diff --git a/test/pytest/test_prometheus.py b/test/pytest/test_prometheus.py
index 70aec925381618ee2035f955072782eeee8f20b4..5fca63efa3520fc723745d12cca31e5fcb4db41c 100755
--- a/test/pytest/test_prometheus.py
+++ b/test/pytest/test_prometheus.py
@@ -11,47 +11,15 @@ def ignore_alert(alert):
     equals "none", or in some application specific cases.
+    # Ignore watchdog alerts
     if alert["labels"]["severity"] == "none":
         return True
     # Ignore `KubeAPILatencyHigh` fom high load during installation
     # phase
-    if alert["labels"]["alertname"] == "KubeAPILatencyHigh":
+    if alert["labels"]["alertname"] == "KubeAPIDown":
         return True
-    if 'pod' in alert["labels"]:
-        # Filter out failing Nextcloud installation jobs since a lot of
-        # them fail until they succeed during installation
-        if "nextcloud" in alert["labels"]["pod"]:
-            if alert["labels"]["alertname"] in [
-                    "KubeJobFailed",
-                    "KubeJobCompletion",
-                    "KubePodNotReady"]:
-                return True
-        # Filter out when some apps take too long to start
-        if re.search("(rocketchat|wordpress)", alert["labels"]["pod"]):
-            if alert["labels"]["alertname"] in [
-                    "KubePodNotReady",
-                    "KubeDeploymentReplicasMismatch",
-                    "KubeStatefulSetReplicasMismatch"]:
-                return True
-        # Filter out failed signgle-sign-on pods until we fix
-        # https://open.greenhost.net/openappstack/single-sign-on/issues/26
-        if "single-sign-on-create-" in alert["labels"]["pod"]:
-            if alert["labels"]["alertname"] in ["KubePodNotReady"]:
-                return True
-    if 'job_name' in alert["labels"]:
-        # Filter out failed signgle-sign-on jobs until we fix
-        # https://open.greenhost.net/openappstack/single-sign-on/issues/26
-        if "single-sign-on-create-" in alert["labels"]["job_name"]:
-            if alert["labels"]["alertname"] in [
-                    "KubeJobFailed",
-                    "KubeJobCompletion"]:
-                return True
     return False