Recreate job errors
The recreate job errors out with this error:
root@oas:~# kubectl -n oas logs single-sign-on-recreate-oauth2-clients-1588664700-4vttj -c nextcloud
/bin/bash: line 2: --write-out: command not found
I think it's because of the double backslash after --silent
in the curl commands. I manually fixed that and recreated the job, but then it still errors:
root@oas:~# kubectl -n oas logs single-sign-on-recreate-oauth2-clients-1588663500-jnh8q -c nextcloud
Check Hydra health: HTTP 200
Hydra is ready to accept requests.
The logs show that the pod terminated with an error. I think that's because the second curl command gets grepped on 404
. In other words, if there's already a OAuth client, the pod stops with an error.
I don't think that's very nice. I think it should only error in case there's no oauth client and the job failed to recreate it.