Update nextcloud dependency charts to work with k8s 1.16
openappstack!144 upgrades rke to 1.0.0 and k8s to 1.16.
Job #9390 failes with:
in /var/lib/OpenAppStack/source/helmfiles/helmfile.d/20-nextcloud.yaml: failed processing release oas-test-files: helm exited with status 1:
Error: [unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "StatefulSet" in version "apps/v1beta1", unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "StatefulSet" in version "apps/v1beta2"]
Turns out some api resources changed in k8s 1.16, i.e the StatefulSet api, from apps/v1beta1
to apps
https://github.com/helm/charts/issues/7680 descibes this issue.
We need to update our nextcloud dependency charts, mainly those listed in that issue:
Impacted charts
At least, impacted charts are:
stable/rabbitmq (fixed in #7848) stable/redis (fixed in #7686)