diff --git a/helmchart/single-sign-on/templates/cronjob-create-oauth-clients.yaml b/helmchart/single-sign-on/templates/cronjob-create-oauth-clients.yaml
index 932808325be1174ed5e06cfaf63f5dd5fbe05e20..39415a277bbd9aec69ce150e76e007020a98bf1b 100644
--- a/helmchart/single-sign-on/templates/cronjob-create-oauth-clients.yaml
+++ b/helmchart/single-sign-on/templates/cronjob-create-oauth-clients.yaml
@@ -52,30 +52,40 @@ spec:
             - >
               curl http://{{ $.Release.Name }}-hydra-admin:4445/health/ready \
-                  --silent \\
-                  --write-out "\nCheck Hydra health: HTTP %{http_code}" \
-                  | tail -1 | grep 200 && echo "Hydra is ready to accept requests." &&
-              curl http://{{ $.Release.Name }}-hydra-admin:4445/clients/$CLIENT_NAME \
                   --silent \
-                  --write-out "\nRequesting oauth client $CLIENT_NAME: HTTP %{http_code}\n"  \
-                  | tail -1  \
-                  | grep 404 &&
-              curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
-                  --request POST \
-                  --data "{\"client_id\": \"$CLIENT_ID\",
-                            \"client_name\": \"$CLIENT_NAME\",
-                            \"client_secret\": \"$CLIENT_SECRET\",
-                            \"client_uri\": \"$CLIENT_URI\",
-                            \"logo_uri\": \"$CLIENT_LOGO_URI\",
-                            \"redirect_uris\": [\"$REDIRECT_URI\"],
-                            \"scope\": \"$SCOPES\",
-                            \"grant_types\": [$GRANT_TYPES\"\"],
-                            \"response_types\": [$RESPONSE_TYPES\"\"],
-                            \"token_endpoint_auth_method\": \"client_secret_post\"}" \
-                  http://{{ $.Release.Name }}-hydra-admin:4445/clients \
+                  --write-out "\nCheck Hydra health: HTTP %{http_code}" \
+               | tail -1 | grep 200; \
+               if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then \
+                 echo "Hydra is ready to accept requests."; \
+                 curl http://{{ $.Release.Name }}-hydra-admin:4445/clients/$CLIENT_NAME \
                   --silent \
-                  --write-out "\nCreating oauth client $CLIENT_ID: HTTP(%{http_code})\n" \
+                  --write-out "\nRequesting oauth client $CLIENT_NAME: HTTP %{http_code}\n" \
                   | tail -1  \
-                  | grep 201 &&
-              echo "Successfully created $CLIENT_ID"
+                  | grep 404; \
+                 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then \
+                   echo "Client doesn't exist. (Re)creating client..."; \
+                   curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
+                    --request POST \
+                    --data "{\"client_id\": \"$CLIENT_ID\",
+                              \"client_name\": \"$CLIENT_NAME\",
+                              \"client_secret\": \"$CLIENT_SECRET\",
+                              \"client_uri\": \"$CLIENT_URI\",
+                              \"logo_uri\": \"$CLIENT_LOGO_URI\",
+                              \"redirect_uris\": [\"$REDIRECT_URI\"],
+                              \"scope\": \"$SCOPES\",
+                              \"grant_types\": [$GRANT_TYPES\"\"],
+                              \"response_types\": [$RESPONSE_TYPES\"\"],
+                              \"token_endpoint_auth_method\": \"client_secret_post\"}" \
+                    http://{{ $.Release.Name }}-hydra-admin:4445/clients \
+                    --silent \
+                    --write-out "\nCreating oauth client $CLIENT_ID: HTTP(%{http_code})\n" \
+                    | tail -1  \
+                    | grep 201; \
+                    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Successfully created $CLIENT_ID"; exit 0; \
+                    else echo "Client creation failed"; exit 1; \
+                    fi; \
+                 else echo "Client already exists"; exit 0; \
+                 fi; \
+                 else echo "Hydra API not available"; exit 1; \
+              fi;
           {{- end }}