include: - remote: - remote: - template: 'Workflows/MergeRequest-Pipelines.gitlab-ci.yml' stages: - build - lint # TODO: Re-enable after fixing #73 # - application-test - integration-test - lint-helm-chart - package-helm-chart - release-helm-chart variables: CHART_NAME: single-sign-on CHART_DIR: helmchart/single-sign-on/ .trigger_test_rules: rules: - changes: - test/lint/pylint/Dockerfile - test/lint/pylint/requirements.txt - .gitlab-ci.yml - login/**/* - login/* - .gitlab/ci/**/* # Stackspin login panel login: stage: build needs: [] variables: KANIKO_CONTEXT: "login" KANIKO_BUILD_IMAGENAME: $CI_JOB_NAME before_script: - ls -l ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/${KANIKO_CONTEXT:-.}/Dockerfile extends: - .kaniko_build - .trigger_test_rules # TODO: We'll re-implement this test in # # For full integration testing we need to build the full stack in CI/CD # # # # - mariadb : Backend database, the Dockerfile is based on the upstream # # with a small addition to create inital databases # # - kratos : Identity manager, based on the upstream. We set the DSN # # in the Dockerimage, as its different from hydra's DSN, # # however, gitlab-ci will apply the same enviroment for all # # services. # # - hydra : See above, the identiy provider # # - login : Our login panel # # - sso_testapp : A test app which implements OIDC for testing # # - behave : Image to do behave testing # # # Build our own mariadb image, which is based on upstream # mariadb: # stage: build # needs: [] # variables: # KANIKO_CONTEXT: ".gitlab/ci/mariadb" # KANIKO_BUILD_IMAGENAME: $CI_JOB_NAME # extends: # - .kaniko_build # - .trigger_test_rules # # # Build our own kratos image, which is based on upstream # kratos: # stage: build # needs: [] # variables: # KANIKO_CONTEXT: ".gitlab/ci/kratos" # KANIKO_BUILD_IMAGENAME: $CI_JOB_NAME # extends: # - .kaniko_build # - .trigger_test_rules # # # Build our own hydra image, which is based on upstream # hydra: # stage: build # needs: [] # variables: # KANIKO_CONTEXT: ".gitlab/ci/hydra" # KANIKO_BUILD_IMAGENAME: $CI_JOB_NAME # extends: # - .kaniko_build # - .trigger_test_rules # # # A Fake SSO app to test the behaviour # sso_testapp: # stage: build # variables: # KANIKO_CONTEXT: "test/sso_testapp/" # KANIKO_BUILD_IMAGENAME: $CI_JOB_NAME # extends: # - .kaniko_build # - .trigger_test_rules # # # Image to test behaviour (web) # behave: # stage: build # variables: # KANIKO_CONTEXT: "test/behave" # KANIKO_BUILD_IMAGENAME: $CI_JOB_NAME # extends: # - .kaniko_build # - .trigger_test_rules # # behave-integration: # stage: integration-test # services: # - name: ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}/mariadb:${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG} # alias: mariadb # - name: ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}/kratos:${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG} # alias: kratosmigrate # command: # - /bin/sh # - -c # - | # sleep 60 # migrate sql -e -y # - name: ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}/kratos:${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG} # alias: kratos # command: # - /bin/sh # - -c # - | # sleep 120 # serve --config /etc/config/kratos.yaml # - name: ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}/hydra:${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG} # alias: hydramigrate # command: # - /bin/sh # - -c # - | # sleep 60 # migrate sql -e -y # - name: ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}/hydra:${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG} # alias: hydra # command: # - /bin/sh # - -c # - | # sleep 120 # serve all --dangerous-force-http --dangerous-allow-insecure-redirect-urls http://oidc:5000/login # - name: ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}/login:${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG} # alias: oidc # - name: ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}/sso_testapp:${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG} # alias: ssoapp # variables: # # Feature Flag FF_NETWORK_PER_BUILD Enables creation of a docker network per build # # with the docker executor of the gitlab-runner. This is required for service # # interconnection. Requires gitlab-runner v12.9.0 # FF_NETWORK_PER_BUILD: 1 # OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT: "true" # # For hydra # URLS_SELF_ISSUER: http://hydra:4445/ # URLS_CONSENT: http://oidc:5000/login # URLS_LOGIN: http://oidc:5000/consent # SECRETS_SYSTEM: RandomSecretForTesting # # MariaDB image needs root user password, additional credentials are # # created from `.gitlab/ci/mariadb/setup.sql` during initialization # MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: stackspin # # For Login image # FLASK_RUN_HOST: "" # FLASK_RUN_PORT: "5000" # PUBLIC_URL: "http://localhost:5000/" # HYDRA_ADMIN_URL: "http://hydra:4445" # KRATOS_PUBLIC_URL: "http://kratos:4433" # KRATOS_ADMIN_URL: "http://kratos:4434" # DATABASE_URL: "mysql+pymysql://stackspin:stackspin@localhost/stackspin?charset=utf8mb4" # APP_SETTINGS: "config.DevelopmentConfig" # # General flask # DEBUG: "true" # FLASK_ENV: "development" # # For sso test app # BASE_URL: "http://hydra:4444/" # KEY: "testapp" # SECRET: "secret" # image: ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}/behave:${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG} # script: # # Download retry-script from main stackspin repo # - curl -sS -o # - chmod +x # # Try several times to connect to hydra, kratos and oidc # - ./ 10 10 curl -sS http://hydra:4445/health/alive # - ./ 10 10 curl -sS http://kratos:4433/health/alive # - ./ 10 10 curl -sS http://oidc:5000/status # # Steps to do: # # - create user & access roles & grant access # # - add client applition ID + key for testing # # - test login etc # # artifacts: # paths: # - test/integration_tests/test/behave/screenshots/ # expire_in: 1 month # when: on_failure # extends: # - .trigger_test_rules # login_test: # image: python:3.8 # stage: unittest # needs: [] # variables: # HYDRA_ADMIN_URL: http://localhost/ignored # KRATOS_PUBLIC_URL: http://localhost/ignored # PUBLIC_URL: http://localhost/ignored # cache: # paths: # - "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/pip-cache" # key: "$CI_PROJECT_ID" # before_script: # - cd login # - python -V # - pip install -r requirements.txt # script: # - pytest -v --cov=login --cov-report=term --cov-report=xml tests # artifacts: # reports: # cobertura: login/coverage.xml # coverage: '/^TOTAL.+?(\d+\%)$/' pylint: stage: build variables: KANIKO_CONTEXT: "test/lint/pylint" KANIKO_BUILD_IMAGENAME: $CI_JOB_NAME extends: - .kaniko_build - .trigger_test_rules pylint-lint: stage: lint variables: GIT_STRATEGY: clone GIT_DEPTH: 0 PYLINT_PLUGINS: "pylint_flask pylint_flask_sqlalchemy" image: ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}/pylint:${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG} script: # Run darker with --diff command. This will throw exit code 1 if there are # lint errors, but a 0 if there are only formatting recommendations - darker -i -L pylint --diff --revision remotes/origin/main . extends: - .trigger_test_rules