From 8bf90fef45cf268809ee4a365f7c58609289ff8f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Varac <>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2021 00:18:57 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Seperate cluster and OAS installation docs

Closes: #924
 docs/                       |   2 +-
 docs/advanced_installation.rst       |  96 -------
 docs/                         |   3 +-
 docs/index.rst                       |  14 +-
 docs/installation.rst                | 407 ---------------------------
 docs/installation/create_cluster.rst | 237 ++++++++++++++++
 docs/installation/install_oas.rst    | 215 ++++++++++++++
 docs/installation/overview.rst       | 105 +++++++
 docs/testing.rst                     |   2 +-
 docs/upgrading.rst                   |   2 +-
 docs/usage.rst                       |   4 +-
 11 files changed, 573 insertions(+), 514 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 docs/advanced_installation.rst
 delete mode 100644 docs/installation.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/installation/create_cluster.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/installation/install_oas.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/installation/overview.rst

diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 75703f960..b37ad63e3 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ This folder contains the documentation. You can find the documentation at It is also possible to build the
 documentation, using Sphinx:
-    pip install sphinx recommonmark sphinx_rtd_theme
+    pip install sphinx recommonmark sphinx_rtd_theme sphinx_design
     make html
 Then point your browser to the newly generated pages:
diff --git a/docs/advanced_installation.rst b/docs/advanced_installation.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 6db90a4fd..000000000
--- a/docs/advanced_installation.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-Advanced installation
-.. _setup-with-greenhost-api:
-Advanced cluster creation: Setup with the Greenhost API
--  Before you can start, you need to have an API key with Customer
-   rights.
-   1. In the Cosmos service centre, click your webmaster account name on
-      the top right corner
-   2. Go to "User settings"
-   3. Click "API keys"
-   4. Click "New API key"
-   5. Click "Generate new key"
-   6. Give the key "Customer", "CloudCustomer" or "API" access rights. You
-      will need "Customer" rights if you want to automatically generate DNS
-      rules. If you do not have this right, you have to `manually set the
-      right DNS rules <#dns-entries>`__
-      later.
-   7. Copy the generated key and run export it to this variable in a
-      terminal:
-      ::
-        $ export COSMOS_API_TOKEN=<paste your API key here>
-   8. In *the same terminal*, you can now use the ``create`` subcommand
-- There are two ways to let the installation program know which VPS to use:
-   1. Based on an already existing `Greenhost <>`__
-      VPS, using the ``--droplet-id`` argument.
-      Find the ID of your VPS either in the Greenhost Cosmos interface (it is
-      the numeric part of the URL in the "Manage VPS" screen).
-   2. By creating a new VPS through the API, using the ``--create-droplet``
-      argument.
-      In that case, make sure to also provide the ``--create-hostname`` and
-      ``--ssh-key-id`` arguments.
-      You can find your SSH key ID by going to VPS Cloud -> SSH keys and
-      checking the link under "Show key". The numerical part is your SSH
-      key ID.
-      *Note: You can also use the API to list ssh keys and find it there.
-      Read the `Greenhost API
-      documentation <>`__
-      for more information*
-- In both cases you need to provide the ``DOMAIN_NAME`` positional
-  argument.
-  If you use a subdomain (e.g. ````), use the
-  ``--subdomain`` command as follows:
-  ::
-    $ python -m openappstack create --subdomain oas
-- Here is an example of a complete creation command:
-  ::
-    $ python -m openappstack create \
-      --create-droplet \
-      --create-hostname \
-      --ssh-key-id 112 \
-      --create-domain-records \
-      --subdomain oas \
-  Let's break down the arguments:
-  - ``--create-droplet``: Use the Greenhost API to create a new VPS
-  - ``--create-hostname``: Create a VPS with hostname ````
-  - ``--ssh-key-id 112``: Use SSH key ID 112 (you can find your SSH key ID in
-    the `Cosmos Service Centre <>`__ under *VPS Cloud* -> *Installation SSH Keys*. Hover over a button there to see the ID in the URL it uses.
-  - ``--create-domain-records``: Use the Greenhost API to create DNS records
-    If you do this, you can skip :ref:`step-2`. The following records are
-    created:
-    - An ``A`` record ```` pointing to the VPSs IP address
-    - A ``CNAME`` record ``*`` pointing to ````.
-  - ``--subdomain oas``: Only needed when you use ``--create-domain-records`` so
-    the Greenhost API can find your domain. Instead of using positional argument
-    ```` you need to provide
-You can now continue to :ref:`step-2`, or :ref:`step-3` if you used the API to
-create the DNS records.
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 6866ac98c..519ad5ae2 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ with open('../VERSION') as version_file:
 # ones.
 extensions = [
-    'sphinx.ext.autosectionlabel'
+    'sphinx.ext.autosectionlabel',
+    'sphinx_design'
 # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index d44e31085..309c7d1d1 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -24,16 +24,22 @@ For more information, go to `the OpenAppStack website`_.
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
-   :caption: First steps
+   :caption: Installation
+   installation/overview
+   installation/create_cluster
+   installation/install_oas
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
+   :caption: Usage
-   installation
-   advanced_installation
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
-   :caption: Maintenance
+   :caption: Administration
diff --git a/docs/installation.rst b/docs/installation.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index ee5dfd795..000000000
--- a/docs/installation.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
-This document describes how you can install OpenAppStack on a VPS. The
-installation process will set up a "Kubernetes cluster" which runs
-several open source applications. More information about the
-applications can be found on the `OpenAppStack
-website <>`__.
-We will set up a "single-node" OpenAppStack cluster. This means
-everything runs on the same VPS. Support for "multi-node" clusters (a
-Kubernetes cluster on more than one VPS) will come in the future.
-.. note::
-  All commands in these installation instructions need to be
-  run on a trusted provisioning machine (i.e., your laptop) that is
-  *not* the VPS that will run OpenAppStack. The installation process
-  will generate some secrets that will be saved to this machine.
-If you encounter any difficulties while following these instructions,
-please `let us know following our contact
-guide <>`__.
-.. warning::
-  -  OpenAppStack is still under heavy development and is not ready for
-     production use! We anticipate major changes and do not guarantee a
-     data-preserving upgrade path from current installations. However, we
-     encourage you to try OpenAppStack and ask you to `report all issues
-     you encounter <>`__.
-  -  When you install OpenAppStack on a server, the installation process
-     will make some substantial changes to the server's configuration, so
-     please do not use a server that functions as anything other than a
-     testing ground.
-During these instructions, you are asked to create a VPS, or have a
-bare metal server ready. The server should meet these requirements:
--  Current Debian stable "buster"
--  A public IP address
--  The ability to create DNS records for this IP
--  6 cores and 12 GB of RAM
--  At least 25GB of disk space for installation, plus more for
-   application data. We recommend starting with 30GB.
--  Root ssh access
--  ``python3`` installed (``apt install python3``)
-You should also have a trusted machine to run the installer on (we call this the
-``provisioning machine``). All the commands listed in these instructions should
-be run on the provisioning machine, unless specified otherwise:
-- You need Python 3 with its development files, Pip and Git installed
-  (``apt install python3-pip python3-dev git`` on Debian)
-- ``ssh-agent`` to give you access to your VPS
-- ``kubectl`` (`installation instructions <>`__)
-- ``flux version 0.14.2`` Download from:
-- We recommend using a `python
-  virtualenv <>`__ to make
-  sure we do not change any of your other projects. Install virtualenv
-  by running ``pip3 install --user venv`` or
-  ``apt install python3-venv``
-Getting the installation script
-On your **provisioning machine**, clone the OpenAppStack git repository
-and checkout the latest release branch (currently ``v0.6``):
-    $ git clone -b v0.6
-    $ cd openappstack
-Create a python virtual environment called "env" that uses python 3.
-This makes sure we do not change any of your other python projects. The
-second command "activates" the virtualenv.
-.. note::
-  Activating the virtualenv means you will use that environment to install and
-  run python programs instead of your global environment. If you close your
-  terminal or open a new one, you need to activate the virtualenv again.
-    $ python3 -m venv env
-    $ . env/bin/activate
-Next, install the OpenAppStack CLI client by running the following
-    $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
-Now you can run the OpenAppStack CLI as follows:
-    $ python -m openappstack CLUSTER_NAME <command>
-The CLI *always* needs a ``CLUSTER_NAME`` argument. Even for getting
-subcommand help messages. Be sure to run this command in the root
-directory of the git repository. In this tutorial, we're using
-```` as the cluster name. Try it out by running
-    $ python -m openappstack --help
-Install OpenAppStack
-Setting up OpenAppStack happens in five steps:
-1. :ref:`step-1`
-   Create configuration files.
-2. :ref:`step-2`
-   Configure an A-record for your domain as well as a wild card for the
-   applications hosted on subdomains.
-3. :ref:`step-3`
-   Configure settings for application installations.
-   Optionally configure outgoing email and/or automated backup settings.
-4. :ref:`step-4`
-   Setup the VPS for OpenAppStack and install k3s, lightweight Kubernetes.
-5. :ref:`step-5`
-   Install the OpenAppStack core applications as well as optional applications.
-6. :ref:`step-6`
-   This runs a test in the browser to validate that the installation was
-   successful.
-.. _step-1:
-Step 1: Set up cluster
-In this guide, we will setup a cluster with IP address ```` on domain
-````. Substitute these two variables with your IP address and
-your domain.
-To set up your cluster, use the ``create`` subcommand of the
-OpenAppStack CLI. First, choose a name (we chose ````) for
-your cluster. Then run the following command to get information about
-the ``create`` subcommand:
-    $ python -m openappstack create --help
-If you want the installation script to automatically create a VPS for you, check
-Otherwise, continue here.
-If you want to install OpenAppStack on a non-Greenhost VPS, we assume
-you already have a machine with a world-facing IP address. Make sure
-that your VPS meets our `prerequisites <#prerequisites>`__. You'll need
-its *hostname* and its *IP address*.
-Create the initial OpenAppStack configuration for your VPS by running the
-following command:
-    $ python -m openappstack create \
- \
-      --ip-address
-This configures your cluster under the fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
-````, To break down the command:
-- the first, positional argument ```` tells the cluster the domain
-  it will be hosted on. This should be a (subdomain of a) domain you own.
-- ``--ip-address`` tells the script the IP address of your VPS. This
-  will be used to find the VPS during the installation procedure.
-The configuration has now been written to the ``clusters/`` on
-your provisioning machine.
-.. _step-2:
-Step 2: Configure DNS
-Next, make sure that you have two DNS records that point to your
-cluster. Create these two DNS records:
--  An ``A`` record ```` pointing to the VPS's IP address,
--  A ``CNAME`` record ``*`` pointing to ````.
-.. Note::
-   It is also possible to host OpenAppStack on a domain (with
-   no dedicated subdomain). That does imply that the included WordPress site
-   will be hosted on your root domain ````. In that case, make these
-   DNS records instead:
-   - An ``A`` record ```` pointing to the VPS's IP address,
-   - A ``CNAME`` record ``*`` pointing to ````.
-OpenAppStack will fetch https certificates with `Let's
-Encrypt <>`__ by default. In order to do this DNS
-entries need to be created.
-.. _step-3:
-Step 3: Additional configuration
-Copy the file ``install/.flux.env.example`` to your cluster dir
-``clusters/``. This file contains the last bit of
-information you need to configure. You **have to** configure the following
-values. The rest are optional.
-- ``ip_address``: The IP address of your cluster
-- ``domain``: The FQDN of your cluster
-- ``admin_email``: a valid email address for the system administrator of your
-  cluster.
-Outgoing email
-If you want apps like Nextcloud, RocketChat and Prometheus to be able to send
-email notifications, you need to provide an email account.
-.. Note::
-    OpenAppStack does not set up an email server for you. In order to enable
-    outgoing emails you need to provide an already existing email account.
-OpenAppStack uses SMTP to send emails. Search your email provider's helpdesk
-for SMTP configuration details and enter them in the
-``clusters/`` file as follows:
-.. code::
-   # Enable sending mails
-   outgoing_mail_enabled=true
-   # Email address that the cluster sends mails from. Needs to be an existing SMTP
-   # login
-   # Same outgoing mail address, but only the part before the '@'
-   outgoing_mail_from_local_part=admin
-   # Same outgoing mail address, but only the part after the '@'
-   # SMTP password for the outgoing mail address
-   outgoing_mail_smtp_password=CHANGEME
-   # SMTP username, often the same as the outgoing email address
-   # SMTP login data.
-   outgoing_mail_smtp_authtype=LOGIN
-   outgoing_mail_smtp_port=587
-.. _backups-with-velero:
-Backups with Velero
-You can enable `Velero <>`__, a program that
-runs on your cluster and uploads backups of your cluster and user data to an
-S3 storage service of your choice.
-If enabled, Velero will create a backup of your cluster once every night and
-upload it to the S3 storage you configure. This includes:
-- your cluster state. Technically speaking, it will back up all Kubernetes
-  namespaces in your cluster, except ``velero`` itself; this includes things
-  like which applications are installed, including their version number and
-  installation-time settings;
-- persistent data of all applications: for example, single sign-on users that
-  you created, Nextcloud files and metadata, WordPress site data and comments,
-  Rocket.Chat chat history, etc. A single exception to this is Prometheus data
-  (statistics of system properties), which takes up a lot of space and we
-  consider not valuable enough to back up.
-It does not include anything on the VPS that you may have set up but is not
-part of OpenAppStack, like programs installed via ``apt``, or data added to the
-VPS disk not through OpenAppStack.
-To configure Velero, edit the file ``clusters/``,
-and configure the settings with the ``backup_s3_`` prefix.
-Then continue with the installation procedure as described below. At the end of
-the installation procedure, you have to install the ``velero`` application.
-.. _step-4:
-Step 4: Setup cluster
-You're almost ready to start the OpenAppStack installation script.
-First, make sure your DNS configuration is propagated. To do so, make
-sure 'ping' shows your VPS's IP address:
-    $ ping
-The ``install`` command will try to log into your machine as the ``root``\ user
-using SSH.
-Run the ``install`` command with the CLI to completely configure your VPS for
-    $ python -m openappstack install
-This will take a few minutes. It installs k3s, a lightweight Kubernetes. `Flux`_
-is installed to manage applications and keep them updated automatically.
-.. _flux:
-In the future, we will add commands that show you the status of the
-application installation. For now, just wait half an hour for everything
-to settle, and then continue to the next step (validating your setup).
-.. Note::
-   It is possible to re-run the ``install`` command with a newer version of the
-   installation script. This usually updates k3s and can have other benefits.
-.. _step-5:
-Step 5: Install applications
-Before you can start, you need to execute a few commands from the installation
-directory **on your provisioning machine**. Don't forget to replace
-```` with your domain.
-.. code:: bash
-   export CLUSTER_DIR=clusters/
-   # Copy the installation kustomization to your cluster directory
-   cp install/kustomization.yaml $CLUSTER_DIR/
-   # Tell kubectl to use your cluster's kube_config
-   export KUBECONFIG=$CLUSTER_DIR/kube_config_cluster.yml
-   # This inserts the configuration from .flux.env into your cluster as a "secret"
-   kubectl apply -k $CLUSTER_DIR
-After you have executed that code, your terminal should show:
-.. code:: bash
-   secret/oas-cluster-variables created
-Next, run:
-.. code::
-   ./install/
-This installs the *core* of OpenAppStack into your ``k3s`` cluster. To see
-what's included, check the ``flux2/infrastructure`` and the ``flux2/core``
-folders. In addition, it sets up Prometheus and Grafana to monitor your cluster.
-After the script completes, you can install applications by running the other
-installation scripts in the ``install`` folder. At the moment, we have scripts
-to install:
-- Nextcloud and Onlyoffice with ``./install/ nextcloud``
-- Rocket.Chat with ``./install/ rocketchat``
-- Wekan with ``./install/ wekan``
-- WordPress with ``./install/ wordpress``
-- Velero with ``./install/ velero`` (only if you have configured it in
-  :ref:`backups-with-velero`).
-When the installation scripts complete, the application installation may still
-be running on the OpenAppStack cluster. You can monitor the progress by running
-``flux get kustomizations`` (use ``watch flux get kustomizations`` to get
-updates). If all kustomizations have been applied correctly, you can monitor
-specific application releases by running ``watch flux get helmreleases
-.. _step-6:
-Step 6: Validate setup
-Because OpenAppStack is still under development, we would like you to
-follow our `testing instructions <testing.html>`__ to make sure
-that the setup process went well.
-Step 7: Let us know!
-We would love to hear about your experience installing OpenAppStack.  If you
-encountered any problems, please create an issue in our `issue tracker
-<>`__. If you didn't
-please still reach out as described on our `contact page
-<>`__ and tell us how you like OpenAppStack
-so far. We want to be in communication with our users, and we want to help you
-if you run into problems.
diff --git a/docs/installation/create_cluster.rst b/docs/installation/create_cluster.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f87c9b39b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/installation/create_cluster.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+.. _create_kubernetes_cluster:
+Create a kubernetes cluster
+This document describes how you can use OpenAppStack to install
+`k3s <>`_, a lightweight Kubernetes distribution on a virtual
+private server.
+For OpenAppStack we will set up a "single-node" kubernetes cluster. This means
+everything runs on the same VPS. Support for "multi-node" clusters (a
+Kubernetes cluster on more than one VPS) will come in the future.
+During these instructions, you are asked to create a VPS, or have a
+bare metal server ready. The server should meet these requirements:
+- Current Debian stable "buster"
+- A public IP address
+- The ability to create DNS records for this IP
+- 6 cores and 12 GB of RAM
+- At least 25GB of disk space for installation, plus more for
+  application data. We recommend starting with 30GB.
+- Root ssh access
+- ``ssh-agent`` to give you access to your VPS
+In this guide, we will create a cluster with IP address ```` on domain
+````. Substitute these two variables with your IP address and
+your domain.
+.. _create_config:
+Step 1: Create cluster configuration
+To create a config for your cluster, use the ``create`` subcommand of the
+OpenAppStack CLI. First, choose a name (we chose ````) for
+your cluster. Then run the following command to get information about
+the ``create`` subcommand:
+    $ python -m openappstack create --help
+If you want the installation script to automatically create a VPS for you, check
+Otherwise, continue here.
+If you want to install OpenAppStack on a non-Greenhost VPS, we assume
+you already have a machine with a world-facing IP address. Make sure
+that your VPS meets our `prerequisites <#prerequisites>`__. You'll need
+its *hostname* and its *IP address*.
+Create the initial OpenAppStack configuration for your VPS by running the
+following command:
+    $ python -m openappstack create \
+ \
+      --ip-address
+This configures your cluster under the fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
+````, To break down the command:
+- the first, positional argument ```` tells the cluster the domain
+  it will be hosted on. This should be a (subdomain of a) domain you own.
+- ``--ip-address`` tells the script the IP address of your VPS. This
+  will be used to find the VPS during the installation procedure.
+The configuration has now been written to the ``clusters/`` on
+your provisioning machine.
+.. _configure_dns:
+Step 2: Configure DNS
+Next, make sure that you have two DNS records that point to your
+cluster. Create these two DNS records:
+-  An ``A`` record ```` pointing to the VPS's IP address,
+-  A ``CNAME`` record ``*`` pointing to ````.
+.. Note::
+   It is also possible to host OpenAppStack on a domain (with
+   no dedicated subdomain). That does imply that the included WordPress site
+   will be hosted on your root domain ````. In that case, make these
+   DNS records instead:
+   - An ``A`` record ```` pointing to the VPS's IP address,
+   - A ``CNAME`` record ``*`` pointing to ````.
+OpenAppStack will fetch https certificates with `Let's
+Encrypt <>`__ by default. In order to do this DNS
+entries need to be created.
+.. _create_cluster:
+Step 3: Create cluster
+You're almost ready to start the OpenAppStack installation script.
+First, make sure your DNS configuration is propagated. To do so, make
+sure 'ping' shows your VPS's IP address:
+    $ ping
+The ``install`` command will try to log into your machine as the ``root``\ user
+using SSH.
+Run the ``install`` command with the CLI to completely configure your VPS for
+    $ python -m openappstack install
+This will take a few minutes. It installs `link <k3s_>`_, a lightweight
+Kubernetes and useful tools like `kubectl`_ (Kubernetes cli tool), `krew`_
+(a kubectl plugin manager), `flux`_ (used for automated updates) and `velero`_
+(Kubernetes resources and persistent volumes backup) on it.
+.. _kubectl:
+.. _flux:
+.. _krew:
+.. _velero:
+.. Note::
+   It is possible to re-run the ``install`` command with a newer version of the
+   installation script. This usually updates k3s and can have other benefits.
+Now you have a single-node k3s/Kuberetes cluster running and can continue with
+Advanced installation
+.. _setup-with-greenhost-api:
+Cluster creation with the Greenhost API
+-  Before you can start, you need to have an API key with Customer
+   rights.
+   1. In the Cosmos service centre, click your webmaster account name on
+      the top right corner
+   2. Go to "User settings"
+   3. Click "API keys"
+   4. Click "New API key"
+   5. Click "Generate new key"
+   6. Give the key "Customer", "CloudCustomer" or "API" access rights. You
+      will need "Customer" rights if you want to automatically generate DNS
+      rules. If you do not have this right, you have to `manually set the
+      right DNS rules <#dns-entries>`__
+      later.
+   7. Copy the generated key and run export it to this variable in a
+      terminal:
+      ::
+        $ export COSMOS_API_TOKEN=<paste your API key here>
+   8. In *the same terminal*, you can now use the ``create`` subcommand
+- There are two ways to let the installation program know which VPS to use:
+   1. Based on an already existing `Greenhost <>`__
+      VPS, using the ``--droplet-id`` argument.
+      Find the ID of your VPS either in the Greenhost Cosmos interface (it is
+      the numeric part of the URL in the "Manage VPS" screen).
+   2. By creating a new VPS through the API, using the ``--create-droplet``
+      argument.
+      In that case, make sure to also provide the ``--create-hostname`` and
+      ``--ssh-key-id`` arguments.
+      You can find your SSH key ID by going to VPS Cloud -> SSH keys and
+      checking the link under "Show key". The numerical part is your SSH
+      key ID.
+      *Note: You can also use the API to list ssh keys and find it there.
+      Read the `Greenhost API
+      documentation <>`__
+      for more information*
+- In both cases you need to provide the ``DOMAIN_NAME`` positional
+  argument.
+  If you use a subdomain (e.g. ````), use the
+  ``--subdomain`` command as follows:
+  ::
+    $ python -m openappstack create --subdomain oas
+- Here is an example of a complete creation command:
+  ::
+    $ python -m openappstack create \
+      --create-droplet \
+      --create-hostname \
+      --ssh-key-id 112 \
+      --create-domain-records \
+      --subdomain oas \
+  Let's break down the arguments:
+  - ``--create-droplet``: Use the Greenhost API to create a new VPS
+  - ``--create-hostname``: Create a VPS with hostname ````
+  - ``--ssh-key-id 112``: Use SSH key ID 112 (you can find your SSH key ID in
+    the `Cosmos Service Centre <>`__ under *VPS Cloud* -> *Installation SSH Keys*. Hover over a button there to see the ID in the URL it uses.
+  - ``--create-domain-records``: Use the Greenhost API to create DNS records
+    If you do this, you can skip :ref:`configure_dns`. The following records are
+    created:
+    - An ``A`` record ```` pointing to the VPSs IP address
+    - A ``CNAME`` record ``*`` pointing to ````.
+  - ``--subdomain oas``: Only needed when you use ``--create-domain-records`` so
+    the Greenhost API can find your domain. Instead of using positional argument
+    ```` you need to provide
+You can now continue to :ref:`configure_dns`, or :ref:`create_cluster` if you used the API to
+create the DNS records.
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+++ b/docs/installation/install_oas.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+.. _install_oas:
+Install OpenAppStack
+This guide explains how to install OpenAppStack either on an existing Kubernetes
+cluster that you have setup entirely yourself, or on a cluster you created
+following the OpenAppStack :ref:`create_cluster` guide.
+Please choose one of the below options:
+.. tab-set::
+    .. tab-item:: A. Install on cluster created by OpenAppStack cli
+        If you followed the :ref:`create_cluster` guide to setup a Kubernetes cluster
+        using the OpenAppStack CLI tool you're all set and can continue with the
+        next step (:ref:`flux_config`).
+    .. tab-item:: B. Install on existing cluster
+        .. Note::
+          - Installation on an existing Kubernetes cluster ist still experiental and
+            might not work depending on the setup of your cluster/cloud provider.
+            We'll be happy to recieve feedback from your experiences though altough
+            we cannot guarrente !
+        **Prerequisites**:
+        - A single-node Kubernetes cluster
+        - A ``kube_config.yml`` file for API access
+        **Configure DNS**: Please follow :ref:`configure_dns` how to setup the DNS records for OpenAppStack.
+        **Setup**:
+        - Create a directory containing your cluster configuration, i.e.
+          ``mkdir -p clusters/``
+        - Copy your `kube_config.yml` file inside your cluster config directory and
+          rename it on the way to `` kube_config_cluster.yml``:
+          ``mv kube_config.yml clusters/``
+        **Installation**: Please continue with the next step (:ref:`flux_config`).
+.. _flux_config:
+Flux configuration
+.. _flux_prerequisites:
+- ``kubectl`` (`installation instructions <>`__)
+- ``flux version 0.14.2`` `Download flux_0.14.2_linux_amd64.tar.gz <>`_
+Copy the file ``install/.flux.env.example`` to your cluster dir
+``clusters/``. This file contains the last bit of
+information you need to configure. You **have to** configure the following
+values. The rest are optional.
+- ``ip_address``: The IP address of your cluster
+- ``domain``: The FQDN of your cluster
+- ``admin_email``: a valid email address for the system administrator of your
+  cluster.
+Outgoing email
+If you want apps like Nextcloud, RocketChat and Prometheus to be able to send
+email notifications, you need to provide an email account.
+.. Note::
+    OpenAppStack does not set up an email server for you. In order to enable
+    outgoing emails you need to provide an already existing email account.
+OpenAppStack uses SMTP to send emails. Search your email provider's helpdesk
+for SMTP configuration details and enter them in the
+``clusters/`` file as follows:
+.. code::
+   # Enable sending mails
+   outgoing_mail_enabled=true
+   # Email address that the cluster sends mails from. Needs to be an existing SMTP
+   # login
+   # Same outgoing mail address, but only the part before the '@'
+   outgoing_mail_from_local_part=admin
+   # Same outgoing mail address, but only the part after the '@'
+   # SMTP password for the outgoing mail address
+   outgoing_mail_smtp_password=CHANGEME
+   # SMTP username, often the same as the outgoing email address
+   # SMTP login data.
+   outgoing_mail_smtp_authtype=LOGIN
+   outgoing_mail_smtp_port=587
+.. _backups-with-velero:
+Backups with Velero
+You can enable `Velero <>`__, a program that
+runs on your cluster and uploads backups of your cluster and user data to an
+S3 storage service of your choice.
+If enabled, Velero will create a backup of your cluster once every night and
+upload it to the S3 storage you configure. This includes:
+- your cluster state. Technically speaking, it will back up all Kubernetes
+  namespaces in your cluster, except ``velero`` itself; this includes things
+  like which applications are installed, including their version number and
+  installation-time settings;
+- persistent data of all applications: for example, single sign-on users that
+  you created, Nextcloud files and metadata, WordPress site data and comments,
+  Rocket.Chat chat history, etc. A single exception to this is Prometheus data
+  (statistics of system properties), which takes up a lot of space and we
+  consider not valuable enough to back up.
+It does not include anything on the VPS that you may have set up but is not
+part of OpenAppStack, like programs installed via ``apt``, or data added to the
+VPS disk not through OpenAppStack.
+To configure Velero, edit the file ``clusters/``,
+and configure the settings with the ``backup_s3_`` prefix.
+Then continue with the installation procedure as described below. At the end of
+the installation procedure, you have to install the ``velero`` application.
+Step 5: Install core applications
+Before you can start, you need to execute a few commands from the installation
+directory **on your provisioning machine**. Don't forget to replace
+```` with your domain.
+.. code:: bash
+   export CLUSTER_DIR=clusters/
+   # Copy the installation kustomization to your cluster directory
+   cp install/kustomization.yaml $CLUSTER_DIR/
+   # Tell kubectl to use your cluster's kube_config
+   export KUBECONFIG=$CLUSTER_DIR/kube_config_cluster.yml
+   # Ensure flux-system namespace is created
+   kubectl get namespace flux-system || kubectl create namespace flux-system
+   # This inserts the configuration from .flux.env into your cluster as a "secret"
+   kubectl apply -k $CLUSTER_DIR
+After you have executed that code, your terminal should show:
+.. code:: bash
+   secret/oas-cluster-variables created
+Next, run:
+.. code::
+   ./install/
+This installs the *core* of OpenAppStack into your ``k3s`` cluster. To see
+what's included, check the ``flux2/infrastructure`` and the ``flux2/core``
+folders. In addition, it sets up Prometheus and Grafana to monitor your cluster.
+.. _additional_apps:
+Install additional applications
+After the script completes, you can install applications by running the other
+installation scripts in the ``install`` folder. At the moment, we have scripts
+to install:
+- Nextcloud and Onlyoffice with ``./install/ nextcloud``
+- Rocket.Chat with ``./install/ rocketchat``
+- Wekan with ``./install/ wekan``
+- WordPress with ``./install/ wordpress``
+- Velero with ``./install/ velero`` (only if you have configured it in
+  :ref:`backups-with-velero`).
+When the installation scripts complete, the application installation may still
+be running on the OpenAppStack cluster. You can monitor the progress by running
+``flux get kustomizations`` (use ``watch flux get kustomizations`` to get
+updates). If all kustomizations have been applied correctly, you can monitor
+specific application releases by running ``watch flux get helmreleases
+.. _step-6:
+Step 6: Validate setup
+Because OpenAppStack is still under development, we would like you to
+follow our `testing instructions <testing.html>`__ to make sure
+that the setup process went well.
+Step 7: Let us know!
+We would love to hear about your experience installing OpenAppStack.  If you
+encountered any problems, please create an issue in our `issue tracker
+<>`__. If you didn't
+please still reach out as described on our `contact page
+<>`__ and tell us how you like OpenAppStack
+so far. We want to be in communication with our users, and we want to help you
+if you run into problems.
diff --git a/docs/installation/overview.rst b/docs/installation/overview.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..883228ea0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/installation/overview.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+.. _installation_overview:
+Installation overview
+.. warning::
+  -  OpenAppStack is still under heavy development and is not ready for
+     production use! We anticipate major changes and do not guarantee a
+     data-preserving upgrade path from current installations. However, we
+     encourage you to try OpenAppStack and ask you to `report all issues
+     you encounter <>`__.
+  -  When you install OpenAppStack on a server, the installation process
+     will make some substantial changes to the server's configuration, so
+     please do not use a server that functions as anything other than a
+     testing ground.
+ .. note::
+    You should also have a trusted machine to run the installer on, i.e. your
+    laptop. We call this the ``provisioning machine``.
+    All commands in these installation instructions need to be
+    run this provisioning machine that is *not* the server that will run
+    OpenAppStack, unless specified otherwise.
+Common prerequisites
+Wether you want to create a kubernetes cluster first or want to install
+OpenAppStack on an existing cluster, these are the common prerequisites:
+- You need Python 3 with its development files, Pip and Git installed
+  (``apt install python3-pip python3-dev git`` on Debian)
+- We recommend using a `python
+  virtualenv <>`__ to make
+  sure we do not change any of your other projects. Install virtualenv
+  by running ``pip3 install --user venv`` or ``apt install python3-venv``.
+Clone the OpenAppStack git repository
+On your **provisioning machine**, clone the OpenAppStack git repository
+and checkout the latest release branch (currently ``v0.6``):
+    $ git clone -b v0.7
+    $ cd openappstack
+Create a python virtual environment
+Create a python virtual environment called "env" that uses python 3.
+This makes sure we do not change any of your other python projects. The
+second command "activates" the virtualenv.
+.. note::
+  Activating the virtualenv means you will use that environment to install and
+  run python programs instead of your global environment. If you close your
+  terminal or open a new one, you need to activate the virtualenv again.
+    $ python3 -m venv env
+    $ . env/bin/activate
+Install requirements
+Next, install the OpenAppStack CLI client by running the following
+    $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
+OpenAppStack CLI client usage
+Now you can run the OpenAppStack CLI as follows:
+    $ python -m openappstack CLUSTER_NAME <command>
+The CLI *always* needs a ``CLUSTER_NAME`` argument. Even for getting
+subcommand help messages. Be sure to run this command in the root
+directory of the git repository. In this tutorial, we're using
+```` as the cluster name. Try it out by running
+    $ python -m openappstack --help
+Installation options
+1. If you want to create a Kubernetes cluster from scratch on a dedicated server
+   or virtual machine please start with :ref:`create_cluster` and
+   then continue with :ref:`install_oas`.
+#. If you want to install Openappstack on an existing Kubernetes cluster you can
+   skip the above instructions and start with :ref:`install_oas`.
diff --git a/docs/testing.rst b/docs/testing.rst
index 2ac2869e3..45d2f150a 100644
--- a/docs/testing.rst
+++ b/docs/testing.rst
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ OAS installation
 First we’d like you to setup an OpenAppStack cluster by yourself,
-following the :ref:`installation:Installation` and :ref:`usage:Usage` documentation and make sure
+following the :ref:`installation_overview` and :ref:`usage:Usage` documentation and make sure
 you complete all steps.
 Command line tests
diff --git a/docs/upgrading.rst b/docs/upgrading.rst
index f63b029cf..efe906978 100644
--- a/docs/upgrading.rst
+++ b/docs/upgrading.rst
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ A few things are important when upgrading to 0.6.0:
 - We now use Flux 2 and the installation procedure has been overhauled. For this
   reason we advice you to set up a completely new cluster.
 - Copy your configuration details from ``settings.yaml`` to a new ``.flux.env``.
-  See ``install/.flux.env.example`` and the :ref:`installation:Installation`
+  See ``install/.flux.env.example`` and the :ref:`installation_overview`
   instructions for more information.
 Please `reach out to us`_ if you are using, or plan to use OAS in
diff --git a/docs/usage.rst b/docs/usage.rst
index 9e8e3ad4e..de5e6441c 100644
--- a/docs/usage.rst
+++ b/docs/usage.rst
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ them access to applications, take a look at the `user panel documentation
 .. note::
    If you don't see applications, make sure you have installed at least one
-   optional application in :ref:`step-5` of the installation procedure.
+   optional application in :ref:`additional_apps` of the installation procedure.
 For creating users follow the `user creation documentation
@@ -132,5 +132,3 @@ WordPress
 `WordPress <>`__ is a website content management system.
-Click the ``Log in`` button and then click ``Login with OpenID Connect`` to use
-single sign-on.