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Helm chart

Single sign-on adds an Authentication server to your k8s cluster, that can be used by applications within your cluster and by external applications to log in your users.

This chart also includes a minimalistic user-panel, which can be used to create new users, assign roles to users and grant users access to applications.


  • Kubernetes 1.13+ with Beta APIs enabled
  • helm 2.14.3+
  • ORY helm chart repository installed
    • helm repo add ory && helm repo update


You can configure the chart by changing the default values in the ./values.yaml file. The following table lists the configurable parameters of the single sign-on chart and their default values. Values in bold letters need to be changed for Routing and TLS to work.

Please also replace all the variables that have the value YouReallyNeedToChangeThis to strong passwords.

This table lists the variables you are most likely to change. Take a look at the values.yaml file to see more configuration options available.

Parameter Description Default
consentProvider.image.repository Name of image repository to be used for consent provider
consentProvider.image.tag Release version of consent provider image main
loginProvider.image.repository Name of image repository to be used for login provider
loginProvider.image.tag Release version of login provider image main
singleSignOnHost FQDN of the openID Connect / oAuth2 server FQDN of the userpanel
userbackend.username Username of the admin user admin
userbackend.password Password of the admin user YouReallyNeedToChangeThis Email address of the admin user
userbackend.postgres.password Root pw of the psql DB postgres
hydra.hydra.config.urls.self.issuer Base URI of the oAuth server
hydra.hydra.config.urls.login URI that will be used for the login page
hydra.hydra.config.urls.consent URI that will be used for permission checks
hydra.hydra.config.secrets.system Secret that is used to generate secure tokens YouReallyNeedToChangeThis
oAuthClients A list of clients that need to be registered after installation. See Registering clients for more info user-panel configuration (Change the clientSecret!)

Registering clients

To use OpenID Connect or oAuth you need to set up an oAuth Client for every application that needs to authenticate it's users. Setting up a client happens in two steps: registering the client with single-sign-on, and configuring the client application.

The oAuthClients variable in values.yaml contains an array of client configurations. For each of these configurations, a Job will be created during the helm installation that will do the necessary Hydra API calls to create that client. Note, however, that you still need to configure your application to be able to use SSO to log in.

The oAuthClients variable is an array with objects. One object should be made for each application that will use the SSO server. Each client will also be shown in the user-panel application, so users know where to find them. This example configures the user-panel application:

# The name of the oauth client that needs to be the same as the application name in your 
# application configuration
clientName: user-panel
# The secret the client uses to authenticate
clientSecret: "YouReallyNeedToChangeThis"
# The url the browser will be redirected to by Hydra when the authentication process is 
# completed
redirectUri: ""
# A list of scopes the client needs access to
scopes: "openid profile email stackspin_roles"
# A url that is displayed in the user-panel for the user to navigate to the application
clientUri: ""
# Point to a logo for the application that will be displayed in the user-panel
clientLogoUri: ""
# Set the method that the oAUth client uses to authenticate agains the oAuth server i.e. to
# retrieve tokens or userinfo
tokenEndpointAuthMethod: "client_secret_basic"
# Resource types the client is allowed to use to perform authentication and userinfo requests
  - "token"
# Specifies the methods the client can use to retrieve access tokens from the oAuth server
  - "implicit"

Installing and uninstalling the Chart

To install the chart with the realease name single-sign-on first clone the repository, and then run helm install.

$ git clone
$ cd single-sign-on/helmchart/single-sign-on/
$ helm install -n single-sign-on .

The last command will deploy the single sign-on components on your server and applies a default configuration. You should change the default configuration before running the command. The configuration section lists all configuration parameters.

In case you already ran the install command, you can uninstall the deployment by executing:

$ helm list     # [OPTIONAL] - Lists all deployed releases
$ helm delete single-sign-on --purge

WARNING: Executing the delete command with the purge flag will delete all data that is related to the applications. Don't run this command in a production environment if you are not absolutely sure that you have a restorable backup of your data.