diff --git a/docs/installation_instructions.md b/docs/installation_instructions.md
index 5374e86aa1d21d110aef3dde203e736f64476d30..6fee9d5c0a4d9f5d9c2ecb9269f862465f3b5c00 100644
--- a/docs/installation_instructions.md
+++ b/docs/installation_instructions.md
@@ -26,14 +26,17 @@ guide][https://openappstack.net/contact.html).
 ## Prerequisites
 * A virtual machine or bare metal server with:
-  * Current Debian stable "buster";
-  * A public IP address;
-  * 6GB of RAM;
+  * Current Debian stable "buster"
+  * A public IP address
+  * The ability to create DNS records for this IP
+  * 6GB of RAM
   * At least 20GB of disk space for installation, plus more for application
-    data;
-  * root ssh access.
-  * Python installed
-* A trusted local machine to run the installer on:
+    data. We recommend starting with 30GB.
+  * Root ssh access
+  * Python3 installed
+* A trusted local machine to run the installer on (we call this the `provisioning
+  machine`):
   * You need Python 3 and Git installed (`apt install python3 git`)
   * We recommend using a [python virtualenv](https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/venv.html)
     to make sure we do not change any of your other projects. Install virtualenv