From 78de8a56fda9ec75063d38c0eb57996cba6f635b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maarten de Waard <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2022 11:55:52 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] change login.db.uri to login.db.hostname

 docs/                               |  2 +-
 helmchart/single-sign-on/templates/_helpers.tpl |  2 +-
 helmchart/single-sign-on/values.yaml            | 12 ++++++------
 3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 98232ad..f74f35d 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ This table lists the variables you are most likely to change. Take a look at the
 | `login.image.tag`                    | Release version of login provider image                 | main                                    |
 | `login.user`                         | Username of user to create during installation          |                       |
 | `login.password`                     | **Password of user to create during installation**      | **ThisIsNotASecurePassword**            |
-| `login.db.uri`                       | **Database URI for backend**                            | **single-sign-on-database**             |
+| `login.db.hostname`                  | **Database hostname for backend**                       | **single-sign-on-database**             |
 | `login.db.password`                  | **Database password for backend**                       | **YouReallyNeedToChangeThis**           |
 | `login.db.database`                  | Database name for backend                               | stackspin                               |
 | `login.db.user`                      | Database user for backend                               | stackspin                               |
diff --git a/helmchart/single-sign-on/templates/_helpers.tpl b/helmchart/single-sign-on/templates/_helpers.tpl
index 47eaa94..e54575f 100644
--- a/helmchart/single-sign-on/templates/_helpers.tpl
+++ b/helmchart/single-sign-on/templates/_helpers.tpl
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Create a secret name which can be overridden.
 - name: PUBLIC_URL
   value: https://{{ .Values.singleSignOnHost }}/login
-  value: postgresql://{{ .Values.login.db.user }}:{{ .Values.login.db.password }}@{{ .Values.login.db.uri }}/{{ .Values.login.db.database }}
+  value: postgresql://{{ .Values.login.db.user }}:{{ .Values.login.db.password }}@{{ .Values.login.db.hostname }}/{{ .Values.login.db.database }}
   value: config.DevelopmentConfig
 {{- end }}
diff --git a/helmchart/single-sign-on/values.yaml b/helmchart/single-sign-on/values.yaml
index 92acf74..b303460 100644
--- a/helmchart/single-sign-on/values.yaml
+++ b/helmchart/single-sign-on/values.yaml
@@ -201,12 +201,12 @@ login:
     repository: ""
   podAnnotations: {}
-    # The URI to an (external) Postgresql instance for SSO-related data. This
-    # should already exist when you install this helm chart.
-    uri: single-sign-on-database
-    # The username, password and database inside the Postgres referenced in
-    # `login.db.uri`. The database should exist and the user should have access
-    # to it with the password defined below.
+    # The hostname of an (external) Postgresql instance for SSO-related data.
+    # This should already exist when you install this helm chart.
+    hostname: single-sign-on-database
+    # The username, password and database inside the Postgres referenced by
+    # `login.db.hostname`. The database should exist and the user should have
+    # access to it with the password defined below.
     user: stackspin
     password: stackspin
     database: stackspin