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- name: Add wp content symlink
    src: "{{ WP_CONTENT_MOUNT }}"
    path: "{{ wordpress_homedir }}/wp-content"
    state: link
  when: WP_CONTENT_MOUNT != wordpress_homedir + "/wp-content"

- import_tasks: wp-content-repo.yml

- name: Add uploads symlink
    src: "{{ WP_UPLOAD_DIR }}"
    path: "{{ wordpress_homedir }}/wp-content/uploads"
    state: link
    # Force this, because the WP UPLOAD DIR is not mounted to the initContainer
    force: yes
  when: WP_UPLOAD_DIR != wordpress_homedir + "/wp-content/uploads"

- name: Download WordPress
  shell: wp {{ cli_args }} core download
          --version="{{ WP_VERSION }}"
          --skip-content --force

- name: Checksum WordPress
  shell: wp {{ cli_args }} core verify-checksums
  register: checksum

- name: Fail if checksum is invalid
    msg: "Wordpress Core failed checksums"
  when: checksum is failed

- name: Check if wp-config exists
    path: "{{ wordpress_homedir }}/wp-config.php"
  register: config

- name: Prepare wp-config permissions if it exists
    path: "{{ wordpress_homedir }}/wp-config.php"
    owner: "{{ wp_user }}"
    group: "{{ wp_group }}"
  ignore_errors: true
  when: config.stat.exists

- name: Create wp-config from zero
    wp {{ cli_args }} config create
          --dbname="{{ DB_NAME }}"
          --dbuser="{{ DB_USER }}"
          --dbpass="{{ DB_PASS }}"
          --dbhost="{{ DB_HOST }}"
          --dbprefix="{{ DB_PREFIX }}"
          --dbcharset="{{ dbcharset }}"
          --dbcollate="{{ dbcollate }}"
    stdin: |
      /** Set HTTPS on for requests forwarded by the ingress **/
      if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https')
        $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';
      if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])){

      {% if WP_REDIS_ENABLED %}
      // Configures the redis plugin that is installed by redis.yml
      $redis_server = array(
        'host'     => '{{ WP_REDIS_HOST }}',
        'port'     => 6379,
        'auth'     => '{{ WP_REDIS_PASSWORD }}',
        'database' => 0,
      {% endif %}

- name: Install WordPress tables & add admin user
  shell: wp {{ cli_args }} core install
            --url="{{ WP_URL }}"
            --title="{{ WP_TITLE }}"
            --admin_user="{{ WP_USER }}"
            --admin_password="{{ WP_PASS }}"
            --admin_email="{{ WP_EMAIL }}"

- name: Users can update plugins from dashboard
  shell: wp {{ cli_args }} config set FS_METHOD direct --add --type=constant

- name: Files cannot be edited
  shell: wp {{ cli_args }} config set DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT true --add --raw --type=constant

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- name: Add WordPress site languages
  shell: wp {{ cli_args }} core language install "{{ language }}"
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  loop: "{{ LANGUAGES }}"
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    loop_var: language

- name: Set WordPress site default language
  shell: wp {{ cli_args }} site switch-language "{{ DEFAULT_LANG }}"

- name: Set key and salt values
  shell: wp config {{ cli_args }} set {{ wp_salt.key }} {{ wp_salt.value }} --add --type=constant
  loop: "{{ WP_SALTS|dict2items }}"
    loop_var: wp_salt

- name: Copy htaccess config file
    src: templates/htaccess
    dest: "{{ wordpress_homedir }}/.htaccess"

- name: Comment close options
  shell: wp {{ cli_args }} option set close_comments_days_old 90

- name: Better comment link options
  shell: wp {{ cli_args }} option set comment_max_links 1

- name: Block anon options
  shell: wp {{ cli_args }} option set users_can_register 0

- name: Block pings
  shell: wp {{ cli_args }} option set default_ping_status closed

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# Themes

- name: Themes install
  shell: wp {{ cli_args }} core language install "{{ theme }}"
  loop: "{{ WP_THEMES_INSTALL }}"
    loop_var: theme

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- name: list themes
  shell: wp {{ cli_args }} theme list
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  register: lt

- name: debug list themes
    var: lt

- name: debug list theme dir
  shell: ls -l /var/www/wp-content-mount/themes
  register: lslt

  - name: debug list themes
    var: lslt

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- name: Themes activate block
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        msg: "Trying the configured theme - {{ WP_THEMES_ACTIVE }}"
    - name: Activate theme if exists in wp-content-repo
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      shell: wp {{ cli_args }} theme activate "{{ WP_THEMES_ACTIVE }}"
    - debug:
        msg: 'Success'
    - debug:
        msg: 'Local theme does not exist or error'
    - name: Pull the default theme set in values.yaml and then activate
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      shell: wp {{ cli_args }} theme install "{{ WP_THEMES_FALLBACK }}" --activate
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        msg: "Fallback theme {{ WP_THEMES_FALLBACK }} has been installed"

# Plugins
- name: Install WordPress plugins that are activated
  shell: wp {{ cli_args }} plugin install "{{ wordpress_default_plugin }}" --force --activate
  loop: "{{ wordpress_default_plugins }}"
    loop_var: wordpress_default_plugin
# Option for an alt login - when an alt.path is set and an alt.config exists
- name: Set alt path
  shell: wp {{ cli_args }} option set {{ WP_ALT_CONFIG }}  {{ WP_ALT_PATH }}

# Enables or disables WordPress' debug mode
- name: Set debug mode
  shell: wp {{ cli_args }} config set WP_DEBUG  {{ WP_DEBUG }} --raw --type=constant

- import_tasks: mu-plugins-cron.yml
- import_tasks: redis.yml

- import_tasks: openid-connect.yml

- import_tasks: multilingual.yml