Fix: Renovate should create upgrades for WordPress versions where the patch version is 0 (e.g. 5.9.0)
requested to merge 111-renovate-does-not-recognize-versions-with-a-0-at-the-patch-field-e-g-5-9-0 into main
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Closes #111 (closed)
This MR switches from the default semver
versioning to semver-coerced
, which is more forgiving:
This versioning provides a very forgiving translation of inputs in non-strict-SemVer format into strict SemVer. For example, "v1" is coerced into "1.0.0", "2.1" => "2.1.0", "~3.1" => "3.1.0", "1.1-foo" => "1.1.0". Look at the Coercion section of this page for more info on input coercion.
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