{- end }}
+      annotations: {{ toYaml .Values.onlyoffice.podAnnotations | nindent 8 }}
         - name: {{ .Chart.Name }}
@@ -32,10 +39,11 @@ spec:
           imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.onlyoffice.image.pullPolicy }}
           {{- if .Values.onlyoffice.livenessProbe.enabled }}
-            httpGet:
-              path: /welcome
-              port: http
-              scheme: HTTP
+            exec:
+              command:
+                - "/bin/bash"
+                - "-c"
+                - "output=$(curl -s http://localhost:{{ .Values.onlyoffice.containerPort }}/healthcheck); if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1; fi; if [ \"$output\" == \"true\" ]; then exit 0; else exit 2; fi"
             initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.onlyoffice.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds }}
             periodSeconds: {{ .Values.onlyoffice.livenessProbe.periodSeconds }}
             timeoutSeconds: {{ .Values.onlyoffice.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds }}
@@ -44,10 +52,11 @@ spec:
           {{- end }}
           {{- if .Values.onlyoffice.readinessProbe.enabled }}
-            httpGet:
-              path: /welcome
-              port: http
-              scheme: HTTP
+            exec:
+              command:
+                - "/bin/bash"
+                - "-c"
+                - "output=$(curl -s http://localhost:{{ .Values.onlyoffice.containerPort }}/healthcheck); if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1; fi; if [ \"$output\" == \"true\" ]; then exit 0; else exit 2; fi"
             initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.onlyoffice.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds }}
             periodSeconds: {{ .Values.onlyoffice.readinessProbe.periodSeconds }}
             timeoutSeconds: {{ .Values.onlyoffice.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds }}
@@ -56,10 +65,11 @@ spec:
           {{- end }}
           {{- if .Values.onlyoffice.startupProbe.enabled }}
-            httpGet:
-              path: /welcome
-              port: http
-              scheme: HTTP
+            exec:
+              command:
+                - "/bin/bash"
+                - "-c"
+                - "output=$(curl -s http://localhost:{{ .Values.onlyoffice.containerPort }}/healthcheck); if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1; fi; if [ \"$output\" == \"true\" ]; then exit 0; else exit 2; fi"
             periodSeconds: {{ .Values.onlyoffice.startupProbe.periodSeconds }}
             timeoutSeconds: {{ .Values.onlyoffice.startupProbe.timeoutSeconds }}
             successThreshold: {{ .Values.onlyoffice.startupProbe.successThreshold }}
diff --git a/templates/onlyoffice-ingress.yaml b/templates/onlyoffice-ingress.yaml
index 88329d13f34add01b8f7936345d93dec31b8dbce..a05a3e5b40df7e26071d5fca658d843b88b2b3d4 100644
--- a/templates/onlyoffice-ingress.yaml
+++ b/templates/onlyoffice-ingress.yaml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 {{- if .Values.onlyoffice.ingress.enabled -}}
 {{- $fullName := include "onlyoffice-documentserver.fullname" . -}}
 {{- $ingressPaths := .Values.onlyoffice.ingress.paths -}}
-apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
+apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
 kind: Ingress
   name: {{ $fullName }}
@@ -32,11 +32,17 @@ spec:
           - path: "/"
-              serviceName: {{ $fullName }}
-              servicePort: http
+              service:
+                name: {{ $fullName }}
+                port:
+                  name: http
+            pathType: Prefix
           - path: "/spellchecker"
-              serviceName: {{ $fullName }}
-              servicePort: spellchecker
+              service:
+                name: {{ $fullName }}
+                port:
+                  name: spellchecker
+            pathType: Prefix
   {{- end }}
 {{- end }}
diff --git a/values-local.yaml.example b/values-local.yaml.example
index 7e3cee72056179a0198cb81045e155113b63ac54..bab7f18c15b8f267b83ffbcd4173697607c5c577 100644
--- a/values-local.yaml.example
+++ b/values-local.yaml.example
@@ -49,21 +49,31 @@ apps:
 # sociallogin enables login via oAuth/Open-ID Connect
-  # sociallogin.server_name is the FQDN of you oAuth server. The oAuth server needs to
-  # provide the endpoints `/userinfo`, `/oauth2/token` and `/oauth2/auth` and according
-  # to the oauth2 standard it needs to be accessible via https with valid certificates
-  server_name: sso.oas.example.net
-  # sociallogin.client_id is the client name nextcloud will use to communicate with the
-  # oAuth server
-  client_id: nextcloud
-  ## sociallogin.client_secret is the password that nextcloud uses when communicating with
-  ## the oauth server
-  # client_secret: "YouReallyNeedToChangeThis"
-  # sociallogin.groups_claim is the name of a claim that the nextcloud server can retrieve
-  # by querying the `/userinfo` enfpoint of the openID Connect server. For every value in
-  # the groups_claim a corresponding group with a `oas_` prefix will be created if they don't
-  # exist yet. The user will then be added to those groups.
-  # If the claim contains the value `admin` the user will be added granted admin privileges.
-  groups_claim: "openappstack_roles"
+  # Because of how we import these settings, single quotes (') are not allowed
+  # in any of the values below
+  custom_oidc:
+    name: stackspin
+    title: Stackspin
+    # The oAuth server needs to provide the endpoints `/userinfo`,
+    # `/oauth2/token` and `/oauth2/auth` and according to the oauth2 standard it
+    # needs to be accessible via https with valid certificates
+    authorizeUrl: https://sso.stackspin.example.net/oauth2/auth
+    tokenUrl: https://sso.stackspin.example.net/oauth2/token
+    userInfoUrl: https://sso.stackspin.example.net/userinfo
+    logoutUrl: ""
+    # The client name nextcloud will use to communicate with the oAuth server
+    clientId: nextcloud
+    # The password that nextcloud uses when communicating with the oauth server
+    # clientSecret: YouReallyNeedToChangeThis
+    scope: "openid profile email stackspin_roles"
+    # The name of a claim that the nextcloud server can retrieve by querying the
+    # userInfoUrl of the openID Connect server. For every value in the
+    # groups_claim a corresponding group with an `stackspin_` prefix will be created
+    # if they don't exist yet. The user will then be added to those groups.  If
+    # the claim contains the value `admin` the user will be granted admin
+    # privileges.
+    groupsClaim: "stackspin_roles"
+    style: ""
+    defaultGroup: ""
+    groupMapping:
+      admin: admin
diff --git a/values.yaml b/values.yaml
index e050fa515e08a7bbbf1cbe6b145e06055bfae619..554dbbd2b50e7f6727026c8bba4a03cf525a4500 100644
--- a/values.yaml
+++ b/values.yaml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ nextcloud:
   # Enable and configure MariaDB chart
     enabled: true
-    # Needed to fix https://open.greenhost.net/openappstack/nextcloud/issues/28#note_7070
+    # Needed to fix https://open.greenhost.net/stackspin/nextcloud/issues/28#note_7070
         pullSecrets: []
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ onlyoffice:
   # Allow chainging unauthorizedStorage and httpsHstsEnabled
   # Useful if you want to make Nextcloud and Onlyoffice work without proper
   # certificates, i.e. when testing or in CI
-  # see https://open.greenhost.net/openappstack/nextcloud/-/issues/964
+  # see https://open.greenhost.net/stackspin/nextcloud/-/issues/964
   # Default is to *not* allow unauthorizedStorage and to enforce HSTS
   unauthorizedStorage: false
   httpsHstsEnabled: true
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ onlyoffice:
     repository: onlyoffice/documentserver
-    tag:
+    tag:
     pullPolicy: Always
   strategy: Recreate
@@ -124,6 +124,13 @@ onlyoffice:
     #  cpu: 100m
     #  memory: 128Mi
+  # Custom labels to add to the onlyoffice documentserver deployment.
+  deploymentLabels: {}
+  # Custom labels to add to the onlyoffice documentserver pod.
+  podLabels: {}
+  # Custom annotations to add to the onlyoffice documentserver pod.
+  podAnnotations: {}
   nodeSelector: {}
   tolerations: []
@@ -156,12 +163,10 @@ onlyoffice:
     failureThreshold: 120
-  master:
-    command: redis-server --appendonly yes
-  usePassword: false
-  cluster:
+  auth:
+    # Disable redis password authentication altogether.
     enabled: false
+  architecture: standalone
@@ -174,14 +179,25 @@ postgresql:
     password: password
+    erlangCookie: stub
-  server_name: sso.oas.example.net
-  client_id: nextcloud
-  groups_claim: openappstack_roles
-  oauth: oauth2
-  auth_endpoint: "auth"
-  token_endpoint: "token"
-  userinfo_endpoint: "userinfo"
-  scope: "openid profile email openappstack_roles"
-  # client_secret: "YouReallyNeedToChangeThis"
+  update_profile_on_login: 1
+  auto_create_groups: 1
+  # Because of how we import these settings, single quotes (') are not allowed
+  # in any of the values below
+  custom_oidc:
+    name: remote
+    title: Remote login
+    authorizeUrl: https://sso.stackspin.example.net/oauth2/auth
+    tokenUrl: https://sso.stackspin.example.net/oauth2/token
+    userInfoUrl: https://sso.stackspin.example.net/userinfo
+    logoutUrl: ""
+    clientId: nextcloud
+    # clientSecret: YouReallyNeedToChangeThis
+    scope: "openid profile email roles"
+    groupsClaim: "roles"
+    style: ""
+    defaultGroup: ""
+    groupMapping:
+      admin: admin