nextcloud: nextcloud: host: "files.your.domain" password: Set a password here ingress: enabled: true annotations: # Tell traefik to automatically get a TLS certificate "true" hosts: - "files.your.domain" # Enable and configure MariaDB chart mariadb: db: password: Set a mysql password master: persistence: ## Enable PostgreSQL persistence using Persistent Volume Claims. enabled: true size: 512Mi replication: enabled: false rootUser: password: Set a mysql root user password onlyoffice: server_name: "office.your.domain" jwtSecret: Set any random secret for JWT here ingress: enabled: true hosts: - "office.your.domain" postgresql: postgresqlPassword: Set a password for postgresql rabbitmq: rabbitmq: password: Set a password for rabbitmq here # apps controls which apps will be installed and enabled in nextcloud apps: - name: sociallogin # apps[0].enabled needs to be set to true if you want to enable login via an external # oauth server. In that case you need to configure all the values in `sociallogin` enabled: false - name: onlyoffice enabled: true # sociallogin enables login via oAuth/Open-ID Connect sociallogin: # sociallogin.server_name is the FQDN of you oAuth server. The oAuth server needs to # provide the endpoints `/userinfo`, `/oauth2/token` and `/oauth2/auth` and according # to the oauth2 standard it needs to be accessible via https with valid certificates server_name: # sociallogin.client_id is the client name nextcloud will use to communicate with the # oAuth server client_id: nextcloud ## sociallogin.client_secret is the password that nextcloud uses when communicating with ## the oauth server # client_secret: "YouReallyNeedToChangeThis" # sociallogin.groups_claim is the name of a claim that the nextcloud server can retrieve # by querying the `/userinfo` enfpoint of the openID Connect server. For every value in # the groups_claim a corresponding group with a `oas_` prefix will be created if they don't # exist yet. The user will then be added to those groups. # If the claim contains the value `admin` the user will be added granted admin privileges. groups_claim: "openappstack_roles"