Seperate nc and oo tests
This is how both tests are run now, but you can also just run one of them alone:
❯ python3 -m stackspin varac-test test --apps nextcloud+onlyoffice --observe
Running taiko command ['taiko', '--observe', 'apps.js']
Executing these tests: nextcloud+onlyoffice
✔ Browser opened
• Nextcloud
✔ Navigated to URL
✔ Exists
✔ Clicked element matching text "Log in with Stackspin" 1 times
✔ Wrote into the textBox with label E-mail address
✔ Wrote ***** into the textBox with label Password
✔ Clicked element matching text "Go!" 1 times
✔ Exists
✔ Pressed the Escape key
✔ Clicked element matching text "Passwords" 1 times
✔ Exists
✔ Clicked element matching text "Calendar" 1 times
✔ Exists
• Nextcloud Onlyoffice integration
✔ Navigated to URL
✔ Exists
✔ Exists
✔ Navigated to URL
✔ Exists
✔ Navigated to URL
✔ Does not exist
Error: Element with text Log in with Stackspin not found
at findElements (/home/varac/lib/node_modules/taiko/lib/elementSearch.js:263:11)
at async waitAndGetActionableElement (/home/varac/lib/node_modules/taiko/lib/actions/pageActionChecks.js:150:43)
at async click (/home/varac/lib/node_modules/taiko/lib/actions/click.js:58:21)
at async (/home/varac/lib/node_modules/taiko/lib/taiko.js:924:16)
at async module.exports.<computed> (/home/varac/lib/node_modules/taiko/lib/taiko.js:2627:14)
at async global.<computed> (/home/varac/lib/node_modules/taiko/bin/runFile.js:38:15)
at async sso_login_if_needed (/home/varac/projects/work/greenhost/stackspin/test/taiko/apps.js:7:9)
at async /home/varac/projects/work/greenhost/stackspin/test/taiko/apps.js:86:7
Looks like we dont need to login, continuing
✔ Exists
✔ Pressed the Escape key
✔ Clicked element matching text "Files" 1 times
✔ Element is not Visible
✔ Element is not Visible
✔ Element is not Visible
✔ Element is not Visible
✔ Element is not Visible
✔ Element is not Visible
✔ Element is not Visible
✔ Element is not Visible
✔ Element is not Visible
✔ Element is not Visible
✔ Element is not Visible
✔ Element is not Visible
✔ Element is not Visible
✔ Element is not Visible
✔ Element is not Visible
✔ Element is not Visible
✔ Element is not Visible
✔ Element is not Visible
✔ Element is not Visible
✔ Element is not Visible
✔ Element is not Visible
✔ Element is not Visible
✔ Element is not Visible
✔ Element is not Visible
✔ Element is Visible
✔ Clicked link[class*="new"] 1 times
✔ Clicked element matching text "New document" 1 times
✔ Pressed the t + e + s + t + - + 1 + f + 4 + a + 9 + a + 2 + 7 + f + 4 + 5 + c + Enter key
✔ Element is Visible
✔ Evaluated given script
✔ Element is Visible
✔ Clicked customSelector with query #id-toolbar-btn-italic 1 times
✔ Evaluated given script
✔ Pressed the H + i + + f + r + o + m + + t + a + i + k + o + ! + Enter key
✔ Clicked customSelector with query #id-toolbar-btn-italic 1 times
✔ Closed current tab matching