diff --git a/delete.sh b/delete.sh
index ee93aa52b8cd0dff825cfafe0157a569429d563a..e79f387be418d013d525e5b7d5ffaf0a0a1f574c 100755
--- a/delete.sh
+++ b/delete.sh
@@ -14,3 +14,4 @@ kubectl delete pvc \
     redis-data-$releaseName-redis-master-0 \
     redis-data-$releaseName-redis-slave-0 \
diff --git a/values-local.yaml.example b/values-local.yaml.example
index ffa1882bcad97c745dd0de7fd9026a6c7e7d7837..dabad8e6091ee82ef4b81c7d97a5312d8859359f 100644
--- a/values-local.yaml.example
+++ b/values-local.yaml.example
@@ -173,6 +173,10 @@ redis:
 #   # file. You can use `ssh-keyscan` on a trusted network to find host keys.
 #   sshKnownHosts: |
 #     <hostname> <keytype> <key>
+#   # when isDate is true or unset the database is backed up as wp-db-RELEASE-DATE.sql
+#   # If isDate is set to false then backup names are a 2 week cycle of A(day number) or B(day number)
+#   # A monthly database backup and monthly wordpress manifest are always made with monthnumber prefix 
+#   isDate: true
 #   # The interval at which backups occur. Defaults to 86400 seconds (24 hours)
 #   intervalSeconds:
 # It's advisable to set resource limits to prevent your K8s cluster from
@@ -180,7 +184,7 @@ redis:
 # resources:
 #   limits:
 #     cpu: 100m
-#     memory: 512Mi
+#     memory: 512i
 #   requests:
 #     cpu: 50m
 #     memory: 256Mi
diff --git a/values.yaml b/values.yaml
index c04295f436753510f2bab36e92b6db31eff43a45..3a43d298b9d7671ec073c4a96725c78b432580b8 100644
--- a/values.yaml
+++ b/values.yaml
@@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ redis:
   enabled: false
   intervalSeconds: 86400
+  isDate: true
 wpSalts: {}
@@ -346,6 +347,7 @@ wpSalts: {}
 ansibleSecrets: |
   BACKUP_NAME: {{ .Release.Name }}
   BACKUP_TARGET: {{ .Values.backup.target }}
+  BACKUP_ISDATE: {{ .Values.backup.isDate }}
   DB_HOST: {{ .Release.Name }}-database
   DB_NAME: {{ .Values.database.db.name }}
   DB_PASS: {{ .Values.database.db.password }}
diff --git a/wp-cli-docker/roles/wordpress-backup/tasks/main.yml b/wp-cli-docker/roles/wordpress-backup/tasks/main.yml
index fdb682306ac198cb0ec4bf2c9fd4b728d13b26c5..3211517c804a88731e26965db4d70d067f6715e8 100644
--- a/wp-cli-docker/roles/wordpress-backup/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/wp-cli-docker/roles/wordpress-backup/tasks/main.yml
@@ -1,12 +1,24 @@
-- name: Get date
+- name: Backup - Get date
     date '+%F'
   register: date
   changed_when: false
-- block:
+- name: Backup - monthnumber for monthly prefix and daydate to check day of the month
+  set_fact:
+    daydate: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%d') }}"
+    monthnumber: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%m') }}"
+- name: Backup - Make DB filename
+  set_fact:
+    backup_filename: "wp-db-{{ BACKUP_NAME }}-{{ date.stdout }}.sql"
+- name: Date backup - RSync
+  block:
     - name: Create temporary backups directory
         state: directory
@@ -14,13 +26,101 @@
       register: backup_dir
     - name: Export WordPress database to file
-        wp {{ cli_args }} db export "{{ backup_dir.path }}/{{ backup_filename }}"
-    - name: Copy export to backup location
+        wp {{ cli_args }} db export --add-drop-table --porcelain "{{ backup_dir.path }}/{{ backup_filename }}"
+    - name: Monthly DB backup
+      shell:
+        wp {{ cli_args }} db export --add-drop-table --porcelain "{{ backup_dir.path }}/{{ BACKUP_NAME }}-month{{ monthnumber }}.db.sql"
+      when: (daydate | int) == 1
+    - name: Core manifest month
+      shell:
+        wp {{ cli_args }} core version --extra >> "{{ backup_dir.path }}/wp-manifest-{{ BACKUP_NAME }}-month{{ monthnumber}}.txt"
+      when: (daydate | int) == 1
+    - name: Plugin manifest month
+      shell:
+        wp {{ cli_args }} plugin list --fields=name,version,update,status >> "{{ backup_dir.path }}/wp-manifest-{{ BACKUP_NAME }}-month{{ monthnumber}}.txt"
+      when: (daydate | int) == 1
+    - name: Theme manifest month
+      shell:
+        wp {{ cli_args }} theme list --fields=name,version,update,status >> "{{ backup_dir.path }}/wp-manifest-{{ BACKUP_NAME }}-month{{ monthnumber}}.txt"
+      when: (daydate | int) == 1
+    - name: Copy the export to backup location
         rsync -a "{{ backup_dir.path }}/{{ backup_filename }}" "{{ BACKUP_TARGET }}"
+    - name: Copy the export of monthly backup to backup location
+      shell:
+        rsync -a "{{ backup_dir.path }}/{{ BACKUP_NAME }}-month{{ monthnumber }}.db.sql" "{{ BACKUP_TARGET }}"
+      when: (daydate | int) == 1
+    - name: Copy the export of monthly wp manifest to backup location
+      shell:
+        rsync -a "{{ backup_dir.path }}/wp-manifest-{{ BACKUP_NAME }}-month{{ monthnumber}}.txt" "{{ BACKUP_TARGET }}"
+      when: (daydate | int) == 1
     - name: Remove temporary backups directory
         state: absent
         path: "{{ backup_dir.path }}/"
-  vars:
-    backup_filename: "wp-db-{{ BACKUP_NAME }}-{{ date.stdout }}.sql"
+  when: (BACKUP_ISDATE is undefined) or (BACKUP_ISDATE|bool == True)
+- name: Cycle backup - two week prefix look up week number and day number
+  set_fact:
+    weeknumber: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%U') }}"
+    daynumber: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%u') }}"
+  when: not BACKUP_ISDATE
+- name: Cycle backup - two week prefix  Week A is Odd
+  set_fact:
+    prefix: "A"
+  when: ( weeknumber | int) is odd
+  when: BACKUP_ISDATE|bool == false
+- name: Cycle backup - two week prefix Week B is Even
+  set_fact:
+    prefix: "B"
+  when: ( weeknumber | int) is even
+  when: BACKUP_ISDATE|bool == false
+- name: Cycle backup - Rsync database exports
+  block:
+    - name: Cycle - Create temporary backups directory
+      tempfile:
+        state: directory
+        suffix: backup
+      register: backup_dir
+    - name: Cycle - Export WordPress database with cycle prefix and weekday number to file
+      shell:
+        wp {{ cli_args }} db export  --add-drop-table --porcelain "{{ backup_dir.path }}/{{ prefix }}{{ daynumber}}-{{ BACKUP_NAME }}.db.sql"
+    - name: Cycle - Monthly DB backup
+      shell:
+        wp {{ cli_args }} db export --add-drop-table --porcelain "{{ backup_dir.path }}/month{{ monthnumber }}-{{ BACKUP_NAME }}.db.sql"
+      when: (daydate | int) == 1
+    - name: Core manifest day
+      shell:
+        wp {{ cli_args }} core version --extra >> "{{ backup_dir.path }}/{{ prefix }}{{ daynumber}}-manifest.txt"
+    - name: Plugin manifest day
+      shell:
+        wp {{ cli_args }} plugin list --fields=name,version,update,status >> "{{ backup_dir.path }}/{{ prefix }}{{ daynumber}}-manifest.txt"
+    - name: Theme manifest day
+      shell:
+        wp {{ cli_args }} theme list --fields=name,version,update,status >> "{{ backup_dir.path }}/{{ prefix }}{{ daynumber}}-manifest.txt"
+    - name: Cycle - RSync day DB export to backup location
+      shell:
+        rsync -a "{{ backup_dir.path }}/{{ prefix }}{{ daynumber}}-{{ BACKUP_NAME }}.db.sql" "{{ BACKUP_TARGET }}"
+    - name: Cycle - RSync monthly DB export to backup location
+      shell:
+        rsync -a "{{ backup_dir.path }}/month{{ monthnumber }}-{{ BACKUP_NAME }}.db.sql" "{{ BACKUP_TARGET }}"
+      when: (daydate | int) == 1
+    - name: Cycle - RSync day wordpress manifest to backup location
+      shell:
+        rsync -a "{{ backup_dir.path }}/{{ prefix }}{{ daynumber}}-manifest.txt" "{{ BACKUP_TARGET }}/wordpress/"
+    - name: Cycle - Remove temporary backups directory
+      file:
+        state: absent
+        path: "{{ backup_dir.path }}/"
+  when: BACKUP_ISDATE|bool == false
+- name: Cycle backup - Rsync media files to biweekly prefix directory
+  shell: 
+    rsync -a --no-links --exclude '\.htaccess' --exclude='*cache*' --exclude='*backup*' --exclude='*.php' --exclude='*gz' --exclude='*.zip'  "{{ WP_UPLOAD_DIR }}/" "{{ BACKUP_TARGET }}/media-{{prefix}}/"
+  when: BACKUP_ISDATE|bool == false