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 # OpenAppStack bootstrap script
-This collection of scripts allows you to easily set up a new OpenAppStack cluster.
+The OpenAppStack bootstrap script allows you to easily set up a new OpenAppStack cluster.
-As part of the bootstrap process a special control shell is installed (in the form of
-a Docker image) which contains utilities to manage your cluster.
-## Prerequisites
-* You need to have ssh access (either as root, or as another user that can
-  `sudo`) to the machines that will make up your cluster.
-* You need `ansible >= 2.6` installed on your workstation to run the bootstrap
-  scripts. Please install it using your system package manager.
-  In the case your system package manager doesn't provide `ansible >= 2.6` you
-  can install it via the python package manager like this:
-    `pip3 install --user -r ansible/requirements.txt`
-  Hint: If you get a [segmentation fault](https://bitbucket.org/cffi/cffi/issues/272/segfault-while-installing-via-pip)
-  using above command, you can add `--no-use-wheel` to it.
-## Bootstrapping a new cluster
-### Configure your cluster
-Copy `ansible/inventory.yml.example` to `ansible/inventory.yml` and edit it to
-reflect your cluster.
-Also copy `ansible/group_vars/cluster/settings.yml.example` to
-`ansible/group_vars/cluster/settings.yml` and edit as you see fit.
-### Install
-To run the bootstrap process, move into the `ansible` directory, then run
-ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml
-## Managing an existing cluster
-Login to your cluster with:
-    ssh USER@SERVER
-where `SERVER` is the address of the master machine of your cluster and
-`USER` the `ansible_user` you configured in `ansible/inventory.yml`.
-Some programs that are installed on your cluster:
-* `kubectl` is the Kubernetes control program. For example, run
-  `kubectl get pod` to see a list of pods that currently exist in your cluster.
-  Run `kubectl --help` for help.
-* `helm` is the "Kubernetes package manager". Use `helm ls` to see what apps are
-  installed in your cluster. You can also use it to perform manual upgrades;
-  see `helm --help`.
-* `helmfile` is a high-level tool to manage your app installations. For example,
-  run `helmfile -e oas diff` to view the differences between what's currently
-  installed and what should be installed according to the OpenAppStack
-  installation plan.
+Please refer to https://openappstack.net/documentation.html for further details,
+and to https://openappstack.net/tutorial.html for a step by step installation tutorial
+how to bootstrap your cluster.