diff --git a/helmchart/single-sign-on/values.yaml b/helmchart/single-sign-on/values.yaml
index 1c6ca48a1d75cfd008320c9cb3c8fdb2ac07d8f9..05fa377607bf983002d17ffbc166cfff89fb0167 100644
--- a/helmchart/single-sign-on/values.yaml
+++ b/helmchart/single-sign-on/values.yaml
@@ -8,19 +8,19 @@ image:
 # singleSignOnHost is the FQDN that will be used by the ingress to make the consent and
 # the login provider accessible by user agents. For now it is recommended to set it to the
 # same value as hydra.ingress.public.hosts[0].host
-singleSignOnHost: sso.oas.alumnicloud.net
+singleSignOnHost: sso.oas.example.net
     repository: "open.greenhost.net:4567/openappstack/user-panel"
-    tag: "19-feature-link-to-the-applications-included-in-oas"
+    tag: "master"
     pullPolicy: Always
     # userpanel.ingress.host is the FQDN of the userpanel application
-    host: admin.oas.alumnicloud.net
+    host: admin.oas.example.net
   # userpanel.oauthClientSecret is the secret the userpanel application will use to make
   # oauth requests to the hydra service.
-  oAuthClientSecret: "alsjdlaskjdlaksjdlaksjdlakjsdlakjs"
+  oAuthClientSecret: "YouReallyNeedToChangeThis"
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ userbackend:
   # after the installation of the user backend.
   username: "admin"
   # username.password is the password of the admin user
-  password: "securepassowrd:)"
+  password: "YouReallyNeedToChangeThis"
   # username.email is email address of the admin user
-  email: "admin@alumnicloud.net"
+  email: "admin@example.net"
   # root password of the postgress db that is created and used by the userbackend
   postgresPassword: "postgres"
@@ -54,18 +54,18 @@ hydra:
           # hydra.hydra.config.urls.self is the base url of hydra. It needs to match the FQDN
           # specified in hydra.ingress.public
-          issuer: https://sso.oas.alumnicloud.net
+          issuer: https://sso.oas.example.net
         # hydra.hydra.config.urls.login is the uri that users are redirect to perform the
         # login operation. The FQDN used here needs to match the value of singleSignOnHost
-        login: https://sso.oas.alumnicloud.net/login
+        login: https://sso.oas.example.net/login
         # hydra.hydra.config.urls.consent is the uri that users are redirect to trigger
         # the consent/permission check. The FQDN used here needs to match the value of
         # singleSignOnHost
-        consent: https://sso.oas.alumnicloud.net/consent
+        consent: https://sso.oas.example.net/consent
         # hydra.hydra.config.secret is used as a seed whenever cryptographic operations are
         # performed by hydra i.e. creation of a token.
-        system: "alskdjölakjdslaksjdlaksjdlaksjdladpogipsoigdpsodigp"
+        system: "YouReallyNeedToChangeThis"
       enabled: true
@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@ hydra:
         # hydra.ingress.public.hosts[0].hosts.host is the FQDN of the single sign-on system
         # that will be used by oAuth clients to retrieve userinfo and redirect their users to.
-        - host: sso.oas.alumnicloud.net
+        - host: sso.oas.example.net
           paths: ["/"]
         - hosts:
-          - sso.oas.alumnicloud.net
+          - sso.oas.example.net
           secretName: hydra-public.tls
     # hydra.ingress.admin is the ingress resource that controls access to the hydra
     # admin API server. It can be activated using the same options as in