diff --git a/ansible/group_vars/all/stackspin.yml b/ansible/group_vars/all/stackspin.yml
index dd8767f1fd784cb33dad0bfceb955244caeb5a3d..fd2f694e032ca62bc91e27a5e12b26c718943f4d 100644
--- a/ansible/group_vars/all/stackspin.yml
+++ b/ansible/group_vars/all/stackspin.yml
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ flux:
   # https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s/releases
-  version: 'v1.23.1+k3s2'
+  version: 'v1.23.3+k3s1'
   # args to start the k3s server with
   # https://rancher.com/docs/k3s/latest/en/installation/install-options/server-config/
   # kubelet arguments can be passed with `--kubelet-arg`
diff --git a/flux2/apps/nextcloud/nextcloud-values-configmap.yaml b/flux2/apps/nextcloud/nextcloud-values-configmap.yaml
index 0fea5d02bb0e6ef2c534681e641912544947a637..ae60f00430ce79570ee3f8449a9d40d1dd759ff8 100644
--- a/flux2/apps/nextcloud/nextcloud-values-configmap.yaml
+++ b/flux2/apps/nextcloud/nextcloud-values-configmap.yaml
@@ -179,10 +179,10 @@ data:
         enabled: false
-          cpu: 750m
+          cpu: 500m
           memory: 512Mi
-          cpu: 300m
+          cpu: 200m
           memory: 256Mi
         initialDelaySeconds: 180
diff --git a/flux2/apps/wordpress/release.yaml b/flux2/apps/wordpress/release.yaml
index 00a784226fd02d4d4bfe331fb1e2e5c3ede67c75..32e737a32e4b4cfa646927abd417bceb43d93cda 100644
--- a/flux2/apps/wordpress/release.yaml
+++ b/flux2/apps/wordpress/release.yaml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ spec:
       # renovate: registryUrl=https://open.greenhost.net/api/v4/projects/27/packages/helm/stable
       chart: wordpress
-      version: 0.5.3
+      version: 0.5.4
         kind: HelmRepository
         name: wordpress-helm
diff --git a/flux2/apps/wordpress/wordpress-values-configmap.yaml b/flux2/apps/wordpress/wordpress-values-configmap.yaml
index 986cbf0093df78f0318ae9f275a224705d1fac4d..396c20259786e0bd18b946b9f61cbb4fe45cd434 100644
--- a/flux2/apps/wordpress/wordpress-values-configmap.yaml
+++ b/flux2/apps/wordpress/wordpress-values-configmap.yaml
@@ -84,12 +84,14 @@ data:
         stackspin.net/backupSet: "wordpress"
+    # It's advisable to set resource limits to prevent your K8s cluster from
+    # crashing
-        cpu: 1000m
+        cpu: 500m
         memory: 512Mi
-        cpu: 250m
+        cpu: 100m
         memory: 256Mi
diff --git a/install/generate_secrets.py b/install/generate_secrets.py
index 04aed3ff53ed53ddc6b7226068fa0ce780b1bcd2..f1eb31606192fcc0b46867bb66026083a70640bc 100644
--- a/install/generate_secrets.py
+++ b/install/generate_secrets.py
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-Generates Kubernetes secrets based on a provided app name.
+"""Generates Kubernetes secrets based on a provided app name.
 If the `templates` directory contains a secret called `stackspin-{app}-variables`, it
 will check if that secret already exists in the cluster, and if not: generate
@@ -19,9 +18,9 @@ import string
 import sys
 import jinja2
-import jinja2_base64_filters  # pylint: disable=unused-import
 import yaml
 from kubernetes import client, config
+from kubernetes.client import api_client
 from kubernetes.client.exceptions import ApiException
 from kubernetes.utils import create_from_yaml
 from kubernetes.utils.create_from_yaml import FailToCreateError
@@ -35,10 +34,12 @@ APPS_WITHOUT_OAUTH = [
 def main():
-    """Run everything"""
+    """Run everything."""
     # Add jinja filters we want to use
-    env = jinja2.Environment(extensions=["jinja2_base64_filters.Base64Filters"])
+    env = jinja2.Environment(
+        extensions=["jinja2_base64_filters.Base64Filters"])
     env.filters["generate_password"] = generate_password
     if len(sys.argv) < 2:
@@ -47,99 +48,113 @@ def main():
     app_name = sys.argv[1]
     # Create app variables secret
-    create_variables_secret(app_name, f"stackspin-{app_name}-variables.yaml.jinja", env)
+    create_variables_secret(
+        app_name, f"stackspin-{app_name}-variables.yaml.jinja", env)
     # Create a secret that contains the oauth variables for Hydra Maester
     if app_name not in APPS_WITHOUT_OAUTH:
-        create_variables_secret(app_name, "stackspin-oauth-variables.yaml.jinja", env)
+        create_variables_secret(
+            app_name, "stackspin-oauth-variables.yaml.jinja", env)
     create_basic_auth_secret(app_name, env)
 def get_templates_dir():
-    """Returns directory that contains the Jinja templates used to create app
-    secrets"""
-    return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'templates')
+    """Returns directory that contains the Jinja templates used to create app secrets."""
+    return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "templates")
 def create_variables_secret(app_name, variables_filename, env):
-    """Checks if a variables secret for app_name already exists, generates it if necessary"""
-    variables_filepath = \
-        os.path.join(get_templates_dir(), variables_filename)
+    """Checks if a variables secret for app_name already exists, generates it if necessary."""
+    variables_filepath = os.path.join(get_templates_dir(), variables_filename)
     if os.path.exists(variables_filepath):
         # Check if k8s secret already exists, if not, generate it
-        with open(variables_filepath) as template_file:
+        with open(variables_filepath, encoding="UTF-8") as template_file:
             lines = template_file.read()
             secret_name, secret_namespace = get_secret_metadata(lines)
             new_secret_dict = yaml.safe_load(
-                env.from_string(
-                    lines,
-                    globals={"app": app_name}
-                ).render())
-            current_secret_data = get_kubernetes_secret_data(secret_name,
-                    secret_namespace)
+                env.from_string(lines, globals={"app": app_name}).render()
+            )
+            current_secret_data = get_kubernetes_secret_data(
+                secret_name, secret_namespace
+            )
             if current_secret_data is None:
                 # Create new secret
                 update_secret = False
-            elif current_secret_data.keys() != new_secret_dict['data'].keys():
+            elif current_secret_data.keys() != new_secret_dict["data"].keys():
                 # Update current secret with new keys
                 update_secret = True
-                print(f"Secret {secret_name} in namespace {secret_namespace}"
-                      " already exists. Merging...")
+                print(
+                    f"Secret {secret_name} in namespace {secret_namespace}"
+                    " already exists. Merging..."
+                )
                 # Merge dicts. Values from current_secret_data take precedence
-                new_secret_dict['data'] |= current_secret_data
+                new_secret_dict["data"] |= current_secret_data
                 # Do Nothing
-                print(f"Secret {secret_name} in namespace {secret_namespace}"
-                      " is already in a good state, doing nothing.")
+                print(
+                    f"Secret {secret_name} in namespace {secret_namespace}"
+                    " is already in a good state, doing nothing."
+                )
-            print(f"Storing secret {secret_name} in namespace"
-                  f" {secret_namespace} in cluster.")
-            store_kubernetes_secret(new_secret_dict, secret_namespace,
-                                    update=update_secret)
+            print(
+                f"Storing secret {secret_name} in namespace"
+                f" {secret_namespace} in cluster."
+            )
+            store_kubernetes_secret(
+                new_secret_dict, secret_namespace, update=update_secret
+            )
-        print(f'Template {variables_filename} does not exist, no action needed')
+        print(
+            f"Template {variables_filename} does not exist, no action needed")
 def create_basic_auth_secret(app_name, env):
-    """Checks if a basic auth secret for app_name already exists, generates it if necessary"""
-    basic_auth_filename = \
-        os.path.join(get_templates_dir(), f"stackspin-{app_name}-basic-auth.yaml.jinja")
+    """Checks if a basic auth secret for app_name already exists, generates it if necessary."""
+    basic_auth_filename = os.path.join(
+        get_templates_dir(), f"stackspin-{app_name}-basic-auth.yaml.jinja"
+    )
     if os.path.exists(basic_auth_filename):
-        with open(basic_auth_filename) as template_file:
+        with open(basic_auth_filename, encoding="UTF-8") as template_file:
             lines = template_file.read()
             secret_name, secret_namespace = get_secret_metadata(lines)
             if get_kubernetes_secret_data(secret_name, secret_namespace) is None:
-                basic_auth_username = 'admin'
+                basic_auth_username = "admin"
                 basic_auth_password = generate_password(32)
                 basic_auth_htpasswd = gen_htpasswd(
-                    basic_auth_username,
-                    basic_auth_password)
-                print(f"Adding secret {secret_name} in namespace"
-                      f" {secret_namespace} to cluster.")
+                    basic_auth_username, basic_auth_password
+                )
+                print(
+                    f"Adding secret {secret_name} in namespace"
+                    f" {secret_namespace} to cluster."
+                )
                 template = env.from_string(
-                        lines,
-                        globals={
-                            'pass': basic_auth_password,
-                            'htpasswd': basic_auth_htpasswd
-                })
+                    lines,
+                    globals={
+                        "pass": basic_auth_password,
+                        "htpasswd": basic_auth_htpasswd,
+                    },
+                )
                 secret_dict = yaml.safe_load(template.render())
                 store_kubernetes_secret(secret_dict, secret_namespace)
-                print(f"Secret {secret_name} in namespace {secret_namespace}"
-                      " already exists. Not generating new secrets.")
+                print(
+                    f"Secret {secret_name} in namespace {secret_namespace}"
+                    " already exists. Not generating new secrets."
+                )
-        print(f'File {basic_auth_filename} does not exist, no action needed')
+        print(f"File {basic_auth_filename} does not exist, no action needed")
 def get_secret_metadata(yaml_string):
-    """Returns secret name and namespace from metadata field in a yaml string"""
+    """Returns secret name and namespace from metadata field in a yaml string."""
     secret_dict = yaml.safe_load(yaml_string)
-    secret_name = secret_dict['metadata']['name']
+    secret_name = secret_dict["metadata"]["name"]
     # default namespace is flux-system, but other namespace can be
     # provided in secret metadata
-    if 'namespace' in secret_dict['metadata']:
-        secret_namespace = secret_dict['metadata']['namespace']
+    if "namespace" in secret_dict["metadata"]:
+        secret_namespace = secret_dict["metadata"]["namespace"]
-        secret_namespace = 'flux-system'
+        secret_namespace = "flux-system"
     return secret_name, secret_namespace
@@ -154,9 +169,10 @@ def get_kubernetes_secret_data(secret_name, namespace):
         return None
     return secret
 def store_kubernetes_secret(secret_dict, namespace, update=False):
-    """Stores either a new secret in the cluster, or updates an existing one"""
-    api_client = client.api_client.ApiClient()
+    """Stores either a new secret in the cluster, or updates an existing one."""
+    api_client_instance = api_client.ApiClient()
     if update:
         verb = "updated"
         api_response = patch_kubernetes_secret(secret_dict, namespace)
@@ -164,37 +180,38 @@ def store_kubernetes_secret(secret_dict, namespace, update=False):
         verb = "created"
             api_response = create_from_yaml(
-                    api_client,
-                    yaml_objects=[secret_dict],
-                    namespace=namespace)
+                api_client_instance,
+                yaml_objects=[secret_dict],
+                namespace=namespace
+            )
         except FailToCreateError as ex:
             print(f"Secret not {verb} because of exception {ex}")
     print(f"Secret {verb} with api response: {api_response}")
 def patch_kubernetes_secret(secret_dict, namespace):
-    """Patches secret in the cluster with new data"""
-    api_client = client.api_client.ApiClient()
-    api_instance = client.CoreV1Api(api_client)
-    name = secret_dict['metadata']['name']
+    """Patches secret in the cluster with new data."""
+    api_client_instance = api_client.ApiClient()
+    api_instance = client.CoreV1Api(apiclient)
+    name = secret_dict["metadata"]["name"]
     body = {}
-    body['data'] = secret_dict['data']
+    body["data"] = secret_dict["data"]
     return api_instance.patch_namespaced_secret(name, namespace, body)
 def generate_password(length):
-    """Generates a password of "length" characters"""
+    """Generates a password of "length" characters."""
     length = int(length)
-    password = ''.join((secrets.choice(string.ascii_letters) for i in range(length)))
+    password = "".join((secrets.choice(string.ascii_letters)
+                        for i in range(length)))
     return password
 def gen_htpasswd(user, password):
-    """generate htpasswd entry for user with password"""
-    return "{}:{}".format(user, crypt.crypt(
-                password, crypt.mksalt(crypt.METHOD_SHA512)
-            ),
-        )
+    """Generate htpasswd entry for user with password."""
+    return f"{user}:{crypt.crypt(password, crypt.mksalt(crypt.METHOD_SHA512))}"
 if __name__ == "__main__":