* Callback function that appends an SSH key tot the list of keys authorised for
* access to the initrd.
* Example output:
* {"ssh-keys":{"1":"ssh-rsa AAAAB3...",
* "2":"ssh-rsa AAAAB3...","5":"command=\"/usr/bin/cryptops-client\" ssh-rsa
* AAAAB3... cryptops-test@greenhost"}}
* The indices correspond to line numbers of the authorized_keys file.
* Missing indices (like 3 and 4 in the example) arise from empty lines in the
* file; those are creted when keys are deleted.
* @param[in] request incoming HTTP request
* @param[out] response HTTP response to the request
* @param[in] user_data extra data to pass between main thread and callbacks
* @return internal status code
int callback_ssh_keys_post(const struct _u_request * request,
struct _u_response * response, void * user_data)
// Open file with append mode
FILE * authorized_keys = fopen(AUTHORIZED_KEYS_PATH, "a");
// Check if that succeeded.
if (authorized_keys == NULL)

Maarten de Waard
"Could not open authorized_keys file for writing");
return send_simple_response(response, 500, "error",
// Read in json request body.
json_t * json_input = ulfius_get_json_body_request(request, NULL);
// Read SSH key from request.
const char * ssh_key;
ssh_key = json_string_value(json_object_get(json_input, "ssh-key"));
if (ssh_key == NULL)
return send_simple_response(response, 400, "error", "missing ssh-key");
// add cryptops-client command to ssh-key

Maarten de Waard
char * ssh_key_with_command;
add_ssh_command(&ssh_key_with_command, ssh_key);
// Write SSH key to file
asprintf(&ssh_key_with_command, "%s\n", ssh_key_with_command);
return send_simple_response(response, 200, "status", "ok");