From 0a5c5e9a1041210b7be7146826253d1bcbb5b0b5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mark <>
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2019 16:03:54 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Rename variables and steps

 test/login_logout/                      |  2 +-
 .../test/behave/features/       | 12 ++++++---
 .../test/behave/features/login.feature        | 27 ++++++-------------
 .../test/behave/features/steps/       |  4 +--
 4 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/login_logout/ b/test/login_logout/
index 5f7366e..e58a728 100644
--- a/test/login_logout/
+++ b/test/login_logout/
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ def get_userinfo():
 def logout():
     del session['sso_token']
-    return redirect(LOGOUT_URL)
+    return redirect(url_for('login'))
 def callback():
diff --git a/test/login_logout/test/behave/features/ b/test/login_logout/test/behave/features/
index 592d579..fe5e4cb 100644
--- a/test/login_logout/test/behave/features/
+++ b/test/login_logout/test/behave/features/
@@ -37,20 +37,24 @@ def before_all(context):
 def before_tag(context, tag):
     values = dict()
     userdata = context.config.userdata
-    values['url'] = userdata.get('url')
-    values['logout'] = userdata.get('logout_url')
-    values['userinfo'] = userdata.get('userinfo_url')
+    values['home'] = userdata.get('url')
+    values['logout'] = values['home'] + "/logout"
+    values['userinfo'] = values['home'] + "/userinfo"
     values['username'] = userdata.get('username')
     values['username2'] = userdata.get('username2')
     values['password'] = userdata.get('password')
     values['email'] = userdata.get('email')
     values['role'] = userdata.get('role')
-    assert values['url'], 'url variable missing in' \
+    assert values['home'], 'url variable missing in' \
         'userdata. Provide it with "-D url".'
     assert values['username'], 'username variable missing in' \
         'userdata. Provide it with "-D username".'
     assert values['password'], 'password variable missing in' \
         'userdata. Provide it with "-D password".'
+    assert values['email'], 'email variable missing in' \
+        'userdata. Provide it with "-D email".'
+    assert values['role'], 'role variable missing in' \
+        'userdata. Provide it with "-D role".'
     context.oauth = values
diff --git a/test/login_logout/test/behave/features/login.feature b/test/login_logout/test/behave/features/login.feature
index 2fb598d..759b2ef 100644
--- a/test/login_logout/test/behave/features/login.feature
+++ b/test/login_logout/test/behave/features/login.feature
@@ -4,43 +4,32 @@ Feature: Test login-provider function
     I want to be able to login to an OAS App
     And verify my userdata that is provided by OpenID Connect
-Scenario: Open the oAuth application
-    When I open the URL "url"
-    Then I wait on element "input#username" for 1000ms to be visible
-Scenario: Login with a valid user with access to application
-    Given the element "input#username" is visible
+Scenario: Open the oAuth application and Login witha valid user
+    Given the oauth client "home" URL was opened
+    And the element "input#username" is visible
     When I enter the "username" in the inputfield "input#username"
     And I enter the "password" in the inputfield "input#password"
     And I click on the button "input#submit"
     Then I wait on element "input#password" for 1000ms to not exist
-Scenario: Wait for the oAuth flow to finish and check if access token is present
-    Given the element "input#password" does not exist
-    Then I expect that the path is "/callback"
+    And I expect that the path is "/callback"
     And I expect that element "body" contains the text "access_token"
 Scenario: Get OpenID Connect userdata for testuser
-    When I open the url "userinfo"
+    When I open the oauth client "userinfo" URL
     Then I expect that the "preferred_username" in the json output is "username"
     And I expect that the "email" in the json output is "email"
     And I expect that the "openappstack_roles" in the json output contains "role"
     And I expect that the "name" in the json output is "username"
 Scenario: Logout
-    When I open the URL "logout"
-    Then I wait on element "input#username" for 1000ms to be visible
-    And I expect that element "input#password" is visible
-    And I expect that element "input#submit" is visible
-Scenario: Navigate to Login page after logout
-    When I open the URL "url"
+    When I open the oauth client "logout" URL
     Then I wait on element "input#username" for 1000ms to be visible
     And I expect that element "input#password" is visible
     And I expect that element "input#submit" is visible
 Scenario: Login with a valid user without access to an application
-    Given the element "input#username" is visible
+    Given the oauth client "home" URL was opened
+    And the element "input#username" is visible
     When I enter the "username2" in the inputfield "input#username"
     And I enter the "password" in the inputfield "input#password"
     And I click on the button "input#submit"
diff --git a/test/login_logout/test/behave/features/steps/ b/test/login_logout/test/behave/features/steps/
index fd631bf..ef1a5a5 100644
--- a/test/login_logout/test/behave/features/steps/
+++ b/test/login_logout/test/behave/features/steps/
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ from behave_webdriver.steps import *
 def before_all(context):
     pass  # login and save cookies here
-@when(u'I open the URL "{url}"')
-@given(u'I open the URL "{url}"')
+@when(u'I open the oauth client "{url}" URL')
+@given(u'The oauth client "{url}" URL was opened')
 def step_impl(context, url):