apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
labels: {{ .Release.Service | quote }} {{ .Release.Name | quote }} "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}"
onlyoffice-config.json: |
"apps": {
"onlyoffice": {
"DocumentServerInternalUrl": "",
"DocumentServerUrl": "https:\/\/{{ .Values.onlyoffice.server_name }}\/",
"StorageUrl": "https:\/\/{{ }}\/",
"defFormats": "{\"csv\":\"false\",\"doc\":\"false\",\"docm\":\"false\",\"docx\":\"true\",\"dotx\":\"false\",\"epub\":\"false\",\"html\":\"false\",\"odp\":\"true\",\"ods\":\"true\",\"odt\":\"true\",\"pdf\":\"false\",\"potm\":\"false\",\"potx\":\"false\",\"ppsm\":\"false\",\"ppsx\":\"false\",\"ppt\":\"false\",\"pptm\":\"false\",\"pptx\":\"true\",\"rtf\":\"false\",\"txt\":\"false\",\"xls\":\"false\",\"xlsm\":\"false\",\"xlsx\":\"true\",\"xltm\":\"false\",\"xltx\":\"false\"}",
"editFormats": "{\"csv\":\"true\",\"odp\":\"true\",\"ods\":\"true\",\"odt\":\"true\",\"rtf\":\"false\",\"txt\":\"true\"}",
"enabled": "yes",
"groups": "[]",
"jwt_secret": "{{ .Values.onlyoffice.jwtSecret }}",
"sameTab": "false",
"settings_error": "",
"customizationForcesave": "true"
# This script gets executed by a post-install,post-upgrade helm hook, which
# * Persists and loads the onlyoffice-config.json config file
# * Runs upgrade routines after installation of a new release.
# * Updates all applications
# * Installs all apps declared in the `apps` helm values array
# * Configures single-sign-on
# * Updates database indices, columns, keys, etc needed after NC upgrade
# Debug: place the json file in a persistent location for reuse
cp /var/local/onlyoffice-config.json /var/www/html/
# Run upgrade routines after installation of a new release.
# Enable app store so we can run `install` and `enable` commands
php $occ config:system:set appstoreenabled --type boolean --value true
# Update all apps to their latest version, so they are compatible
# with the new NC version.
# Unfortunatly the occ app:install cmd doesn't allow to pin apps to
# a certain version.
php $occ app:update --all --no-interaction
# Install all apps declared in the `apps` helm values array
{{- range .Values.apps }}
# -- Begin {{ .name }}
# Only install {{ .name }} if it's not installed already
if ! php $occ app:list | grep -q {{ .name }}; then
php $occ app:install {{ .name }} --keep-disabled --no-interaction

Maarten de Waard
# Enable {{ .name }} app
php $occ app:enable {{ .name }}
{{ end }} # -- end {{ .name }}
{{ end }} # end range {{ .Values.apps }}
# Config settings from the configmap above
php $occ config:import /var/local/onlyoffice-config.json
php $occ config:app:set sociallogin custom_providers --value='{"custom_oidc": [{{ .Values.sociallogin.custom_oidc | toJson }}]}'
php $occ config:app:set sociallogin auto_create_groups --value='{{ .Values.sociallogin.auto_create_groups }}'
php $occ config:app:set sociallogin update_profile_on_login --value='{{ .Values.sociallogin.update_profile_on_login }}'
# Disable app store again
php $occ config:system:set appstoreenabled --type boolean --value false
# Update database indices, columns, keys, etc needed after NC upgrade
php $occ db:add-missing-indices --no-interaction
php $occ db:add-missing-columns --no-interaction
php $occ db:add-missing-primary-keys --no-interaction
php $occ db:convert-filecache-bigint --no-interaction
# All values in config.json are applied by the nextcloud occ command
# config:import.
# system.trusted_proxies contains a list of proxies that are considered
# to be trusted. contains all ip addresses that are
# assigned to kubernetes services which includes the ip address of
# the ingress service that functions as a proxy.
# system.overwriteprotocol overwrites the protocol of links that are
# generated by nextcloud to HTTPS.
# apps.core.backgroundjobs_mode set to cron disables the unreliable ajax
# scheduling that is enabled by default. Ajax scheduling is not needed
# because cronjobs are regularly executed by a kubernetes resource.
"debug": {{ .Values.nextcloud.debug | quote }}