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  • xeruf/dashboard
  • stackspin/dashboard
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......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import { Input, Select } from 'src/components/Form';
import { User, UserRole, useUsers } from 'src/services/users';
import { useAuth } from 'src/services/auth';
import { HIDDEN_APPS } from 'src/modules/dashboard/consts';
import { appAccessList, initialUserForm } from './consts';
import { appAccessList, appExternalAccessList, initialUserForm } from './consts';
import { UserModalProps } from './types';
export const UserModal = ({ open, onClose, userId, setUserId }: UserModalProps) => {
......@@ -165,6 +165,47 @@ export const UserModal = ({ open, onClose, userId, setUserId }: UserModalProps)
// Given an item, find the object with the meta data (logo, label etc) for
// this app and return that object. It first searches the default included
// list, then the external application list and a fall back on the 'other'
// object
const fetchAppObject = (item: any) => {
let obj = _.find(appAccessList, ['name',!]);
if (obj) {
return obj;
let slug =;
// Strip ext from the slug, the ext prefix is advised in the documentation
// for external applications, however, we no not need it to match it with
// our application list
slug = slug.replace(/^ext-/, '');
obj = _.find(appExternalAccessList, ['name', slug!]);
if (obj) {
return obj;
obj = _.find(appExternalAccessList, ['name', 'other'!]);
return obj;
// Return filepath of logo of the app, if such logo file is specified
const fetchAppImage = (item: any) => {
const obj = fetchAppObject(item);
return obj?.image;
// Return name/label of app
const fetchAppLabel = (item: any) => {
const obj = fetchAppObject(item);
if (obj?.label === '') {
// Object not found, so we use the name, with capatilized first char
return +;
return obj?.label;
return (
......@@ -275,11 +316,11 @@ export const UserModal = ({ open, onClose, userId, setUserId }: UserModalProps)
<div className="flex-shrink-0 flex-1 flex items-center">
className="h-10 w-10 rounded-md overflow-hidden"
src={_.find(appAccessList, ['name',!])?.image}
alt={ ?? 'Image'}
<h3 className="ml-4 text-md leading-6 font-medium text-gray-900">
{_.find(appAccessList, ['name',!])?.label}
......@@ -33,6 +33,58 @@ export const appAccessList = [
// List of external application which are not part of Stackspin. This is to
// load nice icons and labels. Because in the future translations are planned
// this list is included in the frontend and do not rely on the information
// provides by the baccken.
export const appExternalAccessList = [
// 3 Possible names for email
name: 'email',
image: '/assets/email.svg',
label: 'E-mail',
documentationUrl: '',
name: 'mail',
image: '/assets/email.svg',
label: 'E-mail',
documentationUrl: '',
name: 'zimbra',
image: '/assets/email.svg',
label: 'E-mail',
documentationUrl: '',
// Other common applications
name: 'gitlab',
image: '/assets/gitlab.svg',
label: 'GitLab',
documentationUrl: '',
name: 'mattermost',
image: '/assets/mattermost.svg',
label: 'Mattermost',
documentationUrl: '',
name: 'vpn',
image: '/assets/vpn.svg',
label: 'VPN',
documentationUrl: '',
// This is used for all other
name: 'other',
image: '/assets/other.svg',
label: '',
documentationUrl: '',
export const allAppAccessList = [
name: 'dashboard',