--- git_repo: enabled: false name: /my/repo url: gitlab.com version: "HEAD" token_user: token-here token_key: key-here wp_content_dir: "." # Default settings for OpenID Connect openid_connect_settings: enabled: false # Client ID must correspond to client id setting in OpenID provider client_id: wordpress # Show a buton for SSO on login form (alternative is "auto" for SSO autologin) login_type: button # User WP gets access to these roles scope: email profile openid identity_key: preferred_username # Turn on to ignore SSL errors with OID providers (DON'T USE IN PRODUCTION!) no_sslverify: "0" # Timeout in seconds to wait for OID http requests http_request_timeout: "5" # Require users be logged in to see the site. enforce_privacy: "0" # Set to "1" to provide an alternative redirect route. Useful if your server # is causing issues with the default admin-ajax method. You must flush rewrite # rules after changing this setting. This can be done by saving the Permalinks # settings page. alternate_redirect_uri: "0" # Where in the user claim array to find the user's nickname. Possible standard # values: preferred_username, name, or sub. nickname_key: "preferred_username" # String from which the user's email address is built. Specify "{email}" as # long as the user claim contains an email claim. # This value is quoted twice, because otherwise the wp cli call interprets # this as JSON instead of as a string. email_format: "'{email}'" # String from which the user's display name is built. # Example: "{given_name} {family_name}" displayname_format: "" # If "1", the user's identity will be determined by the user name instead of # the email address. identify_with_username: "0" # State valid time in seconds. state_time_limit: "180" # If a WordPress account already exists with the same identity as a # newly-authenticated user over OpenID Connect, login as that user instead of # generating an error. link_existing_users: "0" # After a successful OpenID Connect authentication, this will redirect the # user back to the page on which they clicked the OpenID Connect login button. # This will cause the login process to proceed in a traditional WordPress # fashion. For example, users logging in through the default wp-login.php page # would end up on the WordPress Dashboard and users logging in through the # WooCommerce "My Account" page would end up on their account page. redirect_user_back: "0" # When enabled, this will automatically redirect the user back to the # WordPress login page if their access token has expired. redirect_on_logout: "1" # Very simple log messages for debugging purposes. enable_logging: "0" log_limit: "1000" # # Arbitrary secret key the server expects from this client. # client_secret: REPLACE_THIS # endpoint_login: https://sso.example.com/oauth2/auth # endpoint_userinfo: https://sso.example.com/oauth2/userinfo # endpoint_token: https://sso.example.com/oauth2/token # endpoint_end_session: https://sso.example.com/logout # If set to true roles are mapped to users when they log in. If this value is # set to true, role_key has to be set as well. role_mapping_enabled: false # Where in the user claim array to find the user's roles. Possible standard # values: roles or groups role_key: "roles" # This disables information about other services to be pushed as environment # variables. We do this because these environment variables can be read through # the WordPress admin interface, so they can leak information about other things # running on the cluster to WordPress administrators enableServiceLinks: false wordpress: config: db: prefix: wp_ adm: usid: admin pssw: CHANGE-THIS-PASSWORD email: mail@example.com site: multilingual: enabled: false plugins: [] config: [] # NOTE: Languages are ALL available languages. en_US is always installed but it is shown explicitly # EXAMPLE: `languages: "[en_US,fi_FI,wo]"` would install US English, Finnish and Wolof # EXAMPLE: `default_language: fi_FI` would set Finnish for the core language languages: "[en_US]" default_language: en_US version: 5.4.2 url: "http://localhost" title: "Wordpress Helm" ## If including a plugin to alias wp login then set a path for alt and also set the config # NOTE: The value of alt enabled must be set as true or false alt: enabled: false # config: PATH-SETTING-IN-OPTIONS-TABLE # path: SOME-LOGIN-PATH # Path used by the liveness and readiness probes to see if the site runs # correctly. probe_path: /wp-login.php # Set to true to set WP_DEBUG on in the configuration debug: false # Install includes all parent, child, default, active and fallback themes # NOTE: Use theme *slugs* here themes_install: - twentynineteen theme_active: twentynineteen # Fallback theme from wordpress repo which is fetched + activated if helm reports an error theme_fallback: twentytwenty wp_content: ## The directory to mount the files placed in wp-content. You shouldn't have to ## change this. mount_path: /var/www/wp-content-mount wp_upload: ## The directory to mount the files placed in wp-content/uploads. You shouldn't ## have to change this. mount_path: /var/www/wp-uploads-mount ## Contents of the .htaccess file that is mounted in the `wpUploadMnt` directory htaccess: | ## Disable access to all file types except the following Require all denied <Files ~ ".(xml|css|js|jpe?g|png|gif)$"> Require all granted </Files> ## Default permissions given files and directories by Wordpress ## Here they are set as strong and writeable: 750 and 640 permissions: directory_mode: 0750 files_mode: 0640 ## Detailed list of mu values and plugins with versions ## mu_plugins_dir 'mu-plugins' maps to wp-content/mu-plugins ## mu_plugins are installed as hidden and cannot be updated from the UI # NOTE: A value for mu_plugins_enabled must be set. Use either true or false mu_plugins_enabled: false mu_plugins_dir: mu-plugins # See values-local.yaml.example for an example value mu_plugins: {} ## Enable externally triggered cron with a cron plugin # NOTE: mu_cron is disabled by default. Set `mu_cron.enabled` to `true` in # your values-local to enable mu_cron. # NOTE: mu_plugins needs to be enabled to enable mu_cron! mu_cron: enabled: false name: Cron Control repo: https://github.com/Automattic/wp-cron-control.git slug: wp-cron-control version: cecdec276f086aafb6765ea77ce8d2ce0948e01c phpfile: wp-cron-control.php # Optional annotations to add to the cronjob object cronjob: image: repository: curlimages/curl tag: latest pullPolicy: Always # Every 3 minutes schedule: "*/3 * * * *" # We use the internal DNS, so there is no TLS certificate curlInsecure: true # resources: # We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious # choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little # resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following # lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. # limits: # cpu: 100m # memory: 128Mi # requests: # cpu: 100m # memory: 128Mi annotations: {} failedJobsHistoryLimit: 3 successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 1 # Maximum number of times a failing Job is retried. backoffLimit: 1 # Path to the cronjob PHP file (gets appended to the wordpress URL) path: /wp-cron.php # You can override this key for the cronjobs. If you don't change the # ingress, the cronjob URL will be blocked from outside, so this variable # should not be very important to you. static_key: cronkey persistence: ## Enable the use of a persistent volume enabled: true size: 1Gi accessMode: ReadWriteOnce # storageClass: # existingClaim: service: type: ClusterIP port: 8080 ## Dictionary with variables that are inserted into the wordpress-init default ## task. Feel free to override these if necessary ansibleVars: wordpress_homedir: /var/www/html wp_user: www-data wp_group: www-data config_user: nobody config_group: nogroup dbcharset: utf8mb4 dbcollate: utf8mb4_unicode_ci cli_args: "--path={{ wordpress_homedir }}" ## Permissions for Startup and for Reset mode_0750: u+rwx-s,g+rx-ws,o-rwx mode_0640: u+rw-sx,g+r-wxs,o-rwx mode_0440: u+r-wxs,u+r-wxs,o-rwx mode_0644: u+rw-sx,g+r-wxs,o+r-wx mode_0600: u+rw-xs,g-rwxs,o-rwx # Config Directory config_dir: /var/www ## Plugins wordpress_default_plugins: "[classic-editor]" wpSalts: WP_CRON_CONTROL_SECRET: randomstring image: repository: open.greenhost.net:4567/openappstack/wordpress-helm/wordpress tag: 0.1.5 pullPolicy: Always pullSecrets: [] initImage: repository: open.greenhost.net:4567/openappstack/wordpress-helm/wordpress-cli-ansible tag: 0.1.5 pullPolicy: Always ingress: enabled: false annotations: nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size: 50M # kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true" path: / resources: {} nodeSelector: {} tolerations: [] affinity: {} database: db: user: wordpress password: CHANGE-THIS-PASSWORD name: wordpress_db replication: enabled: true master: persistence: size: 4Gi config: |- [mysqld] skip-name-resolve explicit_defaults_for_timestamp basedir=/opt/bitnami/mariadb port=3306 socket=/opt/bitnami/mariadb/tmp/mysql.sock tmpdir=/opt/bitnami/mariadb/tmp max_allowed_packet=16M bind-address= pid-file=/opt/bitnami/mariadb/tmp/mysqld.pid log-error=/opt/bitnami/mariadb/logs/mysqld.log character-set-server=utf8mb4 collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci [client] port=3306 socket=/opt/bitnami/mariadb/tmp/mysql.sock default-character-set=utf8mb4 [manager] port=3306 socket=/opt/bitnami/mariadb/tmp/mysql.sock slave: persistence: size: 4Gi config: |- [mysqld] skip-name-resolve explicit_defaults_for_timestamp basedir=/opt/bitnami/mariadb port=3306 socket=/opt/bitnami/mariadb/tmp/mysql.sock tmpdir=/opt/bitnami/mariadb/tmp max_allowed_packet=16M bind-address= pid-file=/opt/bitnami/mariadb/tmp/mysqld.pid log-error=/opt/bitnami/mariadb/logs/mysqld.log character-set-server=utf8mb4 collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci [client] port=3306 socket=/opt/bitnami/mariadb/tmp/mysql.sock default-character-set=utf8mb4 [manager] port=3306 socket=/opt/bitnami/mariadb/tmp/mysql.sock redis: # Set redis.enabled to true to have a Redis container next to your WP. The WP will be # configured to connect to this Redis and `Redis Object Cache` plugin will be # installed as a conventional plugin. enabled: false master: persistence: # Set persistence to true you want redis to have persistence enabled: false # disableCommand is set as null to enable FLUSHALL and FLUSHDB and allow cache purge and flush disableCommands: [] cluster: # Set redis.cluster.enabled as true to have a master and a slave redis. Not necessary for caching enabled: false backup: enabled: false intervalSeconds: 86400 # Some of the variables configured above are put into a variable here, that's # completely stored as a b64encoded secret in Kubernetes. If you're not a # developer, never change this variable, only change the variables it points to. ansibleSecrets: | BACKUP_NAME: {{ .Release.Name }} BACKUP_TARGET: {{ .Values.backup.target }} DB_HOST: {{ .Release.Name }}-database DB_NAME: {{ .Values.database.db.name }} DB_PASS: {{ .Values.database.db.password }} DB_PREFIX: {{ .Values.wordpress.config.db.prefix}} DB_USER: {{ .Values.database.db.user }} LANGUAGES: {{ .Values.wordpress.site.languages }} DEFAULT_LANG: {{ .Values.wordpress.site.default_language }} WP_CONTENT_MOUNT: {{ .Values.wordpress.wp_content.mount_path }} WP_CONTENT_REPO_CONTENT_DIR: {{ .Values.git_repo.wp_content_dir }} WP_CONTENT_REPO_ENABLED: {{ .Values.git_repo.enabled }} WP_CONTENT_REPO_URL: https://{{ .Values.git_repo.token_user }}:{{ .Values.git_repo.token_key }}@{{ .Values.git_repo.url }}{{ .Values.git_repo.name }} WP_OPENID_CONNECT_ROLE_MAPPING_ENABLED: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.role_mapping_enabled }} WP_CONTENT_REPO_VERSION: {{ .Values.git_repo.version }} WP_DEBUG: {{ .Values.wordpress.site.debug }} WP_EMAIL: {{ .Values.wordpress.config.adm.email }} WP_PASS: {{ .Values.wordpress.config.adm.pssw }} WP_REDIS_ENABLED: {{ .Values.redis.enabled }} WP_REDIS_HOST: {{ .Release.Name }}-redis-master WP_REDIS_PASSWORD: {{ .Values.redis.password | default ( randAlphaNum 15 ) }} WP_THEME_ACTIVE: {{ .Values.wordpress.themes_active }} WP_THEMES_INSTALL: {{ .Values.wordpress.themes_install }} WP_THEME_FALLBACK: {{ .Values.wordpress.themes_fallback }} WP_TITLE: {{ .Values.wordpress.site.title }} WP_UPLOAD_DIR: {{ .Values.wordpress.wp_upload.mount_path }} WP_URL: {{ .Values.wordpress.site.url }} WP_USER: {{ .Values.wordpress.config.adm.usid }} WP_VERSION: {{ .Values.wordpress.site.version }} WP_ALT_ENABLED: {{ .Values.wordpress.site.alt.enabled }} WP_ALT_CONFIG: {{ .Values.wordpress.site.alt.config }} WP_ALT_PATH: {{ .Values.wordpress.site.alt.path }} WP_DIR_MODE: {{ .Values.wordpress.permissions.directory_mode }} WP_FILES_MODE: {{ .Values.wordpress.permissions.files_mode }} WP_MU_PLUGINS_ENABLED: {{ .Values.wordpress.mu_plugins_enabled }} WP_MU_PLUGINS_DIR: {{ .Values.wordpress.mu_plugins_dir }} WP_MU_PLUGINS: {{ .Values.wordpress.mu_plugins | toJson }} WP_MU_CRON_ENABLED: {{ .Values.wordpress.mu_cron.enabled }} WP_MU_CRON_SETTINGS: {{ .Values.wordpress.mu_cron | toJson }} WP_MULTILINGUAL_ENABLED: {{ .Values.wordpress.site.multilingual.enabled }} WP_MULTILINGUAL_PLUGINS: {{ .Values.wordpress.site.multilingual.plugins }} WP_MULTILINGUAL_CONFIG: {{ quote .Values.wordpress.site.multilingual.config }} WP_OPENID_CONNECT_ENABLED: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.enabled }} WP_OPENID_CONNECT_SETTINGS: alternate_redirect_uri: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.alternate_redirect_uri }} client_id: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.client_id }} client_secret: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.client_secret }} displayname_format: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.displayname_format }} email_format: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.email_format }} enable_logging: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.enable_logging }} endpoint_end_session: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.endpoint_end_session }} endpoint_login: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.endpoint_login }} endpoint_token: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.endpoint_token }} endpoint_userinfo: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.endpoint_userinfo }} enforce_privacy: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.enforce_privacy }} http_request_timeout: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.http_request_timeout }} identify_with_username: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.identify_with_username }} identity_key: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.identity_key }} link_existing_users: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.link_existing_users }} login_type: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.login_type }} log_limit: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.log_limit }} nickname_key: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.nickname_key }} no_sslverify: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.no_sslverify }} redirect_on_logout: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.redirect_on_logout }} redirect_user_back: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.redirect_user_back }} scope: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.scope }} state_time_limit: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.state_time_limit }} role_key: {{ .Values.openid_connect_settings.role_key }} WP_SALTS: AUTH_KEY: {{ .Values.wpSalts.AUTH_KEY | default ( randAlphaNum 32) }} AUTH_SALT: {{ .Values.wpSalts.AUTH_SALT | default ( randAlphaNum 32) }} LOGGED_IN_KEY: {{ .Values.wpSalts.LOGGED_IN_KEY | default ( randAlphaNum 32) }} LOGGED_IN_SALT: {{ .Values.wpSalts.LOGGED_IN_SALT | default ( randAlphaNum 32) }} NONCE_KEY: {{ .Values.wpSalts.NONCE_KEY | default ( randAlphaNum 32) }} NONCE_SALT: {{ .Values.wpSalts.NONCE_SALT | default ( randAlphaNum 32) }} SECURE_AUTH_KEY: {{ .Values.wpSalts.SECURE_AUTH_KEY | default ( randAlphaNum 32) }} SECURE_AUTH_SALT: {{ .Values.wpSalts.SECURE_AUTH_SALT | default ( randAlphaNum 32) }} WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT: {{ .Values.wpSalts.WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT | default ( randAlphaNum 32) }} WP_CRON_CONTROL_SECRET: {{ .Values.wpSalts.WP_CRON_CONTROL_SECRET }} ## Liveness and readiness probe values ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle/#container-probes ## livenessProbe: enabled: true initialDelaySeconds: 60 periodSeconds: 15 timeoutSeconds: 5 failureThreshold: 3 successThreshold: 1 readinessProbe: enabled: true initialDelaySeconds: 10 periodSeconds: 15 timeoutSeconds: 5 failureThreshold: 3 successThreshold: 1