This folder contains folders that can be reconciled with Flux v2. If you want to
add this repository as a Flux 2 kustomization, first add the cluster/base
directory as a kustomization in flux, then add cluster/optional/X
if you want
any of the optional components.
Folder structure
├── apps # Resources to install specific applications
│ ├── monitoring # Prometheus, Grafana and log aggregation
│ ├── nextcloud # Nextcloud
│ ├── rocketchat # RocketChat
│ ├── velero # Velero, backup system
│ ├── wordpress # WordPress CMS
│ └── … # Further apps
├── cluster # Folders that can be added as Flux Kustomization
│ ├── base # First kustomization that should be applied, adds
│ │ │ # repositories, LE, Nginx, single sign-on,
│ │ ├── infrastructure.yaml # Applies `flux2/infrastructure` folder
│ │ ├── core.yaml # Applies `flux2/core/` folder
│ │ └── monitoring.yaml # Applies `flux2/apps/monitoring` folder
│ └── optional # Kustomizations that can be applied to add applications
│ └── ... # 1 folder per app in `apps/`
├── core # Resources that need variables from `stackspin-cluster-variables` secret
│ └── base
│ ├── cluster-issuer # `cert-manager` is part of `infrastructure`, this only adds the cluster-issuer
│ ├── metallb # Load balancer
│ └── single-sign-on # Single sign-on system
└── infrastructure # First to be installed, essential Stackspin resources
├── cert-manager # Let's Encrypt certificate generator
├── local-path-provisioner # (default) storage class to safe files on disk
├── namespaces # namespaces used by Stackspin
├── nginx # Ingress
└── sources # Helm repositories needed for HelmReleases from other folders