diff --git a/docs/helmchart.md b/docs/helmchart.md
index 4fee529adb10d0d4f46edde25b4859c38bad4521..b2fd90f0e22695ed2c38ba43bb0949602597290b 100644
--- a/docs/helmchart.md
+++ b/docs/helmchart.md
@@ -28,22 +28,63 @@ This table lists the variables you are most likely to change. Take a look at the
 | Parameter                            | Description                                             | Default                                 |
 | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------               |
-| `consentProvider.image.repository`   | Name of image repository to be used for consent provider| open.greenhost.net:4567/stackspin/single-sign-on/consent_provider |
-| `consentProvider.image.tag`          | Release version of consent provider image               | main                                  |
-| `loginProvider.image.repository`     | Name of image repository to be used for login provider  | open.greenhost.net:4567/stackspin/single-sign-on/login_provider |
-| `loginProvider.image.tag`            | Release version of login provider image                 | main                                  |
+| `login.image.repository`             | Name of image repository to be used for login provider  | open.greenhost.net:4567/stackspin/single-sign-on/login |
+| `login.image.tag`                    | Release version of login provider image                 | main                                    |
+| `login.login`                        | Username of user to create during installation          | admin@example.com                       |
+| `login.password`                     | Password of user to create during installation          | ThisIsNotASecurePassword                |
+| `login.db.user`                      | Database user for backend                               | stackspin                               |
+| `login.db.password`                  | Database password for backend                           | stackspin                               |
+| `login.db.database`                  | Database name for backend                               | stackspin                               |
+| `login.db.user`                      | Database user for backend                               | stackspin                               |
 | `singleSignOnHost`                   | **FQDN of the openID Connect / oAuth2 server**          | **sso.stackspin.example.net**                 |
-| `userpanel.ingress.host`             | **FQDN of the userpanel**                               | **admin.stackspin.example.net**               |
-| `userbackend.username`               | Username of the admin user                              | admin                                   |
-| `userbackend.password`               | Password of the admin user                              | YouReallyNeedToChangeThis               |
-| `userbackend.email`                  | Email address of the admin user                         | admin@example.net                       |
-| `userbackend.postgres.password`      | Root pw of the psql DB                                  | postgres                                |
 | `hydra.hydra.config.urls.self.issuer`| **Base URI of the oAuth server**                        | **https://sso.stackspin.example.net**         |
 | `hydra.hydra.config.urls.login`      | **URI that will be used for the login page**            | **https://sso.stackspin.example.net/login**   |
 | `hydra.hydra.config.urls.consent`    | **URI that will be used for permission checks**         | **https://sso.stackspin.example.net/consent** |
 | `hydra.hydra.config.secrets.system`  | Secret that is used to generate secure tokens           | YouReallyNeedToChangeThis               |
 | `oAuthClients`                       | A list of clients that need to be registered after installation. See [Registering clients](#registering-clients) for more info | user-panel configuration (**Change the `clientSecret`**!) |
+### Manupulating user database
+Normally one would use the backend panel to manage users. However, it is also possible to 
+use the command line with `kubectl`
+kubectl -n stackspin get pods
+This will get a list of pods, we need the pod which is called `single-sign-on-login-xxxx`,
+once you found the name you can interact with the flask app:
+List users:
+# kubectl exec single-sign-on-login-xxxx -- flask user list
+[2021-12-07 12:18:37,065] INFO in app: Listing users
+"Stackspin Admin" <admin@stackspin.net>
+"Joe" <joe@stackspin.net>
+"Liao" <liao@stackspin.net>
+For all commands, please type:
+# kubectl exec single-sign-on-login-xxxx -- flask user --help
+Usage: flask user [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
+  --help  Show this message and exit.
+  create       Create a user in the kratos database.
+  delete       Delete an user from the database :param email: Email...
+  list         Show a list of users in the database
+  recover      Get recovery link for a user, to manual update the...
+  setpassword  Set a password for an account :param email: email address...
+  show         Show user details.
+  update       Update an user object.
 ### Registering clients
 To use OpenID Connect or oAuth you need to set up an oAuth Client for every