From 8032a5a67d8aa0e152e457561e499f80fa05473c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maarten de Waard <>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2021 11:46:24 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] use values configmaps for the first few apps

 flux2/apps/monitoring/loki-release.yaml       |   1 +
 flux2/apps/rocketchat/kustomization.yaml      |   1 +
 flux2/apps/rocketchat/release.yaml            | 127 +--------------
 .../rocketchat-values-configmap.yaml          | 128 +++++++++++++++
 flux2/apps/velero/kustomization.yaml          |   3 +-
 flux2/apps/velero/release.yaml                | 114 +------------
 .../apps/velero/velero-values-configmap.yaml  | 116 +++++++++++++
 flux2/core/base/metallb/kustomization.yaml    |   1 +
 .../metallb/metallb-values-configmap.yaml     |  15 ++
 flux2/core/base/metallb/release.yaml          |  13 +-
 flux2/core/base/nginx/kustomization.yaml      |   1 +
 flux2/core/base/nginx/nginx-values-configmap  |  30 ++++
 flux2/core/base/nginx/release.yaml            |  28 +---
 .../base/single-sign-on/kustomization.yaml    |   3 +-
 flux2/core/base/single-sign-on/release.yaml   | 150 +----------------
 .../single-sign-on-values-configmap.yaml      | 152 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../cert-manager-values-configmap.yaml        |  35 ++++
 .../cert-manager/kustomization.yaml           |   3 +-
 .../infrastructure/cert-manager/release.yaml  |  33 +---
 .../local-path-provisioner/kustomization.yaml |   1 + |  25 +++
 .../local-path-provisioner/release.yaml       |  24 +--
 22 files changed, 539 insertions(+), 465 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 flux2/apps/rocketchat/rocketchat-values-configmap.yaml
 create mode 100644 flux2/apps/velero/velero-values-configmap.yaml
 create mode 100644 flux2/core/base/metallb/metallb-values-configmap.yaml
 create mode 100644 flux2/core/base/nginx/nginx-values-configmap
 create mode 100644 flux2/core/base/single-sign-on/single-sign-on-values-configmap.yaml
 create mode 100644 flux2/infrastructure/cert-manager/cert-manager-values-configmap.yaml
 create mode 100644 flux2/infrastructure/local-path-provisioner/local-path-provisioner-values-configmap.yaml

diff --git a/flux2/apps/monitoring/loki-release.yaml b/flux2/apps/monitoring/loki-release.yaml
index ce04d3cb0..eb50dd8f7 100644
--- a/flux2/apps/monitoring/loki-release.yaml
+++ b/flux2/apps/monitoring/loki-release.yaml
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ spec:
     - kind: ConfigMap
       name: oas-loki-values
+      optional: false
     # Allow overriding values by ConfigMap or Secret
     - kind: ConfigMap
       name: oas-loki-override
diff --git a/flux2/apps/rocketchat/kustomization.yaml b/flux2/apps/rocketchat/kustomization.yaml
index 069d8f571..835ce5fef 100644
--- a/flux2/apps/rocketchat/kustomization.yaml
+++ b/flux2/apps/rocketchat/kustomization.yaml
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ kind: Kustomization
 namespace: oas-apps
   - release.yaml
+  - rocketchat-values-configmap.yaml
diff --git a/flux2/apps/rocketchat/release.yaml b/flux2/apps/rocketchat/release.yaml
index 2b66ad935..eae7c10f3 100644
--- a/flux2/apps/rocketchat/release.yaml
+++ b/flux2/apps/rocketchat/release.yaml
@@ -17,130 +17,11 @@ spec:
   interval: 1h
     timeout: 15m
-  values:
-    # Hostname for
-    host: "chat.${domain}"
-    # Extra environment variables for Rocket.Chat. Used with tpl function, so this
-    # needs to be a string
-    extraEnv: |
-      - name: ADMIN_USERNAME
-        value: admin
-      - name: ADMIN_PASS
-        value: "${rocketchat_admin_password}"
-      - name: ADMIN_EMAIL
-        value: "${admin_email}"
-        # Set setup wizard to completed. The setup wizard, that allows you to
-        # create a different admin user, gets skipped.
-      - name: OVERWRITE_SETTING_Show_Setup_Wizard
-        value: completed
-      - name: E2E_Enable
-        value: "true"
-      - name: Accounts_RegistrationForm
-        value: Disabled
-      - name: Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText
-        value: "Create a new account at admin.${domain} to add users"
-      # Custom OAuth rules:
-      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack
-        value: "true"
-      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_url
-        value: https://sso.${domain}
-      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_token_path
-        value: /oauth2/token
-      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_token_sent_via
-        value: payload
-      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_identity_token_sent_via
-        value: payload
-      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_identity_path
-        value: /userinfo
-      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_authorize_path
-        value: /oauth2/auth
-      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_scope
-        value: openid profile openappstack_roles email
-      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_id
-        value: rocketchat
-      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_secret
-        value: ${rocketchat_oauth_client_secret}
-      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_login_style
-        value: redirect
-      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_button_label_text
-        value: Login via OpenAppStack
-      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_button_label_color
-        value: "#FFFFFF"
-      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_button_color
-        value: "#1d74f5"
-      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_username_field
-        value: preferred_username
-      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_name_field
-        value: preferred_username
-      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_roles_claim
-        value: openappstack_roles
-      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_merge_roles
-        value: "true"
-      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_merge_users
-        value: "true"
-      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_show_button
-        value: "true"
-    livenessProbe:
-      initialDelaySeconds: 180
-      failureThreshold: 20
-    readinessProbe:
-      initialDelaySeconds: 60
-      timeoutSeconds: 10
-    ingress:
-      enabled: true
-      annotations:
-        # Tell cert-manager to automatically get a TLS certificate
- "true"
-      tls:
-        - hosts:
-            - "chat.${domain}"
-          secretName: oas-rocketchat
-    persistence:
-      enabled: true
-      size: 1Gi
-      # FIXME: This valuee leads to an unused PVC, which helm-controller does
-      # not like.
-      # existingClaim: "rocketchat-data"
-    podAnnotations:
-      # Let the backup system include rocketchat data.
- "rocket-data"
-    resources:
-      limits:
-        cpu: 400m
-        memory: 1024Mi
-      requests:
-        cpu: 100m
-        memory: 768Mi
-    mongodb:
-      mongodbRootPassword: ${mongodb_root_password}
-      mongodbPassword: ${mongodb_password}
-      podAnnotations:
-        # Let the backup system include rocketchat data stored in mongodb.
- "datadir"
-      persistence:
-        enabled: true
-        # FIXME: This value is ignored by the chart currently in use
-        # existingClaim: "rocketchat-mongodb"
-      resources:
-        limits:
-          cpu: 600m
-          memory: 1024Mi
-        requests:
-          cpu: 300m
-          memory: 768Mi
-    image:
-      tag: 3.15.0
-      pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
-  # Allow custom values either by configMap or by secret
+    - kind: ConfigMap
+      name: oas-rocketchat-values
+      optional: false
+    # Allow overriding values by ConfigMap or Secret
     - kind: ConfigMap
       name: oas-rocketchat-override
       optional: true
diff --git a/flux2/apps/rocketchat/rocketchat-values-configmap.yaml b/flux2/apps/rocketchat/rocketchat-values-configmap.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..100c94221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flux2/apps/rocketchat/rocketchat-values-configmap.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ConfigMap
+  name: oas-rocketchat-values
+  values.yaml: |
+    # Hostname for
+    host: "chat.${domain}"
+    # Extra environment variables for Rocket.Chat. Used with tpl function, so this
+    # needs to be a string
+    extraEnv: |
+      - name: ADMIN_USERNAME
+        value: admin
+      - name: ADMIN_PASS
+        value: "${rocketchat_admin_password}"
+      - name: ADMIN_EMAIL
+        value: "${admin_email}"
+        # Set setup wizard to completed. The setup wizard, that allows you to
+        # create a different admin user, gets skipped.
+      - name: OVERWRITE_SETTING_Show_Setup_Wizard
+        value: completed
+      - name: E2E_Enable
+        value: "true"
+      - name: Accounts_RegistrationForm
+        value: Disabled
+      - name: Accounts_RegistrationForm_LinkReplacementText
+        value: "Create a new account at admin.${domain} to add users"
+      # Custom OAuth rules:
+      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack
+        value: "true"
+      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_url
+        value: https://sso.${domain}
+      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_token_path
+        value: /oauth2/token
+      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_token_sent_via
+        value: payload
+      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_identity_token_sent_via
+        value: payload
+      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_identity_path
+        value: /userinfo
+      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_authorize_path
+        value: /oauth2/auth
+      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_scope
+        value: openid profile openappstack_roles email
+      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_id
+        value: rocketchat
+      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_secret
+        value: ${rocketchat_oauth_client_secret}
+      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_login_style
+        value: redirect
+      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_button_label_text
+        value: Login via OpenAppStack
+      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_button_label_color
+        value: "#FFFFFF"
+      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_button_color
+        value: "#1d74f5"
+      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_username_field
+        value: preferred_username
+      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_name_field
+        value: preferred_username
+      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_roles_claim
+        value: openappstack_roles
+      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_merge_roles
+        value: "true"
+      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_merge_users
+        value: "true"
+      - name: Accounts_OAuth_Custom_Openappstack_show_button
+        value: "true"
+    livenessProbe:
+      initialDelaySeconds: 180
+      failureThreshold: 20
+    readinessProbe:
+      initialDelaySeconds: 60
+      timeoutSeconds: 10
+    ingress:
+      enabled: true
+      annotations:
+        # Tell cert-manager to automatically get a TLS certificate
+ "true"
+      tls:
+        - hosts:
+            - "chat.${domain}"
+          secretName: oas-rocketchat
+    persistence:
+      enabled: true
+      size: 1Gi
+      # FIXME: This valuee leads to an unused PVC, which helm-controller does
+      # not like.
+      # existingClaim: "rocketchat-data"
+    podAnnotations:
+      # Let the backup system include rocketchat data.
+ "rocket-data"
+    resources:
+      limits:
+        cpu: 400m
+        memory: 1024Mi
+      requests:
+        cpu: 100m
+        memory: 768Mi
+    mongodb:
+      mongodbRootPassword: ${mongodb_root_password}
+      mongodbPassword: ${mongodb_password}
+      podAnnotations:
+        # Let the backup system include rocketchat data stored in mongodb.
+ "datadir"
+      persistence:
+        enabled: true
+        # FIXME: This value is ignored by the chart currently in use
+        # existingClaim: "rocketchat-mongodb"
+      resources:
+        limits:
+          cpu: 600m
+          memory: 1024Mi
+        requests:
+          cpu: 300m
+          memory: 768Mi
+    image:
+      tag: 3.15.0
+      pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
diff --git a/flux2/apps/velero/kustomization.yaml b/flux2/apps/velero/kustomization.yaml
index c95bcc7fb..4e1d68a9f 100644
--- a/flux2/apps/velero/kustomization.yaml
+++ b/flux2/apps/velero/kustomization.yaml
@@ -3,4 +3,5 @@ apiVersion:
 kind: Kustomization
 namespace: velero
-  - release.yaml
\ No newline at end of file
+  - release.yaml
+  - velero-values-configmap.yaml
diff --git a/flux2/apps/velero/release.yaml b/flux2/apps/velero/release.yaml
index 3b8daccca..99ccf81b6 100644
--- a/flux2/apps/velero/release.yaml
+++ b/flux2/apps/velero/release.yaml
@@ -15,117 +15,11 @@ spec:
         name: vmware-tanzu
         namespace: flux-system
   interval: 1h
-  values:
-    # Init containers to add to the Velero deployment's pod spec. At least one
-    # plugin provider image is required.
-    initContainers:
-      - name: velero-plugin-for-aws
-        image: velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:v1.1.0
-        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
-        volumeMounts:
-          - mountPath: /target
-            name: plugins
-    # Settings for Velero's prometheus metrics. Enabled by default.
-    metrics:
-      enabled: true
-      scrapeInterval: 30s
-      # Pod annotations for Prometheus
-      podAnnotations:
- "true"
- "8085"
- "/metrics"
-      serviceMonitor:
-        enabled: false
-        additionalLabels: {}
-    # Install CRDs as a templates. Enabled by default.
-    installCRDs: true
-    ##
-    ## Parameters for the `default` BackupStorageLocation and VolumeSnapshotLocation,
-    ## and additional server settings.
-    ##
-    configuration:
-      # Cloud provider being used (e.g. aws, azure, gcp).
-      # We don't use aws, but ceph which is S3-compatible.
-      provider: aws
-      # Parameters for the `default` BackupStorageLocation. See
-      #
-      backupStorageLocation:
-        # Cloud provider where backups should be stored. Usually should
-        # match `configuration.provider`. Required.
-        # The name "default" seems to be special: backups that don't have a
-        # location specified will use this one.
-        name: default
-        # Provider for the backup storage location. If omitted
-        # `configuration.provider` will be used instead.
-        # provider:
-        # Bucket to store backups in. Required.
-        bucket: ${backup_s3_bucket}
-        # Prefix within bucket under which to store backups. Optional.
-        prefix: ${backup_s3_prefix}
-        # Additional provider-specific configuration. See link above
-        # for details of required/optional fields for your provider.
-        config:
-          s3ForcePathStyle: true
-          s3Url: ${backup_s3_url}
-          region: ${backup_s3_region}
-    rbac:
-      # Whether to create the Velero role and role binding to give all permissions to the namespace to Velero.
-      create: true
-      # Whether to create the cluster role binding to give administrator permissions to Velero
-      clusterAdministrator: true
-    # Information about the Kubernetes service account Velero uses.
-    serviceAccount:
-      server:
-        create: true
-        name:
-        annotations:
-    # Info about the secret to be used by the Velero deployment, which
-    # should contain credentials for the cloud provider IAM account you've
-    # set up for Velero.
-    credentials:
-      useSecret: true
-      secretContents:
-        cloud: |
-          [default]
-          aws_access_key_id=${backup_s3_aws_access_key_id}
-          aws_secret_access_key=${backup_s3_aws_secret_access_key}
-    # Whether to create backupstoragelocation crd, if false => do not create a default backup location
-    backupsEnabled: true
-    # Whether to create volumesnapshotlocation crd, if false => disable snapshot feature
-    snapshotsEnabled: false
-    # Whether to deploy the restic daemonset.
-    deployRestic: true
-    restic:
-      podVolumePath: /var/lib/kubelet/pods
-      privileged: true
-    # Backup schedules to create.
-    schedules:
-      # This is just a name, can be anything.
-      nightly:
-        # Every night at 3:30.
-        schedule: "30 3 * * *"
-        template:
-          # Backups are stored for 60 days (1440 hours).
-          ttl: "1440h"
-          includedNamespaces:
-            # We include all namespaces.
-            - '*'
-    configMaps: {}
-  # Allow custom values either by configMap or by secret
+    - kind: ConfigMap
+      name: oas-velero-values
+      optional: false
+    # Allow overriding values by ConfigMap or Secret
     - kind: ConfigMap
       name: oas-velero-override
       optional: true
diff --git a/flux2/apps/velero/velero-values-configmap.yaml b/flux2/apps/velero/velero-values-configmap.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a7b4637a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flux2/apps/velero/velero-values-configmap.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ConfigMap
+  name: oas-velero-values
+  values.yaml: |
+    # Init containers to add to the Velero deployment's pod spec. At least one
+    # plugin provider image is required.
+    initContainers:
+      - name: velero-plugin-for-aws
+        image: velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:v1.1.0
+        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+        volumeMounts:
+          - mountPath: /target
+            name: plugins
+    # Settings for Velero's prometheus metrics. Enabled by default.
+    metrics:
+      enabled: true
+      scrapeInterval: 30s
+      # Pod annotations for Prometheus
+      podAnnotations:
+ "true"
+ "8085"
+ "/metrics"
+      serviceMonitor:
+        enabled: false
+        additionalLabels: {}
+    # Install CRDs as a templates. Enabled by default.
+    installCRDs: true
+    ##
+    ## Parameters for the `default` BackupStorageLocation and VolumeSnapshotLocation,
+    ## and additional server settings.
+    ##
+    configuration:
+      # Cloud provider being used (e.g. aws, azure, gcp).
+      # We don't use aws, but ceph which is S3-compatible.
+      provider: aws
+      # Parameters for the `default` BackupStorageLocation. See
+      #
+      backupStorageLocation:
+        # Cloud provider where backups should be stored. Usually should
+        # match `configuration.provider`. Required.
+        # The name "default" seems to be special: backups that don't have a
+        # location specified will use this one.
+        name: default
+        # Provider for the backup storage location. If omitted
+        # `configuration.provider` will be used instead.
+        # provider:
+        # Bucket to store backups in. Required.
+        bucket: ${backup_s3_bucket}
+        # Prefix within bucket under which to store backups. Optional.
+        prefix: ${backup_s3_prefix}
+        # Additional provider-specific configuration. See link above
+        # for details of required/optional fields for your provider.
+        config:
+          s3ForcePathStyle: true
+          s3Url: ${backup_s3_url}
+          region: ${backup_s3_region}
+    rbac:
+      # Whether to create the Velero role and role binding to give all permissions to the namespace to Velero.
+      create: true
+      # Whether to create the cluster role binding to give administrator permissions to Velero
+      clusterAdministrator: true
+    # Information about the Kubernetes service account Velero uses.
+    serviceAccount:
+      server:
+        create: true
+        name:
+        annotations:
+    # Info about the secret to be used by the Velero deployment, which
+    # should contain credentials for the cloud provider IAM account you've
+    # set up for Velero.
+    credentials:
+      useSecret: true
+      secretContents:
+        cloud: |
+          [default]
+          aws_access_key_id=${backup_s3_aws_access_key_id}
+          aws_secret_access_key=${backup_s3_aws_secret_access_key}
+    # Whether to create backupstoragelocation crd, if false => do not create a default backup location
+    backupsEnabled: true
+    # Whether to create volumesnapshotlocation crd, if false => disable snapshot feature
+    snapshotsEnabled: false
+    # Whether to deploy the restic daemonset.
+    deployRestic: true
+    restic:
+      podVolumePath: /var/lib/kubelet/pods
+      privileged: true
+    # Backup schedules to create.
+    schedules:
+      # This is just a name, can be anything.
+      nightly:
+        # Every night at 3:30.
+        schedule: "30 3 * * *"
+        template:
+          # Backups are stored for 60 days (1440 hours).
+          ttl: "1440h"
+          includedNamespaces:
+            # We include all namespaces.
+            - '*'
+    configMaps: {}
diff --git a/flux2/core/base/metallb/kustomization.yaml b/flux2/core/base/metallb/kustomization.yaml
index 7d7b5c993..9b688834c 100644
--- a/flux2/core/base/metallb/kustomization.yaml
+++ b/flux2/core/base/metallb/kustomization.yaml
@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ kind: Kustomization
 namespace: kube-system
   - release.yaml
+  - metallb-values-configmap.yaml
diff --git a/flux2/core/base/metallb/metallb-values-configmap.yaml b/flux2/core/base/metallb/metallb-values-configmap.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22db3b569
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flux2/core/base/metallb/metallb-values-configmap.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ConfigMap
+  name: oas-metallb-values
+  values.yaml: |
+    #
+    configInline:
+      address-pools:
+        - name: default
+          protocol: layer2
+          addresses:
+            - "${ip_address}/32"
diff --git a/flux2/core/base/metallb/release.yaml b/flux2/core/base/metallb/release.yaml
index d190242db..b154b267d 100644
--- a/flux2/core/base/metallb/release.yaml
+++ b/flux2/core/base/metallb/release.yaml
@@ -18,16 +18,11 @@ spec:
   interval: 1h
     timeout: 2m
-  values:
-    #
-    configInline:
-      address-pools:
-        - name: default
-          protocol: layer2
-          addresses:
-            - "${ip_address}/32"
-  # Allow custom values either by configMap or by secret
+    - kind: ConfigMap
+      name: oas-metallb-values
+      optional: false
+    # Allow overriding values by ConfigMap or Secret
     - kind: ConfigMap
       name: oas-metallb-override
       optional: true
diff --git a/flux2/core/base/nginx/kustomization.yaml b/flux2/core/base/nginx/kustomization.yaml
index 9045cb5d9..5624efc1c 100644
--- a/flux2/core/base/nginx/kustomization.yaml
+++ b/flux2/core/base/nginx/kustomization.yaml
@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ kind: Kustomization
 namespace: oas
   - release.yaml
+  - nginx-values-configmap.yaml
diff --git a/flux2/core/base/nginx/nginx-values-configmap b/flux2/core/base/nginx/nginx-values-configmap
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..28097c496
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flux2/core/base/nginx/nginx-values-configmap
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ConfigMap
+  name: oas-nginx-values
+  values.yaml: |
+    #
+    controller:
+      image:
+        # Disable image digest validation until flux supports it
+        #
+        digest: ''
+      service:
+        ## Set external traffic policy to: "Local" to preserve source IP on
+        ## providers supporting it
+        ## Ref:
+        externalTrafficPolicy: Local
+      config:
+        #
+        # comma separated list of CIDRs, e.g.,
+        # By default we allow all access from everywhere
+        whitelist-source-range: ''
+      resources:
+        limits:
+          cpu: 200m
+          memory: 1Gi
+        requests:
+          cpu: 100m
+          memory: 64Mi
diff --git a/flux2/core/base/nginx/release.yaml b/flux2/core/base/nginx/release.yaml
index 7647c14e9..48aff5659 100644
--- a/flux2/core/base/nginx/release.yaml
+++ b/flux2/core/base/nginx/release.yaml
@@ -22,31 +22,11 @@ spec:
     - name: metallb
       namespace: kube-system
-  values:
-    controller:
-      image:
-        # Disable image digest validation until flux supports it
-        #
-        digest: ''
-      service:
-        ## Set external traffic policy to: "Local" to preserve source IP on
-        ## providers supporting it
-        ## Ref:
-        externalTrafficPolicy: Local
-      config:
-        #
-        # comma separated list of CIDRs, e.g.,
-        # By default we allow all access from everywhere
-        whitelist-source-range: ''
-      resources:
-        limits:
-          cpu: 200m
-          memory: 1Gi
-        requests:
-          cpu: 100m
-          memory: 64Mi
-  # Allow custom values either by configMap or by secret
+    - kind: ConfigMap
+      name: oas-nginx-values
+      optional: false
+    # Allow overriding values by ConfigMap or Secret
     - kind: ConfigMap
       name: oas-nginx-override
       optional: true
diff --git a/flux2/core/base/single-sign-on/kustomization.yaml b/flux2/core/base/single-sign-on/kustomization.yaml
index 20d46f714..fc3b4afe5 100644
--- a/flux2/core/base/single-sign-on/kustomization.yaml
+++ b/flux2/core/base/single-sign-on/kustomization.yaml
@@ -4,4 +4,5 @@ kind: Kustomization
 namespace: oas
   - pvc.yaml
-  - release.yaml
\ No newline at end of file
+  - release.yaml
+  - single-sign-on-values-configmap.yaml
diff --git a/flux2/core/base/single-sign-on/release.yaml b/flux2/core/base/single-sign-on/release.yaml
index 93e5e45a3..364ee3b1e 100644
--- a/flux2/core/base/single-sign-on/release.yaml
+++ b/flux2/core/base/single-sign-on/release.yaml
@@ -19,154 +19,10 @@ spec:
       retries: 3
-  values:
-    singleSignOnHost: &SSO_HOST "sso.${domain}"
-    userpanel:
-      applicationName: &USER_PANEL user-panel
-      ingress:
-        host: "admin.${domain}"
-    userbackend:
-      applications:
-        - name: *USER_PANEL
-          description: Administration interface to manage user accounts
-        - name: &NEXTCLOUD nextcloud
-          description: "Nextcloud Files offers an on-premise Universal File Access and sync platform with powerful collaboration capabilities and desktop, mobile and web interfaces."
-        - name: &WORDPRESS wordpress
-          description: "WordPress website hosting."
-        - name: &ROCKETCHAT rocketchat
-          description: "Communicate and collaborate using team chat and switch to video or audio calls with screen sharing for more efficient teamwork."
-        - name: &GRAFANA grafana
-          description: "Grafana allows you to query, visualize, alert on and understand metrics generated by OpenAppStack. It can be used to create explore and share dashboards."
-        - name: &WEKAN wekan
-          description: "Wekan Kanban board."
-      username: "${userbackend_admin_username}"
-      password: "${userbackend_admin_password}"
-      email: "${admin_email}"
-      postgres:
-        password: "${userbackend_postgres_password}"
-      persistence:
-        enabled: true
-        size: 1Gi
-        existingClaim: single-sign-on-userbackend
-      podAnnotations:
-        # Let the backup system include nextcloud database data.
- "database"
-    hydra:
-      hydra:
-        config:
-          urls:
-            self:
-              issuer: "https://sso.${domain}"
-            login: "https://sso.${domain}/login"
-            consent: "https://sso.${domain}/consent"
-          secrets:
-            system: "${hydra_system_secret}"
-          dsn: "memory"
-      ingress:
-        public:
-          enabled: true
-          annotations:
-   "true"
-          hosts:
-            - host: *SSO_HOST
-              paths: ["/"]
-          tls:
-            - hosts:
-              - *SSO_HOST
-              secretName: hydra-public.tls
-        admin:
-          enabled: false
-    oAuthClients:
-    - clientName: *USER_PANEL
-      clientSecret: "${userpanel_oauth_client_secret}"
-      redirectUri: "https://admin.${domain}/callback"
-      scopes: "openid profile email openappstack_roles"
-      clientUri: "https://admin.${domain}"
-      clientLogoUri: "https://admin.${domain}/favicon.ico"
-      tokenEndpointAuthMethod: "client_secret_basic"
-      responseTypes:
-        - "token"
-      grantTypes:
-        - "implicit"
-    - clientName: *NEXTCLOUD
-      clientSecret: "${nextcloud_oauth_client_secret}"
-      redirectUri: "https://files.${domain}/apps/sociallogin/custom_oidc/oas"
-      scopes: "openid profile email openappstack_roles"
-      clientUri: "https://files.${domain}"
-      clientLogoUri: "https://files.${domain}/core/img/favicon-touch.png"
-      tokenEndpointAuthMethod: "client_secret_post"
-      responseTypes:
-        - "code"
-        - "id_token"
-      grantTypes:
-        - "authorization_code"
-        - "refresh_token"
-        - "client_credentials"
-    - clientName: *WORDPRESS
-      clientSecret: "${wordpress_oauth_client_secret}"
-      redirectUri: "https://www.${domain}/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=openid-connect-authorize"
-      scopes: "openid profile email openappstack_roles offline_access"
-      clientUri: "https://www.${domain}"
-      clientLogoUri: "https://www.${domain}/wp-admin/images/wordpress-logo.svg"
-      tokenEndpointAuthMethod: "client_secret_post"
-      responseTypes:
-        - "code"
-        - "id_token"
-      grantTypes:
-        - "authorization_code"
-        - "refresh_token"
-        - "client_credentials"
-        - "implicit"
-    - clientName: *ROCKETCHAT
-      clientSecret: "${rocketchat_oauth_client_secret}"
-      redirectUri: "https://chat.${domain}/_oauth/openappstack"
-      scopes: "openid profile email openappstack_roles"
-      clientUri: "https://chat.${domain}"
-      clientLogoUri: "https://chat.${domain}/images/logo/logo.svg"
-      tokenEndpointAuthMethod: "client_secret_post"
-      responseTypes:
-        - "code"
-        - "id_token"
-      grantTypes:
-        - "authorization_code"
-        - "refresh_token"
-        - "client_credentials"
-    - clientName: *GRAFANA
-      clientSecret: "${grafana_oauth_client_secret}"
-      redirectUri: "https://grafana.${domain}/login/generic_oauth"
-      scopes: "openid profile email openappstack_roles"
-      clientUri: "https://grafana.${domain}"
-      clientLogoUri: "https://grafana.${domain}/public/img/grafana_icon.svg"
-      tokenEndpointAuthMethod: "client_secret_post"
-      responseTypes:
-        - "code"
-        - "id_token"
-      grantTypes:
-        - "authorization_code"
-        - "refresh_token"
-        - "client_credentials"
-    #
-    - clientName: *WEKAN
-      clientSecret: "${wekan_oauth_client_secret}"
-      redirectUri: "https://wekan.${domain}/_oauth/oidc"
-      scopes: "openid profile email"
-      clientUri: "https://wekan.${domain}"
-      clientLogoUri: "https://wekan.${domain}/wekan-logo.svg"
-      tokenEndpointAuthMethod: "client_secret_post"
-      responseTypes:
-        - "code"
-        - "id_token"
-      grantTypes:
-        - "authorization_code"
-        - "refresh_token"
-        - "client_credentials"
-        - "implicit"
-  # Allow custom values either by configMap or by secret
+    - kind: ConfigMap
+      name: oas-single-sign-on-values
+    # Allow overriding values by ConfigMap or Secret
     - kind: ConfigMap
       name: oas-single-sign-on-override
       optional: true
diff --git a/flux2/core/base/single-sign-on/single-sign-on-values-configmap.yaml b/flux2/core/base/single-sign-on/single-sign-on-values-configmap.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..689719a80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flux2/core/base/single-sign-on/single-sign-on-values-configmap.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ConfigMap
+  name: oas-single-sign-on-values
+  values.yaml: |
+    singleSignOnHost: &SSO_HOST "sso.${domain}"
+    userpanel:
+      applicationName: &USER_PANEL user-panel
+      ingress:
+        host: "admin.${domain}"
+    userbackend:
+      applications:
+        - name: *USER_PANEL
+          description: Administration interface to manage user accounts
+        - name: &NEXTCLOUD nextcloud
+          description: "Nextcloud Files offers an on-premise Universal File Access and sync platform with powerful collaboration capabilities and desktop, mobile and web interfaces."
+        - name: &WORDPRESS wordpress
+          description: "WordPress website hosting."
+        - name: &ROCKETCHAT rocketchat
+          description: "Communicate and collaborate using team chat and switch to video or audio calls with screen sharing for more efficient teamwork."
+        - name: &GRAFANA grafana
+          description: "Grafana allows you to query, visualize, alert on and understand metrics generated by OpenAppStack. It can be used to create explore and share dashboards."
+        - name: &WEKAN wekan
+          description: "Wekan Kanban board."
+      username: "${userbackend_admin_username}"
+      password: "${userbackend_admin_password}"
+      email: "${admin_email}"
+      postgres:
+        password: "${userbackend_postgres_password}"
+      persistence:
+        enabled: true
+        size: 1Gi
+        existingClaim: single-sign-on-userbackend
+      podAnnotations:
+        # Let the backup system include nextcloud database data.
+ "database"
+    hydra:
+      hydra:
+        config:
+          urls:
+            self:
+              issuer: "https://sso.${domain}"
+            login: "https://sso.${domain}/login"
+            consent: "https://sso.${domain}/consent"
+          secrets:
+            system: "${hydra_system_secret}"
+          dsn: "memory"
+      ingress:
+        public:
+          enabled: true
+          annotations:
+   "true"
+          hosts:
+            - host: *SSO_HOST
+              paths: ["/"]
+          tls:
+            - hosts:
+              - *SSO_HOST
+              secretName: hydra-public.tls
+        admin:
+          enabled: false
+    oAuthClients:
+    - clientName: *USER_PANEL
+      clientSecret: "${userpanel_oauth_client_secret}"
+      redirectUri: "https://admin.${domain}/callback"
+      scopes: "openid profile email openappstack_roles"
+      clientUri: "https://admin.${domain}"
+      clientLogoUri: "https://admin.${domain}/favicon.ico"
+      tokenEndpointAuthMethod: "client_secret_basic"
+      responseTypes:
+        - "token"
+      grantTypes:
+        - "implicit"
+    - clientName: *NEXTCLOUD
+      clientSecret: "${nextcloud_oauth_client_secret}"
+      redirectUri: "https://files.${domain}/apps/sociallogin/custom_oidc/oas"
+      scopes: "openid profile email openappstack_roles"
+      clientUri: "https://files.${domain}"
+      clientLogoUri: "https://files.${domain}/core/img/favicon-touch.png"
+      tokenEndpointAuthMethod: "client_secret_post"
+      responseTypes:
+        - "code"
+        - "id_token"
+      grantTypes:
+        - "authorization_code"
+        - "refresh_token"
+        - "client_credentials"
+    - clientName: *WORDPRESS
+      clientSecret: "${wordpress_oauth_client_secret}"
+      redirectUri: "https://www.${domain}/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=openid-connect-authorize"
+      scopes: "openid profile email openappstack_roles offline_access"
+      clientUri: "https://www.${domain}"
+      clientLogoUri: "https://www.${domain}/wp-admin/images/wordpress-logo.svg"
+      tokenEndpointAuthMethod: "client_secret_post"
+      responseTypes:
+        - "code"
+        - "id_token"
+      grantTypes:
+        - "authorization_code"
+        - "refresh_token"
+        - "client_credentials"
+        - "implicit"
+    - clientName: *ROCKETCHAT
+      clientSecret: "${rocketchat_oauth_client_secret}"
+      redirectUri: "https://chat.${domain}/_oauth/openappstack"
+      scopes: "openid profile email openappstack_roles"
+      clientUri: "https://chat.${domain}"
+      clientLogoUri: "https://chat.${domain}/images/logo/logo.svg"
+      tokenEndpointAuthMethod: "client_secret_post"
+      responseTypes:
+        - "code"
+        - "id_token"
+      grantTypes:
+        - "authorization_code"
+        - "refresh_token"
+        - "client_credentials"
+    - clientName: *GRAFANA
+      clientSecret: "${grafana_oauth_client_secret}"
+      redirectUri: "https://grafana.${domain}/login/generic_oauth"
+      scopes: "openid profile email openappstack_roles"
+      clientUri: "https://grafana.${domain}"
+      clientLogoUri: "https://grafana.${domain}/public/img/grafana_icon.svg"
+      tokenEndpointAuthMethod: "client_secret_post"
+      responseTypes:
+        - "code"
+        - "id_token"
+      grantTypes:
+        - "authorization_code"
+        - "refresh_token"
+        - "client_credentials"
+    #
+    - clientName: *WEKAN
+      clientSecret: "${wekan_oauth_client_secret}"
+      redirectUri: "https://wekan.${domain}/_oauth/oidc"
+      scopes: "openid profile email"
+      clientUri: "https://wekan.${domain}"
+      clientLogoUri: "https://wekan.${domain}/wekan-logo.svg"
+      tokenEndpointAuthMethod: "client_secret_post"
+      responseTypes:
+        - "code"
+        - "id_token"
+      grantTypes:
+        - "authorization_code"
+        - "refresh_token"
+        - "client_credentials"
+        - "implicit"
diff --git a/flux2/infrastructure/cert-manager/cert-manager-values-configmap.yaml b/flux2/infrastructure/cert-manager/cert-manager-values-configmap.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..59a26bcc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flux2/infrastructure/cert-manager/cert-manager-values-configmap.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ConfigMap
+  name: oas-cert-manager-values
+  values.yaml: |
+    ingressShim:
+      defaultIssuerName: letsencrypt-issuer
+      defaultIssuerKind: ClusterIssuer
+    resources:
+      requests:
+        cpu: 200m
+        memory: 256Mi
+      limits:
+        cpu: 400m
+        memory: 512Mi
+    cainjector:
+      resources:
+        requests:
+          cpu: 200m
+          memory: 384Mi
+        limits:
+          cpu: 400m
+          memory: 768Mi
+    webhook:
+      resources:
+        requests:
+          cpu: 100m
+          memory: 40Mi
+        limits:
+          cpu: 200m
+          memory: 80Mi
+    installCRDs: true
diff --git a/flux2/infrastructure/cert-manager/kustomization.yaml b/flux2/infrastructure/cert-manager/kustomization.yaml
index 972010560..5a4077e67 100644
--- a/flux2/infrastructure/cert-manager/kustomization.yaml
+++ b/flux2/infrastructure/cert-manager/kustomization.yaml
@@ -3,4 +3,5 @@ apiVersion:
 kind: Kustomization
 namespace: cert-manager
-  - release.yaml
\ No newline at end of file
+  - release.yaml
+  - cert-manager-values-configmap.yaml
diff --git a/flux2/infrastructure/cert-manager/release.yaml b/flux2/infrastructure/cert-manager/release.yaml
index 2d07c6a51..bcaa43760 100644
--- a/flux2/infrastructure/cert-manager/release.yaml
+++ b/flux2/infrastructure/cert-manager/release.yaml
@@ -17,36 +17,11 @@ spec:
       retries: 3
-  values:
-    ingressShim:
-      defaultIssuerName: letsencrypt-issuer
-      defaultIssuerKind: ClusterIssuer
-    resources:
-      requests:
-        cpu: 200m
-        memory: 256Mi
-      limits:
-        cpu: 400m
-        memory: 512Mi
-    cainjector:
-      resources:
-        requests:
-          cpu: 200m
-          memory: 384Mi
-        limits:
-          cpu: 400m
-          memory: 768Mi
-    webhook:
-      resources:
-        requests:
-          cpu: 100m
-          memory: 40Mi
-        limits:
-          cpu: 200m
-          memory: 80Mi
-    installCRDs: true
-  # Allow custom values either by configMap or by secret
+    - kind: ConfigMap
+      name: oas-cert-manager-values
+      optional: false
+    # Allow overriding values by ConfigMap or Secret
     - kind: ConfigMap
       name: oas-cert-manager-override
       optional: true
diff --git a/flux2/infrastructure/local-path-provisioner/kustomization.yaml b/flux2/infrastructure/local-path-provisioner/kustomization.yaml
index 7d7b5c993..2f5f09aaa 100644
--- a/flux2/infrastructure/local-path-provisioner/kustomization.yaml
+++ b/flux2/infrastructure/local-path-provisioner/kustomization.yaml
@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ kind: Kustomization
 namespace: kube-system
   - release.yaml
+  - local-path-provisioner-values-configmap.yaml
diff --git a/flux2/infrastructure/local-path-provisioner/local-path-provisioner-values-configmap.yaml b/flux2/infrastructure/local-path-provisioner/local-path-provisioner-values-configmap.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b55298422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flux2/infrastructure/local-path-provisioner/local-path-provisioner-values-configmap.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ConfigMap
+  name: oas-local-path-provisioner-values
+  values.yaml: |
+    nodePathMap:
+        paths:
+          - "/var/lib/OpenAppStack/local-storage"
+    storageClass:
+      defaultClass: true
+    # We temporarily use our own build in order to use local volumes instead of
+    # hostPath.
+    image:
+      repository: ""
+      tag: "52f994f-amd64"
+    resources:
+      requests:
+        cpu: 200m
+        memory: 20Mi
+      limits:
+        cpu: 400m
+        memory: 40Mi
diff --git a/flux2/infrastructure/local-path-provisioner/release.yaml b/flux2/infrastructure/local-path-provisioner/release.yaml
index 094b4a366..f25f1a723 100644
--- a/flux2/infrastructure/local-path-provisioner/release.yaml
+++ b/flux2/infrastructure/local-path-provisioner/release.yaml
@@ -16,27 +16,11 @@ spec:
       retries: 3
-  values:
-    nodePathMap:
-        paths:
-          - "/var/lib/OpenAppStack/local-storage"
-    storageClass:
-      defaultClass: true
-    # We temporarily use our own build in order to use local volumes instead of
-    # hostPath.
-    image:
-      repository: ""
-      tag: "52f994f-amd64"
-    resources:
-      requests:
-        cpu: 200m
-        memory: 20Mi
-      limits:
-        cpu: 400m
-        memory: 40Mi
-  # Allow custom values either by configMap or by secret
+    - kind: ConfigMap
+      name: oas-local-path-provisioner-values
+      optional: false
+    # Allow overriding values by ConfigMap or Secret
     - kind: ConfigMap
       name: oas-local-path-provisioner-override
       optional: true