diff --git a/test/behave/Dockerfile b/test/behave/Dockerfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 63dc78c0ca34838c7dcd2d707c9bb1474aa046d6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/behave/Dockerfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-FROM alpine:3.9
-LABEL name="Integration CI test image"
-RUN apk --no-cache add \
-  chromium \
-  chromium-chromedriver \
-  python3-dev \
-  curl \
-  bash
-RUN pip3 install behave behave_webdriver
diff --git a/test/behave/behave/features/environment.py b/test/behave/behave/features/environment.py
deleted file mode 100644
index dddff08475705b1e9ff63f42c2cada2e848ca92c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/behave/behave/features/environment.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-"""Basic setup for behave and chromedriver."""
-import behave_webdriver
-import os
-import re
-import time
-from behave_webdriver.driver import ChromeOptions
-def save_screenshot(context, step):
-    """Save a screenshot to ./screenshots."""
-    timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
-    filename = re.sub('\W', '-', '{} failed {}'.format(timestamp,
-                                                       str(step.name)))
-    filepath = os.path.join('screenshots', filename + '.png')
-    if not os.path.exists('screenshots'):
-        os.mkdir('screenshots')
-    print('Saving screenshot to %s' % filepath)
-    context.behave_driver.save_screenshot(filepath)
-def before_all(context):
-    """Run at the very beginning."""
-    userdata = context.config.userdata
-    headless = userdata.get('headless', 'False')
-    chrome_options = ChromeOptions()
-    if headless == 'True':
-        chrome_options.add_argument('--headless')
-    chrome_options.add_argument('--no-sandbox')
-    chrome_options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage')
-    context.behave_driver = behave_webdriver.Chrome(
-        chrome_options=chrome_options)
-def before_tag(context, tag):
-    values = dict()
-    userdata = context.config.userdata
-    values['home'] = userdata.get('url')
-    values['logout'] = values['home'] + "/logout"
-    values['userinfo'] = values['home'] + "/userinfo"
-    values['single-sign-off'] = values['home'] + "/single-sign-off"
-    values['username'] = userdata.get('username')
-    values['username2'] = userdata.get('username2')
-    values['password'] = userdata.get('password')
-    values['email'] = userdata.get('email')
-    values['role'] = userdata.get('role')
-    assert values['home'], 'url variable missing in' \
-        'userdata. Provide it with "-D url".'
-    assert values['username'], 'username variable missing in' \
-        'userdata. Provide it with "-D username".'
-    assert values['password'], 'password variable missing in' \
-        'userdata. Provide it with "-D password".'
-    assert values['email'], 'email variable missing in' \
-        'userdata. Provide it with "-D email".'
-    assert values['role'], 'role variable missing in' \
-        'userdata. Provide it with "-D role".'
-    context.oauth = values
-def after_all(context):
-    """Cleanup after tests run."""
-    context.behave_driver.quit()
-def after_step(context, step):
-    """Save screeshot if step fails."""
-    if step.status == 'failed':
-        save_screenshot(context, step)
-        print("Console log output:")
-        for message in context.behave_driver.get_log('browser'):
-            print("  Level: {}".format(message['level']))
-            print("  Timestamp: {}".format(message['timestamp']))
-            print("  Source: {}".format(message['source']))
-            print("  Message: {}\n".format(message['message']))
diff --git a/test/behave/behave/features/login.feature b/test/behave/behave/features/login.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a8eca2a3378156a7021e71a7051e0de1ecc22df..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/behave/behave/features/login.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-Feature: Test login-provider function
-    As a Stackspin user
-    I want to be able to login to a Stackspin App
-    And verify my userdata that is provided by OpenID Connect
-Scenario: Open the oAuth application and Login witha valid user
-    Given the oauth client "home" URL was opened
-    And the element "input#username" is visible
-    When I enter the "username" in the inputfield "input#username"
-    And I enter the "password" in the inputfield "input#password"
-    And I click on the button "input#submit"
-    Then I wait on element "input#password" for 1000ms to not exist
-    And I expect that the path is "/"
-    And I expect that element "body" contains the text "access_token"
-Scenario: Get OpenID Connect userdata for testuser
-    When I open the oauth client "userinfo" URL
-    Then I expect that the "preferred_username" in the json output is the same as oauth variable "username"
-    And I expect that the "email" in the json output is the same as oauth variable "email"
-    And I expect that the "stackspin_roles" in the json output contains the value of oauth variable "role"
-    And I expect that the "name" in the json output is the same as oauth variable "username"
-Scenario: Logout
-    When I open the oauth client "logout" URL
-    Then I wait on element "input#username" for 1000ms to be visible
-    And I expect that element "input#password" is visible
-    And I expect that element "input#submit" is visible
diff --git a/test/behave/behave/features/logout.feature b/test/behave/behave/features/logout.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index de3c520c0fe5a5de5fa457f8b2bf8de53b8124d3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/behave/behave/features/logout.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Feature: Test logout-provider function
-    As a Stackspin user
-    I want to be able to use single-sign off triggered by a
-    Stackspin APP. And verify that even though I selected remember me
-    my session was removed.
-Scenario: Login with a valid user and remember session
-    Given the oauth client "home" URL was opened
-    And the element "input#remember" is visible
-    When I enter the "username" in the inputfield "input#username"
-    And I enter the "password" in the inputfield "input#password"
-    And I click on the element "input#remember"
-    And I click on the button "input#submit"
-    Then I wait on element "input#password" for 1000ms to not exist
-Scenario: Logout using the single sign-off feature
-    Given the oauth client "single-sign-off" URL was opened
-    And I pause for 1000ms
-    Then I wait on element "input#username" for 1000ms to exist
diff --git a/test/behave/behave/features/reject_unauthorized_logins.feature b/test/behave/behave/features/reject_unauthorized_logins.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e1bd15e0d25aeb64972a2965399457f2d295629..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/behave/behave/features/reject_unauthorized_logins.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-Feature: Test features that prohibit unauthorized access
-    As an attacker or unauthorized user
-    I want to to login to a Stackspin App
-    And the single sign-on will block my login attempts
-Scenario: Login with a valid user without access to an application
-    Given the oauth client "home" URL was opened
-    And the element "input#username" is visible
-    When I enter the "username2" in the inputfield "input#username"
-    And I enter the "password" in the inputfield "input#password"
-    And I click on the button "input#submit"
-    Then I wait on element "input#password" for 1000ms to not exist
-    And I expect that element "input#username" does not exist
-    And I expect that element "body" contains the text "error"
-    And I expect that element "body" contains the text "Permission denied"
-    And I expect that element "body" contains the text "missing application permission"
-Scenario: Login with an invalid user
-    Given the oauth client "home" URL was opened
-    And the element "input#username" is visible
-    When I set "not_a_valid_user" to the inputfield "input#username"
-    And I set "password" to the inputfield "input#password"
-    And I click on the button "input#submit"
-    Then I wait on element "input#password" for 1000ms to not exist
-    And I expect that element "input#username" does not exist
-    And I expect that element "body" contains the text "error"
-    And I expect that element "body" contains the text "Login denied"
-    And I expect that element "body" contains the text "Invalid username or password"
diff --git a/test/behave/behave/features/remember_me.feature b/test/behave/behave/features/remember_me.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c76afac52e86097c8b3d349f8009c2fa924246a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/behave/behave/features/remember_me.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-Feature: Testing single sign-on sessions
-    As a Stackspin user
-    I want to login once to use an application
-    And I use my active single sign-on session to login again without providing credentials
-Scenario: Login with a valid user and remember session
-    Given the oauth client "home" URL was opened
-    And the element "input#username" is visible
-    And the element "input#remember" is visible
-    When I enter the "username" in the inputfield "input#username"
-    And I enter the "password" in the inputfield "input#password"
-    And I click on the element "input#remember"
-    And I click on the button "input#submit"
-    Then I wait on element "input#password" for 1000ms to not exist
-    And I expect that element "input#username" does not exist
-    And I expect that the path is "/"
-    And I expect that element "body" contains the text "access_token"
-Scenario: Login without providing credentials
-    Given the oauth client "logout" URL was opened
-    And I pause for 1000ms
-    And there is no element "input#username" on the page
-    And there is no element "input#password" on the page
-    And the element "button#continue" is visible
-    When I click on the element "button#continue"
-    Then I wait on element "button#continue" for 1000ms to not exist
-    And I expect that the path is "/"
-    And I expect that element "body" contains the text "access_token"
-Scenario: Terminate single sign-on session
-    Given the oauth client "logout" URL was opened
-    And I pause for 1000ms
-    And the element "button#logout" is visible
-    When I click on the element "button#logout"
-    Then I expect that the "error" in the json output is "Login cancelled"
-    And I expect that the "error_description" in the json output is "Login was cancelled and user session was terminated"
diff --git a/test/behave/behave/features/steps/compare_json_values.py b/test/behave/behave/features/steps/compare_json_values.py
deleted file mode 100644
index da73242d5460566c36e9820fdf7b7984de38fa93..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/behave/behave/features/steps/compare_json_values.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-"""Custom steps for tests that anaylize a website that returns a json object."""
-import json
-from behave import given, when, then
-from behave_webdriver.steps import *
-@then(u'I expect that the "{variable}" in the json output is the same as oauth variable "{value}"')
-def step_impl(context, variable, value):
-    assert context.oauth[value] == get_value_from_json_body(context, variable)
-@then(u'I expect that the "{variable}" in the json output is "{value}"')
-def step_impl(context, variable, value):
-    assert value == get_value_from_json_body(context, variable)
-@then(u'I expect that the "{variable}" in the json output contains the value of oauth variable "{value}"')
-def step_impl(context, variable, value):
-    assert context.oauth[value] in get_value_from_json_body(context, variable)
-@then(u'I expect that the "{variable}" in the json output contains "{value}"')
-def step_impl(context, variable, value):
-    assert value in get_value_from_json_body(context, variable)
-def get_value_from_json_body(context, key):
-    obj_serialized = context.behave_driver.get_element("body").text
-    return json.loads(obj_serialized)[key]
diff --git a/test/behave/behave/features/steps/webdriver_with_variables.py b/test/behave/behave/features/steps/webdriver_with_variables.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e913d60f2680a5609b49d728ee41256266eb61fc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/behave/behave/features/steps/webdriver_with_variables.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-"""Custom steps for login tests that use oauth environment variables"""
-from behave import given, when, then
-from behave_webdriver.steps import *
-def before_all(context):
-    pass  # login and save cookies here
-@when(u'I open the oauth client "{url}" URL')
-@given(u'The oauth client "{url}" URL was opened')
-def step_impl(context, url):
-    context.behave_driver.get(context.oauth[url])
-@when(u'I enter the "{attribute}" in the inputfield "{element}"')
-def step_impl(context, attribute,  element):
-    """Enter value into login inputfields."""
-    elem = context.behave_driver.get_element(element)
-    elem.clear()
-    value = context.oauth[attribute]
-    elem.send_keys(value)
-@then(u'I expect that element "{element}" contains the value of var "{variable}"')
-def step_impl(context, element, variable):
-    """Check if value is in field"""
-    elem = context.behave_driver.get_element(element)
-    value = context.oauth[variable]
-    assert value in elem.text
diff --git a/test/sso_testapp/app.py b/test/sso_testapp/app.py
index 5d6e328959d8046c7a105ed78f07769a0481839d..b1f5c031ff58c055594eca82d60eec82b38cf0b5 100644
--- a/test/sso_testapp/app.py
+++ b/test/sso_testapp/app.py
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+Stub app to check if SSO works in testing
 import json
 from os import environ
 from flask import Flask, url_for, redirect, jsonify, session, request
@@ -32,6 +36,8 @@ sso.store_registration_info(sso_client_reg)
 def index():
+    """Index"""
     if "state" not in session.keys():
         state = rndstr()
         session["state"] = state
@@ -46,6 +52,7 @@ def index():
 def info():
+    """Show info"""
     if "state" in session.keys() and sso.grant[session["state"]].is_valid:
         token = sso.grant[session["state"]].get_token()
         return jsonify(token.id_token.to_dict())
@@ -53,12 +60,14 @@ def info():
 def logout():
+    """Logout"""
     del sso.grant[session["state"]]
     del session["state"]
     return redirect("/")
 def single_sign_off():
+    """Single Sign Off Call"""
     redir = sso.construct_CheckSessionRequest(state=session["state"])
     answer = sso.do_end_session_request(state=session["state"], request_args={
         "id_token_hint": redir["id_token"],
@@ -69,6 +78,7 @@ def single_sign_off():
 def callback():
+    """Callback"""
     if "error" in request.args:
         return jsonify(request.args)
     aresp = sso.parse_response(AuthorizationResponse, info=json.dumps(request.args))