Upgrading system-upgrade-controller fails
Stackspin main
recently increased the system-upgrade-controller
version from 0.3.1
to 0.4.0
. That works for new installs, but fails consistently when upgrading existing clusters:
Helm upgrade failed for release system-upgrade/system-upgrade-controller with chart system-upgrade-controller@0.4.0: cannot patch "system-upgrade" with kind ClusterRoleBinding: ClusterRoleBinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io "system-upgrade" is invalid: roleRef: Invalid value: rbac.RoleRef{APIGroup:"rbac.authorization.k8s.io", Kind:"ClusterRole", Name:"system-upgrade-controller"}: cannot change roleRef
I've filed a bug report with the chart author, but given that they just copy the manifests from upstream (rancher), I think it's unlikely that they'll have a good fix for this. As a workaround we can instruct flux to uninstall system-upgrade-controller
on upgrade failures.