diff --git a/helmchart/single-sign-on/values.yaml b/helmchart/single-sign-on/values.yaml
index 76787c9fb264f012009a29330a85408fe0e52e7a..84dabeb5c077ae9e08677d0fe8de69b03d274b20 100644
--- a/helmchart/single-sign-on/values.yaml
+++ b/helmchart/single-sign-on/values.yaml
@@ -3,31 +3,34 @@ consentProvider:
     # consentProvider.image.tag and consentProvider.image.pullPolicy should be the same as
     # loginProvider.image.tag and loginProvider.image.pullPolicy as the images are released
     # together in order to guarantee compatibility
-    << : &IMAGE_DEFAULTS_SSO { tag: "master", pullPolicy: "Always" }
+    tag: "master"
+    pullPolicy: "Always"
     repository: "open.greenhost.net:4567/openappstack/single-sign-on/consent_provider"
   podAnnotations: {}
+    tag: "master"
+    pullPolicy: "Always"
     repository: "open.greenhost.net:4567/openappstack/single-sign-on/login_provider"
   podAnnotations: {}
 # singleSignOnHost is the FQDN that will be used by the ingress to make the consent and
 # the login provider accessible by user agents. For now it is recommended to set it to the
 # same value as hydra.ingress.public.hosts[0].host
-singleSignOnHost: &SSO_HOST sso.oas.example.net
+singleSignOnHost: sso.oas.example.net
   # userpanel.applicationName is the name of the application. This is a duplicate of
   # userbackend.applications[0].name but helm < 3.0 doesn't supprt direct references to
   # list items in template files so we need to keep it for now
-  applicationName: &USER_PANEL user-panel
+  applicationName: user-panel
     # userpanel.image.tag and userpanel.image.pullPolicy should be the same as
     # userbackend.image.tag and userpanel.image.pullPolicy as the images are released
     # together in order to guarantee compatibility
-    << : &IMAGE_DEFAULTS_USER_PANEL { tag: "master", pullPolicy: "Always" }
+    tag: "master"
+    pullPolicy: "Always"
     repository: "open.greenhost.net:4567/openappstack/user-panel/frontend"
     # userpanel.ingress.host is the FQDN of the userpanel application
@@ -36,13 +39,14 @@ userpanel:
+    tag: "master"
+    pullPolicy: "Always"
     repository: "open.greenhost.net:4567/openappstack/user-panel/backend"
   # userbackend.username is the username of the admin user that will be create
   # after the installation of the user backend.
   username: "admin"
-    - name: *USER_PANEL
+    - name: user-panel
       description: Administration interface to manage user accounts
   # username.password is the password of the admin user
   password: "YouReallyNeedToChangeThis"
@@ -103,13 +107,13 @@ hydra:
         # hydra.ingress.public.hosts[0].hosts.host is the FQDN of the single sign-on system
         # that will be used by oAuth clients to retrieve userinfo and redirect their users to.
-        - host: *SSO_HOST
+        - host: sso.oas.example.net
           paths: ["/"]
         # oAuth2 only works via https. You really need to configure your ingress service to
         # provide access to hydra via https.
         - hosts:
-          - *SSO_HOST
+          - sso.oas.example.net
           secretName: hydra-public.tls
     # hydra.ingress.admin is the ingress resource that controls access to the hydra
     # admin API server. It can be activated using the same options as in
@@ -123,7 +127,7 @@ hydra:
   # oauthClients[].clientName is the name of the oauth client that needs to be the same as
   # the application name in userbackend.applications[].name
-- clientName: *USER_PANEL
+- clientName: user-panel
   # oauthClients[].clientSecret is the secret the client uses to authenticate
   clientSecret: "YouReallyNeedToChangeThis"
   # oAuthClients[].redirectUri is the url the user will be redirected to by hydra when the