diff --git a/Chart.yaml b/Chart.yaml
index b07f4f1bac9792e44fac6d1bd0446aec7981ea05..5778010c0a997191ebf0f24d92d76dcc0cbd9f90 100644
--- a/Chart.yaml
+++ b/Chart.yaml
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ description: WordPress with a replicated MariaDB backend
 name: wordpress
 # Please only change the chart version as part of the release procedure: see
-version: 0.1.1
+version: 0.1.0
 icon: https://make.wordpress.org/design/files/2016/09/WordPress-logotype-wmark.png
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e0d3275fa860a1e52665493bd7dfc76471ae178e..d341492734a62d6273b8af60a1928e6059d83876 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ You might have to edit the following variables to reflect your current site's:
 - Set `DB_PREFIX` to the database prefix that your current WordPress uses
 - Set `WP_VERSION` to the version of your current WordPress site.
 - Check if your current WordPress uses Redis. This is usually the case when you
-  have the `wp-redis` plugin installed. If so, enable redis in your
+  have the `redis-cache` plugin installed. If so, enable redis in your
   `values-local.yaml` by setting `redis.enabled` to `true`.
 After installing, check if your site is available at the URL you specified in
diff --git a/RELEASING.md b/RELEASING.md
index 46da487b9481d07ae7f22d22f81a93a0c090c0ec..84382326a05d821d6dcb9556681b6b4c8007660e 100644
--- a/RELEASING.md
+++ b/RELEASING.md
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ When releasing a new version of the wordpress-helm chart, please remember to do
 the following:
 * change the chart version in `Chart.yaml`;
 * change the default `image.tag` and `initImage.tag` in `values.yaml` to the new
-  version (e.g., "0.1.2");
-* create a git tag for the new version (e.g., "0.1.2") and push it to Gitlab
+  version (e.g., "0.1.0");
+* create a git tag for the new version (e.g., "0.1.0") and push it to Gitlab
   (any branch will do); the CI will create and push docker images tagged by that
   same version string.
   (You can push all git tags using `git push --tags`, or this specific one using
-  `git push origin 0.1.2`.)
+  `git push origin 0.1.0`.)
diff --git a/delete.sh b/delete.sh
index 5bc586a6e5db8ab9e69d7ffac374dcf87692254b..fb35ee822150fc396b9ae8e35b177a85b7acff19 100755
--- a/delete.sh
+++ b/delete.sh
@@ -8,5 +8,7 @@ set -v
 helm delete $releaseName
 ## Delete remaining PVCs:
-kubectl delete pvc data-$releaseName-mariadb-master-0 data-$releaseName-mariadb-slave-0 data-$releaseName-database-0 redis-data-$releaseName-redis-master-0
+kubectl delete pvc \
+	data-$releaseName-database-master-0 \
+	data-$releaseName-database-slave-0 \
+	redis-data-$releaseName-redis-master-0
diff --git a/templates/statefulset.yaml b/templates/statefulset.yaml
index 2967e4a39baffb2f55c8b0568a04aae835060e14..a5c296e687dd34e26c8850c48727ceb91babf885 100644
--- a/templates/statefulset.yaml
+++ b/templates/statefulset.yaml
@@ -22,9 +22,6 @@ spec:
         # gets re-run.
         checksum/config: {{ include (print $.Template.BasePath "/ansible-vars.yaml") . | sha256sum }}
         checksum/config: {{ include (print $.Template.BasePath "/secrets.yaml") . | sha256sum }}
-        {{- if .Values.podAnnotations }}
-        {{- toYaml .Values.podAnnotations | nindent 8 }}
-        {{- end }}
         - name: {{ .Values.initImage.imagePullSecretName }}
diff --git a/values-local.yaml.example b/values-local.yaml.example
index 927720357d0499d8570c10ffd9f3a9beb49a5198..fb6ea9d28b72f569d0076bb6b5015f03e742acff 100644
--- a/values-local.yaml.example
+++ b/values-local.yaml.example
@@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ wordpress:
     theme: twentynineteen
     # NOTE: Make sure you use underscore and that the localisation is in full caps
     locale: en_US
-    # NOTE: Optionally set a Wordpress version number to override the default version: in values.yaml
+    version: 5.2.4
     # NOTE: This is the URL that points to your WordPress installation. If this
     # URL is set incorrectly your site will most likely not work. You can not
     # change it after you have run helm install once because WordPress saves the
@@ -38,11 +37,12 @@ wordpress:
     # WordPress database fields that contain the URL.
     url: "http://localhost"
     title: "Wordpress Helm"
-    # If you are including a plugin to alias wp login then set an alt_path and set alt_config options
-    # NOTE: A value for alt_enabled must be set. Select either true or false
-    alt_enabled: false
-    # alt_path: SOME-LOGIN-PATH
+    # If you are including a plugin to alias wp login then set an alt.path and set alt.config options
+    # NOTE: The value of alt enabled must be set as true or false
+    alt:
+      enabled: false
+    # path: SOME-LOGIN-PATH
     # # Path used by the liveness and readiness probes to see if the site runs
     # # correctly. Defaults to `/wp-login.php`. Be sure to make this the same as
     # # alt_path if you use it!
@@ -66,29 +66,25 @@ wordpress:
   ## mu_plugins are installed as hidden and cannot be updated from the UI
   ## mu_dir  'mu-plugins' maps to wp-content/mu-plugins
   ## mu_plugins supplies a detailed list of mu values and plugins with versions 
-  # NOTE: A value for mu_plugins_enabled must be set. Select either true or false
   mu_plugins_enabled: false
   mu_plugins_dir: mu-plugins
        name: Block Bad Queries
-       version: 20191109
+       version: 20200319
        phpfile: block-bad-queries.php
-  #  redis-cache:
-  #    name: Redis Cache
-  #    version: 1.5.6
-  #    phpfile: redis-cache.php
-  ## Enable externally triggered cron if a cron plugin is installed 
+  ## Enable externally triggered cron for an MU cron plugin 
   # NOTE: A value for mu_cron_enabled must be set. Select either true or false
-  mu_cron_enabled: false
-  # mu_cron:
-  #  name: Cron Control
-  #  repo: https://github.com/Automattic/Cron-Control.git
-  #  slug: cron-control
-  #  version: master
-  #  phpfile: cron-control.php
+  # NOTE: This cron must be triggered by a call you have set up outside the server
+  mu_cron:
+    enabled: false
+  # name: Cron Control
+  # repo: https://github.com/Automattic/Cron-Control.git
+  # slug: cron-control
+  # version: master
+  # phpfile: cron-control.php
 # These settings make sense to overwrite if you want to use the OpenID connect
 # plugin
@@ -112,16 +108,24 @@ database:
-# To enabe redis, uncomment this:
-# redis:
-#   enabled: true
-#   password: <SET A REDIS PASSWORD HERE>
+# Set this to true to have a Redis container next to your WP. The WP will be
+# configured to connect to this Redis and `Redis Object Cache` plugin will be
+# installed as a convential plugin and configured to connect to this Redis
+# Change Redis MU plugin configurations to use MU instead
+  enabled: false
+#   # Set to true you want redis to have persistence:
+# master:
+#   persistence:
+#     enabled: false
-#   # If you want redis to have persistence:
-#   master:
-#     persistence:
-#       enabled:
-#       storageClass:
+#   # Set to true to have a master and a slave redis. Not necessary for caching
+#   cluster:
+#     enabled: false
 # This will add a cronjob that performs a daily backup of the wordpress
 # database, copying an sql file created by `wp db export` to the given PVC.
diff --git a/values.yaml b/values.yaml
index a54ce2478e0a6e59a2416dab7c31875bd17b4d93..e26d1baaa3e29465db97c7d9511d9ae1d8eda9d8 100644
--- a/values.yaml
+++ b/values.yaml
@@ -87,14 +87,15 @@ wordpress:
     theme_fallback: twentytwenty
     # NOTE: Make sure you use underscore and that the localisation is in full caps
     locale: en_US
-    version: 5.4.1
+    version: 5.2.3
     url: "http://localhost"
     title: "Wordpress Helm"
-    ## If including a plugin to alias wp login then set an alt_path and set the alt_config 
-    # NOTE: A value for alt_enabled must be set. Select either true or false
-    alt_enabled: false
-    # alt_path: SOME-LOGIN-PATH
+    ## If including a plugin to alias wp login then set a path for alt and also set the config 
+    # NOTE: The value of alt enabled must be set as true or false
+    alt: 
+      enabled: false
+    # path: SOME-LOGIN-PATH
     # Path used by the liveness and readiness probes to see if the site runs
     # correctly. Defaults to `/wp-login.php`
     probe_path: /wp-login.php
@@ -124,10 +125,10 @@ wordpress:
   mu_plugins: {}
   ## Enable externally triggered cron if a cron plugin is installed
-  # NOTE: A value for mu_cron_enabled must be set. Use either true or false
-  mu_cron_enabled: false
+  # NOTE: mu_cron must be have the "enabled" value set as either true or false
+  mu_cron: 
+    enabled: false
   # See values-local.yaml.example for an example value
-  mu_cron: {}
   ## Enable the use of a persistent volume
@@ -161,7 +162,8 @@ ansibleVars:
   mode_0440: u+r-wxs,u+r-wxs,o-rwx
   mode_0600: u+rw-xs,g-rwxs,o-rwx
-  config_files: "[wp-config.php, .htaccess]"
+  #Config Directory 
+  config_dir: /var/www
   ## Plugins
   wordpress_default_plugins: "[classic-editor]"
@@ -169,14 +171,15 @@ ansibleVars:
 wpSalts: {}
-  repository: open.greenhost.net:4567/open/wordpress-helm/wordpress
-  tag: 0.1.1
+  repository: docker.greenhost.net/open/wordpress-helm/wordpress
+  tag: 0.1.0
   pullPolicy: Always
-  repository: open.greenhost.net:4567/open/wordpress-helm/wordpress-cli-ansible
-  tag: 0.1.1
+  repository: docker.greenhost.net/open/wordpress-helm/wordpress-cli-ansible
+  tag: 0.1.0
   pullPolicy: Always
+  imagePullSecretName: greenhost-registry-pull
   enabled: false
@@ -191,9 +194,6 @@ nodeSelector: {}
 tolerations: []
 affinity: {}
-podAnnotations: {}
     user: wordpress
@@ -251,13 +251,17 @@ database:
-  # Set this to true to have a Redis container next to your WP. The WP will be
-  # configured to connect to this Redis and `Redis Object Cache` plugin will be
-  # installed
+# Set this to true to have a Redis container next to your WP. The WP will be
+# configured to connect to this Redis and `Redis Object Cache` plugin will be
+# installed as a conventional plugin.
   enabled: false
-  cluster:
-    # Set to true to have a master and a slave redis. Not necessary for caching
-    enabled: false
+  #   # Set to true you want redis to have persistence:
+  #   master:
+  #     persistence:
+  #       enabled: false
+  #  # Set to true to have a master and a slave redis. Not necessary for caching
+  #   cluster:
+  #     enabled: false
   enabled: false
@@ -289,13 +293,13 @@ ansibleSecrets: |
   WP_URL: {{ .Values.wordpress.site.url }}
   WP_USER: {{ .Values.wordpress.config.adm.usid }}
   WP_VERSION: {{ .Values.wordpress.site.version }}
-  WP_ALT_ENABLED: {{ .Values.wordpress.site.alt_enabled }}
-  WP_ALT_CONFIG: {{ .Values.wordpress.site.alt_config }}
-  WP_ALT_PATH: {{ .Values.wordpress.site.alt_path }}
+  WP_ALT_ENABLED: {{ .Values.wordpress.site.alt.enabled }}
+  WP_ALT_CONFIG: {{ .Values.wordpress.site.alt.config }}
+  WP_ALT_PATH: {{ .Values.wordpress.site.alt.path }}
   WP_MU_PLUGINS_ENABLED: {{ .Values.wordpress.mu_plugins_enabled }}
   WP_MU_PLUGINS_DIR: {{ .Values.wordpress.mu_plugins_dir }}
   WP_MU_PLUGINS: {{ .Values.wordpress.mu_plugins | toJson }}
-  WP_MU_CRON_ENABLED: {{ .Values.wordpress.mu_cron_enabled }}
+  WP_MU_CRON_ENABLED: {{ .Values.wordpress.mu_cron.enabled }}
   WP_MU_CRON_SETTINGS: {{ .Values.wordpress.mu_cron | toJson }}
   WP_MULTILINGUAL_ENABLED: {{ .Values.wordpress.site.multilingual.enabled }}
   WP_MULTILINGUAL_PLUGINS: {{ .Values.wordpress.site.multilingual.plugins }}
diff --git a/wp-cli-docker/Dockerfile b/wp-cli-docker/Dockerfile
index ea50924a552b75c74883b9dbe7a3f36b7664c536..92c155a1fafb51aa800ed0e743f7c2bab194f1f5 100644
--- a/wp-cli-docker/Dockerfile
+++ b/wp-cli-docker/Dockerfile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-FROM wordpress:cli-2.4-php7.3
+FROM wordpress:cli-2.1.0-php7.3
 USER root
diff --git a/wp-cli-docker/roles/wordpress-init/tasks/main.yml b/wp-cli-docker/roles/wordpress-init/tasks/main.yml
index 5922862f6dc17a3e0c7614ad8a57eeb2a52a861e..03e643f8e89fd545aa0f788ef2c8780f7195ffa1 100644
--- a/wp-cli-docker/roles/wordpress-init/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/wp-cli-docker/roles/wordpress-init/tasks/main.yml
@@ -34,6 +34,18 @@
     msg: "Wordpress Core failed checksums"
   when: checksum is failed
+- name: Check if wp-config exists
+  stat:
+    path: "{{ wordpress_homedir }}/wp-config.php"
+  register: config
+- name: Prepare wp-config permissions if it exists
+  file:
+    path: "{{ wordpress_homedir }}/wp-config.php"
+    owner: "{{ wp_user }}"
+    group: "{{ wp_group }}"
+  ignore_errors: true
+  when: config.stat.exists
 - name: Create wp-config from zero
@@ -86,8 +98,10 @@
   shell: wp {{ cli_args }} core language install "{{ LOCALE }}" --activate
 - name: Set key and salt values
-  shell: wp config {{ cli_args }} set {{ item.key }} {{ item.value }} --add --type=constant
-  with_dict: "{{ WP_SALTS }}"
+  shell: wp config {{ cli_args }} set {{ wp_salt.key }} {{ wp_salt.value }} --add --type=constant
+  loop: "{{ WP_SALTS|dict2items }}"
+  loop_control:
+    loop_var: wp_salt
 - name: Copy htaccess config file
@@ -126,10 +140,12 @@
 # Plugins
 - name: Install WordPress plugins that are activated
-  shell: wp {{ cli_args }} plugin install "{{ item }}" --force --activate
-  with_items: "{{ wordpress_default_plugins }}"
+  shell: wp {{ cli_args }} plugin install "{{ wordpress_default_plugin }}" --force --activate
+  loop: "{{ wordpress_default_plugins }}"
+  loop_control:
+    loop_var: wordpress_default_plugin
-# Option for an alt login - when an alt_path is set and an alt_config exists  
+# Option for an alt login - when an alt.path is set and an alt.config exists  
 - name: Set alt path
   shell: wp {{ cli_args }} option set {{ WP_ALT_CONFIG }}  {{ WP_ALT_PATH }}
diff --git a/wp-cli-docker/roles/wordpress-init/tasks/mu-plugins-cron.yml b/wp-cli-docker/roles/wordpress-init/tasks/mu-plugins-cron.yml
index 3f2d2566c9c32d717e24bde37188c5112c1c9dc6..c60495eab7264d547db98106966ef166ee47557a 100644
--- a/wp-cli-docker/roles/wordpress-init/tasks/mu-plugins-cron.yml
+++ b/wp-cli-docker/roles/wordpress-init/tasks/mu-plugins-cron.yml
@@ -13,55 +13,69 @@
 - name: Add a MU plugins directory when WP_MU_PLUGINS_DIR is set
-    path: "{{ wordpress_homedir }}/wp-content/{{ WP_MU_PLUGINS_DIR }}"
+    path: "{{ WP_CONTENT_DIR }}/{{ WP_MU_PLUGINS_DIR }}"
     mode: 0750
     state: directory
-- name: Add MU plugins load.php file
-  file:
-    path: "{{ wordpress_homedir }}/wp-content/{{ WP_MU_PLUGINS_DIR }}/load.php"
-    mode: 0640
 - name: Insert the base code into MU plugins load.php file
-    dest: "{{ wordpress_homedir }}/wp-content/{{ WP_MU_PLUGINS_DIR }}/load.php"
+    dest: "{{ WP_CONTENT_DIR }}/{{ WP_MU_PLUGINS_DIR }}/load.php"
     line: "<?php // {{ WP_MU_PLUGINS_DIR }}/load.php"
+    create: yes
-### Install plugins then move them to the MU plugins folder
+## Ansible unarchive is broken so two step process
 - name: Install plugins before they are MU
-  shell: wp {{ cli_args }} plugin install {{ item.key }} --version={{ item.value.version}} --force
+  shell: wp {{ cli_args }} plugin install {{ wp_mu_plugin.key }} --version={{ wp_mu_plugin.value.version}} --force
   loop: "{{ WP_MU_PLUGINS | dict2items }}"
+  loop_control:
+    loop_var: wp_mu_plugin
+- name: Copy all the plugins to the mu-plugins folder where they are activated by default
+  copy: 
+    src: "{{ WP_CONTENT_DIR }}/plugins/{{ wp_mu_plugin.key }}" 
+    dest: "{{ WP_CONTENT_DIR }}/{{ WP_MU_PLUGINS_DIR }}"
+    remote_src: yes
+    force: yes
+  loop: "{{ WP_MU_PLUGINS | dict2items }}"
+  loop_control:
+    loop_var: wp_mu_plugin
-- name: Move all the plugins to the mu-plugins folder where they are activated by default
-  command: mv {{ wordpress_homedir }}/wp-content/plugins/{{ item.key }} {{ wordpress_homedir }}/wp-content/{{ WP_MU_PLUGINS_DIR }}/{{ item.key }}
-  with_items: "{{ WP_MU_PLUGINS | dict2items }}"
+- name: Delete all the src plugin folders
+  file: 
+    path: "{{ WP_CONTENT_DIR }}/plugins/{{ wp_mu_plugin.key }}" 
+    state: absent
+  loop: "{{ WP_MU_PLUGINS | dict2items }}"
+  loop_control:
+    loop_var: wp_mu_plugin
 - name: Echo all the MU plugins filenames into the load.php file
-    dest: "{{ wordpress_homedir }}/wp-content/{{ WP_MU_PLUGINS_DIR }}/load.php"
-    line: "require(WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR . '/{{ item.key }}/{{ item.value.phpfile }}');"
+    dest: "{{ WP_CONTENT_DIR }}/{{ WP_MU_PLUGINS_DIR }}/load.php"
+    line: "require(WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR . '/{{ wp_mu_plugin.key }}/{{ wp_mu_plugin.value.phpfile }}');"
     insertbefore: EOF
-  with_items: "{{ WP_MU_PLUGINS | dict2items }}"
+  loop: "{{ WP_MU_PLUGINS | dict2items }}"
+  loop_control:
+    loop_var: wp_mu_plugin
 ### Install wp-cron as mu 
 - name: Shallow clone from the github repository
     repo: "{{ WP_MU_CRON_SETTINGS.repo}}"
-    dest: "{{ wordpress_homedir }}/wp-content/{{ WP_MU_PLUGINS_DIR }}/{{ WP_MU_CRON_SETTINGS.slug }}"
+    dest: "{{ WP_CONTENT_DIR }}/{{ WP_MU_PLUGINS_DIR }}/{{ WP_MU_CRON_SETTINGS.slug }}"
+    force: yes
     depth: 1
     version: "{{ WP_MU_CRON_SETTINGS.version}}"
 - name: Append cron control plugin filename to the load.php file
-    dest: "{{ wordpress_homedir }}/wp-content/{{ WP_MU_PLUGINS_DIR }}/load.php"
+    dest: "{{ WP_CONTENT_DIR }}/{{ WP_MU_PLUGINS_DIR }}/load.php"
     line: "require(WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR . '/{{ WP_MU_CRON_SETTINGS.slug }}/{{ WP_MU_CRON_SETTINGS.phpfile}}');"
     insertbefore: EOF
 - name: Switch off wordpress native cron
-  shell: wp {{ cli_args }} config set  'DISABLE_WP_CRON'  'true'  --type=constant
+  shell: wp {{ cli_args }} config set DISABLE_WP_CRON true --add --raw --type=constant
diff --git a/wp-cli-docker/roles/wordpress-init/tasks/multilingual.yml b/wp-cli-docker/roles/wordpress-init/tasks/multilingual.yml
index 8bf215b80cf62806280d0221442323528704ddd4..50a0bee213c3116f99de1d7ae2b28e8991410827 100644
--- a/wp-cli-docker/roles/wordpress-init/tasks/multilingual.yml
+++ b/wp-cli-docker/roles/wordpress-init/tasks/multilingual.yml
@@ -13,15 +13,19 @@
     - debug:
         msg: "Trying the configured plugins"
     - name: Activate multilingual plugins if they exist in wp-content-repo 
-      shell: wp {{ cli_args }} plugin activate {{ item }}
-      with_items: "{{ WP_MULTILINGUAL_PLUGINS }}"
+      shell: wp {{ cli_args }} plugin activate {{ wp_multilingual_plugin }}
+      loop: "{{ WP_MULTILINGUAL_PLUGINS }}"
+      loop_control:
+        loop_var: wp_multilingual_plugin
     - debug:
         msg: 'Success'
     - debug:
         msg: 'Multilingual plugins do not exist or error'
     - name: Run wp plugin deativate for all
-      shell: wp {{ cli_args }} plugin deactivate {{ item }}
-      with_items: "{{ WP_MULTILINGUAL_PLUGINS }}"
+      shell: wp {{ cli_args }} plugin deactivate {{ wp_multilingual_plugin }}
+      loop: "{{ WP_MULTILINGUAL_PLUGINS }}"
+      loop_control:
+        loop_var: wp_multilingual_plugin
     - debug:
         msg: "Multilingual plugins are now deactivated"
diff --git a/wp-cli-docker/roles/wordpress-init/tasks/redis.yml b/wp-cli-docker/roles/wordpress-init/tasks/redis.yml
index aa0f9f30a7d553fd06c07268109527961454a821..bc365641581d2b65590877551563063b03093cae 100644
--- a/wp-cli-docker/roles/wordpress-init/tasks/redis.yml
+++ b/wp-cli-docker/roles/wordpress-init/tasks/redis.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+## Changes to wordpress config
 - name: Set redis host
   shell: wp {{ cli_args }} config set WP_REDIS_HOST "{{ WP_REDIS_HOST }}" --add --type=constant
@@ -7,7 +8,8 @@
   shell: wp {{ cli_args }} config set WP_REDIS_PASSWORD "{{ WP_REDIS_PASSWORD }}" --add --type=constant
 - name: Install redis-cache WordPress plugin
-  shell: wp {{ cli_args }} plugin install wp-redis --activate
+  shell: wp {{ cli_args }} plugin install redis-cache --activate
 - name: Enable redis object cache
   shell: wp {{ cli_args }} redis enable
diff --git a/wp-cli-docker/roles/wordpress-permissions/tasks/main.yml b/wp-cli-docker/roles/wordpress-permissions/tasks/main.yml
index c251ff29251082fb97b01ffd1566d04ad8551440..3f108b7bc5a4a29f66e54950905af3c7065fcb20 100644
--- a/wp-cli-docker/roles/wordpress-permissions/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/wp-cli-docker/roles/wordpress-permissions/tasks/main.yml
@@ -6,40 +6,39 @@
 # Ensure there is a cache outside uploads
 - name: Add a wp-content cache directory
-    path: "{{ wordpress_homedir }}/wp-content/cache"
+    path: "{{ WP_CONTENT_DIR }}/cache"
     mode: 0750
     state: directory
 # Directories
 - name: Bulk directory ownership
-  command: find -L {{ wordpress_homedir }} -type d  -exec chown {{ wp_user }}:{{ wp_group }} {} \;
+  command: find {{ config_dir }} -type d  -exec chown -c {{ wp_user }}:{{ wp_group }} {} \;
 - name: Bulk directory permissions
-  command: find -L  {{ wordpress_homedir }} -type d  -exec chmod -c {{ mode_0750 }} {} \;
+  command: find  {{ config_dir }} -type d  -exec chmod -c {{ mode_0750 }} {} \;
 # Files 
 - name: Bulk file ownership
-  command: find -L  {{ wordpress_homedir }} -type f -not -name '{{ item }}'  -exec chown {{ wp_user }}:{{ wp_group }} {} \;
-  with_items: "{{ config_files }}"
+  command: find  {{ config_dir }} -type f \( -iname "*.*" ! -iname  "*htaccess" ! -iname "wp-config*"  \)  -exec chown -c {{ wp_user }}:{{ wp_group }} {} \;
 - name: Dot file ownership
-  command: find -L {{ wordpress_homedir }} -type f -maxdepth 1 -not -name '{{ item }}' -name '\.*' -exec chown {{ config_user }}:{{ config_group }} {} \;
-  with_items: "{{ config_files }}"
+  command: find {{ wordpress_homedir }} -type f -maxdepth 1 \( -iname "\.*" ! -iname  "*htaccess" ! -iname "wp-config*"  \) -exec chown -c {{ config_user }}:{{ config_group }} {} \;
 - name: Config file ownership
-  command: find -L {{ wordpress_homedir }} -type f -name '{{ item }}'  -exec chown {{ config_user }}:{{ config_group }} {} \;
-  with_items: "{{ config_files }}"
+  command: find {{ config_dir }} -type f \( -iname  "*htaccess" -o -iname "wp-config*" ! -path "*wp-content-mount/.htaccess"  \)  -exec chown -c {{ config_user }}:{{ config_group }} {} \;
 - name: Bulk file permissions 
-  command: find -L  {{ wordpress_homedir }} -type f -not -name '{{ item }}'  -exec chmod -c {{ mode_0640 }} {} \;
-  with_items: "{{ config_files }}"
+  command: find  {{ config_dir }} -type f \( -iname "*.*" ! -iname  "*htaccess" ! -iname "wp-config*"  \)  -exec chmod -c {{ mode_0640 }} {} \;
 - name: Dot file permissions
-  command: find -L {{ wordpress_homedir }} -type f -maxdepth 1 -not -name '{{ item }}' -name '\.*'  -exec chmod -c {{ mode_0440 }} {} \;
-  with_items: "{{ config_files }}"
+  command: find {{ wordpress_homedir }} -type f -maxdepth 1 \( -iname "\.*" ! -iname  "*htaccess" ! -iname "wp-config*"  \)  -exec chmod -c {{ mode_0440 }} {} \;
+- name: HTaccess file permissions
+  command: find {{ config_dir }} -type f -maxdepth 1  \( -iname  "*htaccess" ! -path "wp-content-mount/.htaccess"  \) -exec chmod -c {{ mode_0640 }} {} \;
+- name: WPconfig file permission
+  command: find {{ wordpress_homedir }} -type f  -name "wp-config.php" -exec chmod -c {{ mode_0440 }} {} \;
-- name: Config file permissions
-  command: find -L {{ wordpress_homedir }} -type f  -name '{{ item }}' -exec chmod -c {{ mode_0440 }} {} \;
-  with_items: "{{ config_files }}"